NOTE: This Site is being edited with all music pages deleted and moved to Peace Is Better Than War If links on any page don't work, choose a link from above. For music only, see my YouTube Playlists
AND......... YOU SHALL NOT LEARN THE TRUTH... because....
"You don't want your make believe comforts disturbed" - Ruling Class Code of Practice
Practices based on lies and deceit have conditioned social behavior since the beginnings of civilization to the point where the entire worldwide "economy" hinges on lies, implicating the theft of every inch of human conscience, dignity, morality and one's personal sovereignty. Wars, violence, murder, materialism, greed, sensationalism and the lust for supremacy over people, animals, the world and the living Universe, all make up the criminal grand total of the mindless destruction of the Earth's ecosystem, wildlife, and in the final analysis, humanity itself as the inevitable consequence.
The human world is one huge corporate supermarket loaded with deceit e.g. both public and self deceit - the customer e.g. the consumer e.g. the "customized" human is to the ruling class none more but a commodity to be genetically modified e.g. altered from human to slave status and further to more effective remote controlled robot status.
The 21st Century AD, the age of accelerating technology at a pace that has turned our world into a garbage dump of unprecedented magnitude, perpetuated at an ever increasing pace by the most blatant excuse of a lie that the ridiculous dysfunctional recycling industry manages the 24/7 industries' "produce" and consumer fashioned products.
In the final and truthful analysis, every single human past infant age is a conditioned commodity, freely handing the responsibilities of a granted life to the corrupted system. Unless each and every individual on this entire Planet decides to play by the senses of their conscience, this World will continue to be an unstoppable growing garbage dump where breathing fresh air and drinking unpolluted water will only be remembered from the stories of the history books. If you understand this, a future for worse or better is in YOUR hands.
PLEASE LEARN THE TRUTH and act on your conscience for sake of billions of children facing a future of control obsessed imperialist royalty, corporations, corporate and corporations controlled governments, industrialists, banking institutions, news moguls, military oppression, religious indoctrination, fundamentalists terrorism and starvation in an artificial world run by machines, robots, and a handful of unscrupulous criminals pulling the strings.
Throughout the pages in this site exposing the political truth, videos deleted off the net by the corrupted system have been replaced by a copy of Youtube's notice of removal for violating their Terms of Service rather than simply removing the videos, as it is essential for the public to be aware of the double standards adopted by corrupt corporations, governments, the news media and business enterprises.
"You don't want your make believe comforts disturbed" - Ruling Class Code of Practice
Practices based on lies and deceit have conditioned social behavior since the beginnings of civilization to the point where the entire worldwide "economy" hinges on lies, implicating the theft of every inch of human conscience, dignity, morality and one's personal sovereignty. Wars, violence, murder, materialism, greed, sensationalism and the lust for supremacy over people, animals, the world and the living Universe, all make up the criminal grand total of the mindless destruction of the Earth's ecosystem, wildlife, and in the final analysis, humanity itself as the inevitable consequence.
The human world is one huge corporate supermarket loaded with deceit e.g. both public and self deceit - the customer e.g. the consumer e.g. the "customized" human is to the ruling class none more but a commodity to be genetically modified e.g. altered from human to slave status and further to more effective remote controlled robot status.
The 21st Century AD, the age of accelerating technology at a pace that has turned our world into a garbage dump of unprecedented magnitude, perpetuated at an ever increasing pace by the most blatant excuse of a lie that the ridiculous dysfunctional recycling industry manages the 24/7 industries' "produce" and consumer fashioned products.
In the final and truthful analysis, every single human past infant age is a conditioned commodity, freely handing the responsibilities of a granted life to the corrupted system. Unless each and every individual on this entire Planet decides to play by the senses of their conscience, this World will continue to be an unstoppable growing garbage dump where breathing fresh air and drinking unpolluted water will only be remembered from the stories of the history books. If you understand this, a future for worse or better is in YOUR hands.
PLEASE LEARN THE TRUTH and act on your conscience for sake of billions of children facing a future of control obsessed imperialist royalty, corporations, corporate and corporations controlled governments, industrialists, banking institutions, news moguls, military oppression, religious indoctrination, fundamentalists terrorism and starvation in an artificial world run by machines, robots, and a handful of unscrupulous criminals pulling the strings.
Throughout the pages in this site exposing the political truth, videos deleted off the net by the corrupted system have been replaced by a copy of Youtube's notice of removal for violating their Terms of Service rather than simply removing the videos, as it is essential for the public to be aware of the double standards adopted by corrupt corporations, governments, the news media and business enterprises.
Site Copyright © 2010 Bob Oort World Peace Embassy Founder & Administrator, Australia.
World Peace Embassy is a 100% non profit, non institutional Cyber Space Embassy, not a charity, not an aid, government, corporate or commercial organization. World Peace Embassy does not lobby for donations and does not receive any financial support whatsoever.
FREE TO COPY: All images and articles may be freely copied and distributed for Educational and Public Media purposes. None may be used for any profit purposes whatsoever.
The name WORLD PEACE EMBASSY ® is protected under International Intellectual Property and Copyright Acts. Other than by its founder the name WORLD PEACE EMBASSY may not be copyrighted, patented, and/or used, by any institution whatsoever, religious, government, corporate, independent, private or otherwise for other than reference to this Site and its purpose as a Global World Peace Project Site.