covers a condensed cross section of this site which has grown from January 2010 to December 2022 to a 62 page document on the truth of the realities confronting this 7.8 billion human society. It is impossible to keep up with the staggering daily amount of "news" pushed through the net as well as the physical news media. Add to that the every minute daily average man on the street "conversation" and you'll be staring at a massive maze of "information" where truth is constantly trampled on and trashed by unsubstantiated, misguiding, misguided, political and self asserted opinions.
On the whole, bar a minute minority, this society does not want to know the all too visible truth.
This site's editor has said all there is to be said, history has left its mark of past, present and future - adding more to an overflowing barrel is a waste of time. This page alone provides more than ample cause for a change of global, social behavioral attitude. Change begins with you, the individual but bear in mind that changing a human world "one thing at a time" leave alone "one person at a time" will take a few billion years though realistically, will be an ongoing, never ending process. Nonetheless, if any desperately needed change for the better of all has to become visible at all, every corrupt institution on the face of this Earth must be abolished, now, not tomorrow.
covers a condensed cross section of this site which has grown from January 2010 to December 2022 to a 62 page document on the truth of the realities confronting this 7.8 billion human society. It is impossible to keep up with the staggering daily amount of "news" pushed through the net as well as the physical news media. Add to that the every minute daily average man on the street "conversation" and you'll be staring at a massive maze of "information" where truth is constantly trampled on and trashed by unsubstantiated, misguiding, misguided, political and self asserted opinions.
On the whole, bar a minute minority, this society does not want to know the all too visible truth.
This site's editor has said all there is to be said, history has left its mark of past, present and future - adding more to an overflowing barrel is a waste of time. This page alone provides more than ample cause for a change of global, social behavioral attitude. Change begins with you, the individual but bear in mind that changing a human world "one thing at a time" leave alone "one person at a time" will take a few billion years though realistically, will be an ongoing, never ending process. Nonetheless, if any desperately needed change for the better of all has to become visible at all, every corrupt institution on the face of this Earth must be abolished, now, not tomorrow.
*This site is best viewed on a large screen device
The rhetoric continues, the crime escalates and the war industry continues to feed the ticking time bomb
The rhetoric continues, the crime escalates and the war industry continues to feed the ticking time bomb
USA - November 2021
INDIA / PAKISTAN - December 2021CRIMINAL INSANITY - December 2021
AFGHANISTAN - March 2022
PLANET EARTH - July 2022
THE VATICAN - July 2022
CHINA - September 2022
USA - September 2022
MEXICO - October 2022
IRAN - October 2022
IRAN - October 2022
SOUTH SUDAN - October 2022
QATAR - October 2022
AFGHANISTAN - October 2022
BELGIUM - November 2022
PHILIPPINES - November 2021
JAMAICA - December 2021
PAKISTAN - December 2021
AFRICA - February 2022
YEMEN - July 2022
USA - July 2022US GOVT FALSEHOOD - July 2022
NORTH KOREA - August 2022
SYRIA - August 2022
SILICON VALLEY - September 2022
CANADA - October 2022
INDIA - October 2022
HAITI - October 2022
BURKINO FASO - October 2022
AUSTRALIA - October 2020
IRAQ - October 2022
UK - October 2022
INDIA - November 2022
ISRAEL - November 2022
DR CONGO - November 2022
JAPAN - November 2022
POISONING HUMANITY 1 - November 2022
COP27 2022 #1 - November 2022
USA - November 2022
JERUSALEM - December 2022
EGYPT - November 2022
LEBANON - November 2022
KENYA - November 2022
RELIGIOUS "CHARITY" - November 2022
COP27 2022 #2 - November 2022
THE PLASTIC MENACE - November 2022
CRIME VS HUMANITY - November 2022
From brides for cows to digital vows
10,000 BC - 2023 AD The human race has come a long way from the stone age to the 21st century AD. The evolution for better living standards was inevitable from day one. History has told its tale - reconstructed in this web site from gathered bits and pieces from the debris of ignorance and industrial materialism floating in cyberspace 2010 - 2023. Updating on the infinite conduct and willing and unwilling mass complicity in the crimes against Life is a dead end mission impossible. This author has had enough. |
...................and the human race on the whole continues to praise itself as an "Intelligent Species"
⬇︎ The entire criminal war mongers machinery against one man for truth
The video 'Enough is enough' clearly demonstrates the hypocrisy of the Australian government and its long rooted complicity in the US (US/UK) government's crimes against humanity, notwithstanding the fact that all countries in the world are "governed" by one criminal individual and/or institution or another. People need to stop listening to political propaganda and unite to end the global war tyrants dictatorships.
| Free Assange Australia | Free Assange Petition | Free Assange US | Free Assange Groups |
| Free Assange Australia | Free Assange Petition | Free Assange US | Free Assange Groups |
IN THE FINAL ANALYSIS...................
We're all, all 8 billion of us, caught up in a world where insanity reigns and the rest of us are divided by a maze of ludicrous systems, conventions, seminars, debates, arguments and (controlled) media, none of which can ever in a trillion years undo the asylum this species has created. Clearly, "technology" has become the number one obsession in this society where the hordes patronize the multi trillion dollar p/a fake supermarkets to no end, an industry decorating their affiliates across the world with billions of dollars worth of worthless Christmas commercialism posing as "Christmas Joy" adornments from as far as 3 months ahead of that obnoxious lie of an event 6 days before the end of one and the beginning of another year of war, violence and exploitation and abuse of all living species including the Earth.
This human race can live neither with or without a governing system - from day one to the very present materialism, greed, politics, religion and ignorance have been the driving force over and above living for mere basic needs. Perhaps there exists a pittance of a minute minority whose eyes have been opened, but they either hold their breath in silence, or against all odds nonetheless convey the truth as it is. False hope and illusions are for the system and their confused subordinate masses to spread. Merry Christmas folks, and here's to another year of subsistence under the criminal rules of tyranny.
Bob Oort Site Author/Editor - November 6, 2022
⬇︎ LAST BUT NOT LEAST..............
Headed "The American New World Order full HD SciFi Movie", this is not science fiction, neither should it be regarded as mere fiction. Rather, this "Movie" should be taken as a documentary. While the onus of opinion remains with the individual, it would not be commendable to spread opinions gathered on any unwarranted basis. This historic facts based documentary as with others of its kind however, fails to dig deeper into the foundations of the human slave society from its beginnings in ancient Sumeria and back from there to the Anunnaki*, a species from elsewhere in pursuit of the Earth's mineral resources with gold as its prime objective while creating a hierarchy of administrative bureaucracies and a fear based slavery system. They created "religion" to condition the mass to worship some invisible entity as the "God" in devotion to which one would prosper and be "saved", but by denying that existence would find eternal torture. The system administrators used religion as proposed in this documentary, but it was those who first enslaved humanity who created religion, the fear, division, and the evil that has by now become common place in every place on Earth. *"The Dying Satanic Culture" slide show provides more insight in religion and the Anunnaki.
Headed "The American New World Order full HD SciFi Movie", this is not science fiction, neither should it be regarded as mere fiction. Rather, this "Movie" should be taken as a documentary. While the onus of opinion remains with the individual, it would not be commendable to spread opinions gathered on any unwarranted basis. This historic facts based documentary as with others of its kind however, fails to dig deeper into the foundations of the human slave society from its beginnings in ancient Sumeria and back from there to the Anunnaki*, a species from elsewhere in pursuit of the Earth's mineral resources with gold as its prime objective while creating a hierarchy of administrative bureaucracies and a fear based slavery system. They created "religion" to condition the mass to worship some invisible entity as the "God" in devotion to which one would prosper and be "saved", but by denying that existence would find eternal torture. The system administrators used religion as proposed in this documentary, but it was those who first enslaved humanity who created religion, the fear, division, and the evil that has by now become common place in every place on Earth. *"The Dying Satanic Culture" slide show provides more insight in religion and the Anunnaki.
NOVEMBER 20, 2022 - THIS WEB SITE WAS CREATED as a result of the editor's 2010 "NOVEMBER 25 INTERNATIONAL GLOBAL CONSCIOUSNESS DAY" INITIATIVE, a petition for WORLD PEACE aimed at the WORLD's RULING INSTITUTIONS, via the UNITED NATIONS. The site has evolved to become a sociopolitical alarm system for a millenniums long conditioned, brainwashed, confused society to take notice of. The utter insanity of the war arsenal industry and all its incorporated criminal manifestations against humanity and all other living species must end - both the ruling establishments and the Planet's every day population have to come to their senses.
The causes of this society standing at the threshold of a total nuclear arsenal deployed WWIII have been made all too clear throughout the history of civilization. The ignorance, the insanity, the skepticism, the antagonism, the religions, the politics, the wars, have to stop - the unbelievable amount of rhetoric thrown in the laps of every day citizens via the media both a-political and independent has gone beyond and over the top of anyone whatsoever. People don't need religious/political/industrial ideologies stamped on their foreheads - each and every human brain is capable of its own rational common sense thinking.
People need to stop leaning on the doctrines of delusional ignorant old men and their disastrous, fatalistic Utopian ideals for a society run by fear and repressive initiatives based on none other but false fantasies and illusions. This world needs no more religious, political, mafioso, industrial and "democratic" communism, this world needs drastic reform for sake of Peace and an end to intolerable human, animal and ecosystem suffering.
A November 25, 2011 proposed 24 hour world wide industrial and commercial stand still could have been the first in the history of mankind for each and every individual to find the breathing space needed to assess their destructive and for a large part, sadistic, barbaric behavior and what to do about their utter self and consequent collective destruction.
On the eve of the 13th discarded, dismissed and ridiculed November 25 initiative this November 2022, the entire human race in the face of the greatest self imposed disaster ever, is divided more than ever, an all out unified voice for World Peace remains blockaded by the utter prevailing lunacy of the untold systems, factions, twisted concepts and a "technology" epidemic that has no relationship with the Natural World or the entire Universe whatsoever.
| About November 25 | About the editor: History | Occupation | Illustrated Books | The Last Chapter |
The causes of this society standing at the threshold of a total nuclear arsenal deployed WWIII have been made all too clear throughout the history of civilization. The ignorance, the insanity, the skepticism, the antagonism, the religions, the politics, the wars, have to stop - the unbelievable amount of rhetoric thrown in the laps of every day citizens via the media both a-political and independent has gone beyond and over the top of anyone whatsoever. People don't need religious/political/industrial ideologies stamped on their foreheads - each and every human brain is capable of its own rational common sense thinking.
People need to stop leaning on the doctrines of delusional ignorant old men and their disastrous, fatalistic Utopian ideals for a society run by fear and repressive initiatives based on none other but false fantasies and illusions. This world needs no more religious, political, mafioso, industrial and "democratic" communism, this world needs drastic reform for sake of Peace and an end to intolerable human, animal and ecosystem suffering.
A November 25, 2011 proposed 24 hour world wide industrial and commercial stand still could have been the first in the history of mankind for each and every individual to find the breathing space needed to assess their destructive and for a large part, sadistic, barbaric behavior and what to do about their utter self and consequent collective destruction.
On the eve of the 13th discarded, dismissed and ridiculed November 25 initiative this November 2022, the entire human race in the face of the greatest self imposed disaster ever, is divided more than ever, an all out unified voice for World Peace remains blockaded by the utter prevailing lunacy of the untold systems, factions, twisted concepts and a "technology" epidemic that has no relationship with the Natural World or the entire Universe whatsoever.
| About November 25 | About the editor: History | Occupation | Illustrated Books | The Last Chapter |
Click an image ⬇︎ to enlarge
Click the PDF files ⬇︎ to read or download the full New World Order Agenda b&w from the horse's mouth