The orchestrated exodus from East to West and..... Everybody wants to play God
The orchestrated exodus from East to West and..... Everybody wants to play God
Herewith the unedited EU SHARE Network Magazine April 2019 newsletter with articles on how the system is dealing with the resettlement of refugees from the UK/US/EU war infested Africa/Asia/Asia Minor countries of the world into Europe. I'm asking why such enormous conglomerate of bodies is pushing the forever ongoing, costly "resettlement" of refugees from war torn and impoverished countries instead of addressing the real issue e.g. the Military Industrial Complex and the religious, empirical and political institutions that are at the helm of creating the continuous global wars and poverty crisis. I'm asking; YOU connect the dots to this lunapark decision making for hundreds of millions of people who just want a life without the political power obsessed and their NWO agendas. Bob Oort, Site Editor |
All grey text lines are links to organizations, their associates, and their agendas - click on them and start learning how and by whom this world is run. Read, analyze, make your own assessments and stop living as a subspecies to the military/religious/political/corporations human displacement industry supermarket.
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SHARE Network Magazine April 2019
Welcome to Issue 3 of the SHARE Integration Magazine! EDITORIAL: This third issue of the SHARE Integration Magazine looks at global and European solidarity for refugees. |
The Global Compact on Refugees provides a new framework to coordinate international action, and approximately half of the 50,000 refugees due to be resettled to EU Member States by October 2019 have now arrived. Several European countries have established new resettlement programmes, and European cities and towns continue to welcome newly arrived refugees - making resettlement a reality across Europe.
To build on this good experience and maintain positive momentum, we now need to formalise commitments for a new EU resettlement programme starting in 2020.
'SMALL PLACES, GREAT HEARTS' The SHARE Welcoming Communities video series is here!
In Croatia, a new national resettlement programme for 2019 will receive 103 Syrian refugees from Turkey.
The SHARE Preparing Welcoming Communities Training Curriculum aims to strengthen the capacity of smaller municipalities and local actors to welcome refugees. Developed by ICMC Europe in collaboration with SHARE Integration partners, the SHARE Curriculum has since August 2018 facilitated 15 training events in 8 European countries, reaching 462 participants. Check the article on page 2-3 to find out more about how the SHARE Curriculum has been used, the lessons learned and next steps for 2019 and beyond! |
SHARE Network Conference, 6-8 March 2019, Vienna How can we improve housing availability for programmes to receive refugees? How can approaches to housing better facilitate integration and inclusion? These questions formed the basis for the recent SHARE Network Conference on Housing for Refugee Inclusion, held in Vienna and facilitated by ICMC Europe in collaboration with the Austrian ARGE Consortium. |
The Global Compact on Refugees In December 2018, the UN General Assembly adopted the Global Compact on Refugees, a non-binding instrument setting out a common political vision and strategic framework for international action and cooperation on refugee protection. The Global Compact on Refugees identifies resettlement and complementary pathways of admission for refuges as key global protection tools, and sets out key priorities for actions to support their expansion in the coming years. Check our article on page 9 to find out more about the Global Compact and its priorities for resettlement and complementary pathways, and the SHARE Network’s key considerations and recommendations for realising its objectives PARTNERSHIPS TO MAKE NEW RESETTLEMENT A REALITY: SPOTLIGHT ON CROATIA Check the article on page 11-12 to learn more about the conference programme, participants, discussions and key conclusions, and read the conference concept paper. |
Copyright 2019 International Catholic Migration Commission (ICMC) Europe Rue de Varembé 1, 1202 Genève, Switzerland All rights reserved. Contact us at [email protected] |
And...... then, came the seekers of faith and fortune "Praise the Lord"...........
Fear instilled Stone Age to Medieval Tribalism rife and kept alive in the 21st Century AD
But yes, there's the old Biblical Armageddon "prophecy", in other words the observing visionary's foresight on the basis of history and contemporary human behavior at any given time.
And the religious/political fear mongering drives the masses into an exponential state of hysteria praying to an imaginary figure in the sky while the war and consumer industries relentlessly continue dragging the entire world into their own version of Armageddon. If the blind inherit the Earth, may they find the wisdom that has eluded humanity to this day. |
⬇︎ The result of ignorance and naive thinking
Tribal Fusion or Tribal Confusion?
Introduction by Symcha Jacobovici makes perfect sense, although he may avoid concluding that people have been so brainwashed by religion that they will pursue anything and any place that makes reference to their conditioned belief system and listen to any preacher who pleases their hearing organism.
Introduction by Symcha Jacobovici makes perfect sense, although he may avoid concluding that people have been so brainwashed by religion that they will pursue anything and any place that makes reference to their conditioned belief system and listen to any preacher who pleases their hearing organism.
Quote: From the video at 35:00
"About 300 years ago our synagogue ceased to exist. Without the synagogue there was no place for the Jews to congregate. Without a congregation there were no more rabbis. Without the congregation, without the rabbi, without the religious rituals, or readings of the scriptures, there was no more worship. Nothing was left." |
Quote: From video at: 36:43 - "Since time immemorial we long for Israel, and, we have sympathy for Israelis. Nobody told us to feel like this".
The truth is that people have been told how to feel (think) throughout history. History, since its very first traceable accounts has shown the barbaric invasions of tribal lands over and over again, right up to this very day. It has shown the migration of dispersed masses of people of all religions and no religions, forced and voluntarily. History has decisively shown how this civilization has been divided by the continuous propagation of ill conceived told and re-told stories, all, even the most apparently innocent fairy tales, deeply embedded with the element of fear.
Why, if you believe in a God, whatever God, do you need to be reaffirmed in a congregation, a church, a synagogue, a mosque, a temple, watch the theatrical religious rituals, listen to a preacher and regurgitate the pre-scribed yahoo. And why do you participate in the abhorrent murder and bloodshed of animals and......... yes people. Do your homework, the history of mankind is well documented in all its gruesome diversity. Nothing on Earth escapes the deadly exploitation and abuse displayed by human ignorance.
Anyone believing so much as an inch in the existence of a simultaneously loving and fear mongering creator needs to do some long, hard thinking and if still believing in such life, death and suffering creating demon, should keep it to him/herself and refrain from insisting to pass it on to anyone else, moreover, to pass the fables on to children is no less a crime than making an ignorant sacrifice of any kind to a make believe never proven to exist sadistic figure in whatever shape or form perceived in the distorted mind.
So without a place to congregate, listen to a preacher, participate in the sacrifice of living beings, and without the fabled, distorted, mystifying printed words of scribes from within and outside one religious institution or another, there is "nothing left". Really? No conscience? No morals? No individual creative abilities? Nothing to live for?
Bob Oort, site editor, March 16, 2021
The truth is that people have been told how to feel (think) throughout history. History, since its very first traceable accounts has shown the barbaric invasions of tribal lands over and over again, right up to this very day. It has shown the migration of dispersed masses of people of all religions and no religions, forced and voluntarily. History has decisively shown how this civilization has been divided by the continuous propagation of ill conceived told and re-told stories, all, even the most apparently innocent fairy tales, deeply embedded with the element of fear.
Why, if you believe in a God, whatever God, do you need to be reaffirmed in a congregation, a church, a synagogue, a mosque, a temple, watch the theatrical religious rituals, listen to a preacher and regurgitate the pre-scribed yahoo. And why do you participate in the abhorrent murder and bloodshed of animals and......... yes people. Do your homework, the history of mankind is well documented in all its gruesome diversity. Nothing on Earth escapes the deadly exploitation and abuse displayed by human ignorance.
Anyone believing so much as an inch in the existence of a simultaneously loving and fear mongering creator needs to do some long, hard thinking and if still believing in such life, death and suffering creating demon, should keep it to him/herself and refrain from insisting to pass it on to anyone else, moreover, to pass the fables on to children is no less a crime than making an ignorant sacrifice of any kind to a make believe never proven to exist sadistic figure in whatever shape or form perceived in the distorted mind.
So without a place to congregate, listen to a preacher, participate in the sacrifice of living beings, and without the fabled, distorted, mystifying printed words of scribes from within and outside one religious institution or another, there is "nothing left". Really? No conscience? No morals? No individual creative abilities? Nothing to live for?
Bob Oort, site editor, March 16, 2021
The ONLY FEASIBLE SOLIDARITY MOVEMENT is a COLLECTIVE WORLD POPULATION VOICE for WORLD WIDE PEACE. Such movement will never be initiated by any military, banking, elite, religious or any other so called "World Leadership" institution. The term "World Leader" is a farcical paraphrase conditioned set of words void of any merit whatsoever - there exists no such thing as a "World Leader" unless these words relate to people leading the World to catastrophic wars, fake economic schemes, false illusions, poverty and despair. A true solidarity movement for Peace, Justice and Sanity can only come from the uncontaminated minds from within the general non religious/political World population.