WW 2020/22 - The Silence Before the Revolution
ESSENTIAL VIDEOS: This page has become unavoidably large, please give it some time to load.
ESSENTIAL VIDEOS: This page has become unavoidably large, please give it some time to load.
December 2021. People are confused. This page gives reference to the silence before 1914 and 1939 and the rise of the same tyranny that led the world into death and destruction then and is leading the world into death and destruction now. In order to find answers and resolutions to this ongoing barbaric human behavior phenomenon we need to dig deep into both the political and the civil history. When we know who and what lives at the heart of our apparent self destruction directive, we should be able to make the necessary changes.
Agenda 21-21/30 may have been a feasible approach, if it weren't initiated by the same line of corrupted authoritarians who continue to construct a New World Order on the same flawed idealistic philosophies as their peers who financed all present and foregone wars on humanity in the first place. All wars are as always, instigated and financed by the ruling, banking and industrial elite. Carefully selected dictators their ruthless dispositions taken into account, were then as now, skillfully moved into their positions to do the dirty work and cop the consequences for their unscrupulous masters whenever things don't go as planned.
How every day people get sucked into that deadly vacuum is a question that also needs to be answered, particularly by the mainstream society itself - there is no way out of the political demise without recognizing and amending the social dilemmas.
Bob Oort Site Author - Amsterdam 1940-1961 Australia 1961-2021
Additional video accounts of the war on humanity are given further down the page
December 2021. People are confused. This page gives reference to the silence before 1914 and 1939 and the rise of the same tyranny that led the world into death and destruction then and is leading the world into death and destruction now. In order to find answers and resolutions to this ongoing barbaric human behavior phenomenon we need to dig deep into both the political and the civil history. When we know who and what lives at the heart of our apparent self destruction directive, we should be able to make the necessary changes.
Agenda 21-21/30 may have been a feasible approach, if it weren't initiated by the same line of corrupted authoritarians who continue to construct a New World Order on the same flawed idealistic philosophies as their peers who financed all present and foregone wars on humanity in the first place. All wars are as always, instigated and financed by the ruling, banking and industrial elite. Carefully selected dictators their ruthless dispositions taken into account, were then as now, skillfully moved into their positions to do the dirty work and cop the consequences for their unscrupulous masters whenever things don't go as planned.
How every day people get sucked into that deadly vacuum is a question that also needs to be answered, particularly by the mainstream society itself - there is no way out of the political demise without recognizing and amending the social dilemmas.
Bob Oort Site Author - Amsterdam 1940-1961 Australia 1961-2021
Additional video accounts of the war on humanity are given further down the page
FACEBOOK - What does it have to do with Covid-19 ???
You could try asking Zuckerberg, that slimy unscrupulous criminal crook who has led the entire world into the greatest people roundup for the corporate fascist regime's power control database in the history of mankind. This sad sleazy specimen is as guilty of political backhanded mass deception and manipulation as his buddies Gates, Fauci, Soros, Schwarz, the Pfizer/Rothschild/Rockefeller/Koch/UN/WHO/WEF and corporate US Federal and World Bank institutions, all of whom/which and more, sleep in the same NWO bed together, pursuing Agenda 21-21/30. These people (people?) need to be apprehended, round up, tried, prosecuted and convicted of their crimes against humanity - there can be no other way to bring this World the long overdue Peace, Sanity and Justice this civilization has earned over 8,000 years or untold more millennia of slavery and subjectivity to the corrupt self assumed authoritarian system that is now coercing the entire population into genocide by every means at their disposal.
The time for people to be ruled by crime is over. Stop fighting the people who care, fight the corrupt system, fight the instigators and collaborators who have brought this World nothing but slavery, fake industries, crime, antagonism, wars, destruction and fear. UNITED GLOBAL CITIZENS CLASS ACTION is the only feasible action to be taken. The perpetrators must be brought to Justice, not the average man, woman, child trying to survive in a ruthless politically operated world.
This 7-8 billion population can bring the entire flawed system to a grinding halt - 48 hours shut down of all workforce dependent industries by non attendance and total silence across the world will put the criminal institutions out of business. If that doesn't happen, then the natural chain of events will run it's course, but let's not forecast at what more cost beyond what has already been suffered by this society since WWI, WWII and the current continuation of all wars via chemical/biological/psychological and the military war arsenal industry warfare on humanity. It never was about people to begin with, it has been about coerced slavery since day one. It's time to stop banking on the institutionalized evil domain - Planet Earth is for caring people, not a bunch of criminals
You could try asking Zuckerberg, that slimy unscrupulous criminal crook who has led the entire world into the greatest people roundup for the corporate fascist regime's power control database in the history of mankind. This sad sleazy specimen is as guilty of political backhanded mass deception and manipulation as his buddies Gates, Fauci, Soros, Schwarz, the Pfizer/Rothschild/Rockefeller/Koch/UN/WHO/WEF and corporate US Federal and World Bank institutions, all of whom/which and more, sleep in the same NWO bed together, pursuing Agenda 21-21/30. These people (people?) need to be apprehended, round up, tried, prosecuted and convicted of their crimes against humanity - there can be no other way to bring this World the long overdue Peace, Sanity and Justice this civilization has earned over 8,000 years or untold more millennia of slavery and subjectivity to the corrupt self assumed authoritarian system that is now coercing the entire population into genocide by every means at their disposal.
The time for people to be ruled by crime is over. Stop fighting the people who care, fight the corrupt system, fight the instigators and collaborators who have brought this World nothing but slavery, fake industries, crime, antagonism, wars, destruction and fear. UNITED GLOBAL CITIZENS CLASS ACTION is the only feasible action to be taken. The perpetrators must be brought to Justice, not the average man, woman, child trying to survive in a ruthless politically operated world.
This 7-8 billion population can bring the entire flawed system to a grinding halt - 48 hours shut down of all workforce dependent industries by non attendance and total silence across the world will put the criminal institutions out of business. If that doesn't happen, then the natural chain of events will run it's course, but let's not forecast at what more cost beyond what has already been suffered by this society since WWI, WWII and the current continuation of all wars via chemical/biological/psychological and the military war arsenal industry warfare on humanity. It never was about people to begin with, it has been about coerced slavery since day one. It's time to stop banking on the institutionalized evil domain - Planet Earth is for caring people, not a bunch of criminals
NWO DOCUMENTATION In their own words Click to read or download to save and file or print. |
⬇︎ January 14, 2022
Nazi fascism comes to Melbourne Australia under the dictatorship of another ruthless Hitler reincarnate, elected, ironically, by the people December 2014 as the State of Victoria's Premier, unaware of the monster that would slowly come out of his shell to reveal his true disposition as a 1933-45 Nazi Dictator.
This is the latest documentary added to this page. Please watch the video and more on this page after.
Nazi fascism comes to Melbourne Australia under the dictatorship of another ruthless Hitler reincarnate, elected, ironically, by the people December 2014 as the State of Victoria's Premier, unaware of the monster that would slowly come out of his shell to reveal his true disposition as a 1933-45 Nazi Dictator.
This is the latest documentary added to this page. Please watch the video and more on this page after.
Posted May 27, 2022
*** "CONTAGION" is a 2011 American thriller film directed by Steven Soderbergh (2009), Soderbergh and screenwriter Scott Z. Burns discussed a medical thriller film depicting the rapid spread of a virus, inspired by pandemics such as the 2002–2004 SARS outbreak and the 2009 flu pandemic.
The movie spans 2hrs, 52mins, 47secs. Hollywood? Perhaps. Fiction? Call it "Preampted Things To Come", seen then, here now. But, it's still "only a movie" right? |
Full movie's gone off the net. Click ⬇︎ to see the trailer substitute
Benvenuti sul pianeta Terra, dominio minerario del Anunnaki e gestione del sacerdozio Vaticano 😇
The movie smells like a precedent for the world's population to accept the manufacture of deadly vaccines as a mandatory survival kit. Whether you agree or not, do your homework, browse this site, you may find the truth you never wanted to know.
We need to remember that the warnings have been staring us in the face in the midst of every conceivable display of human behavior since the establishment of slavery and the sequential religious indoctrination as part and parcel to keep the "workforce" in check while operating on
"controlled self determination" preconditions. The people controlling the "system" by all their unemotional, satanic disposition, are but the clueless administrators, themselves controlled by a higher power. Planet Earth is a gold and many other precious minerals resource Pandora's Box for a species never mentioned in the politically operated mainstream news, ignored by every overzealous "news presenter" under the sun, only a handful of people dare exposing the truth beyond the political fraud and the general public's mind conditioned "acceptable norm". We must acknowledge that the entire "Sars/Covid" saga was a manufactured "plandemic" where the vaccine experiments are the real killers of men, women and children - mass murder is the hallmark of the NWO agenda. Do your homework, browse this site, you may find the truth you never wanted to know.
The movie smells like a precedent for the world's population to accept the manufacture of deadly vaccines as a mandatory survival kit. Whether you agree or not, do your homework, browse this site, you may find the truth you never wanted to know.
We need to remember that the warnings have been staring us in the face in the midst of every conceivable display of human behavior since the establishment of slavery and the sequential religious indoctrination as part and parcel to keep the "workforce" in check while operating on
"controlled self determination" preconditions. The people controlling the "system" by all their unemotional, satanic disposition, are but the clueless administrators, themselves controlled by a higher power. Planet Earth is a gold and many other precious minerals resource Pandora's Box for a species never mentioned in the politically operated mainstream news, ignored by every overzealous "news presenter" under the sun, only a handful of people dare exposing the truth beyond the political fraud and the general public's mind conditioned "acceptable norm". We must acknowledge that the entire "Sars/Covid" saga was a manufactured "plandemic" where the vaccine experiments are the real killers of men, women and children - mass murder is the hallmark of the NWO agenda. Do your homework, browse this site, you may find the truth you never wanted to know.
NOVEMBER 24 - 30, 2021
The fight across the world against the Covid-19 crime will be won, some day. How, when and at what further cost, remains still at this day, the much anticipated question. This so called "Covid-19 Pandemic" is the trigger to the inevitable world wide revolution that has been smouldering for tens of thousands of years. The human race has been deceived from day one, everything told, taught, passed on one way or other, indoctrinated and conditioned has been an exponentially perpetuating lie. People have lived on fairy tale illusions for so long, the lies have become the unconscious never questioned norm. A 7-8 billion society living on make believe has turned the world into an unsustainable garbage dump, not just to the demise of the Planet's Life providing ecosystem, but our political/industrial garbage overloaded brains don't have the capacity to see the trees for the wood - living on lies is the only truth we know.
But, there are people raising voices against the insanity that has manufactured the Covid-19 assault on the sleeping world. And they will bring the perpetrators and their collaborators down, from the top to the governments and their messengers. This is WWI through WWII continued to this day coming to an end. However, this is only just the beginning of the long way to the end of a corrupted world. At this moment in time the entire world is struggling in a vacuum of lies, secrecy and distortion of the facts about Covid-19, the population is in a state of hysteria, confusion, fear and despair.
The videos below highlight the realities of humanity fighting an untouchable enemy, not knowing how, not knowing where to begin. Our civilization has become a machine, literally, it is impossible for any individual to grasp the size of it all. The human workforce has created its own demise, replaced by machines the human population is deemed to be reduced to the point where only few hands are required to operate the system, until one day our services will no longer be required altogether. Meanwhile, try to make the most of the predicament we all find ourselves in, who knows, perhaps, one day, by some miraculous twist of fate, things might turn around just as all hope has hit the lowest low of all times.
The fight across the world against the Covid-19 crime will be won, some day. How, when and at what further cost, remains still at this day, the much anticipated question. This so called "Covid-19 Pandemic" is the trigger to the inevitable world wide revolution that has been smouldering for tens of thousands of years. The human race has been deceived from day one, everything told, taught, passed on one way or other, indoctrinated and conditioned has been an exponentially perpetuating lie. People have lived on fairy tale illusions for so long, the lies have become the unconscious never questioned norm. A 7-8 billion society living on make believe has turned the world into an unsustainable garbage dump, not just to the demise of the Planet's Life providing ecosystem, but our political/industrial garbage overloaded brains don't have the capacity to see the trees for the wood - living on lies is the only truth we know.
But, there are people raising voices against the insanity that has manufactured the Covid-19 assault on the sleeping world. And they will bring the perpetrators and their collaborators down, from the top to the governments and their messengers. This is WWI through WWII continued to this day coming to an end. However, this is only just the beginning of the long way to the end of a corrupted world. At this moment in time the entire world is struggling in a vacuum of lies, secrecy and distortion of the facts about Covid-19, the population is in a state of hysteria, confusion, fear and despair.
The videos below highlight the realities of humanity fighting an untouchable enemy, not knowing how, not knowing where to begin. Our civilization has become a machine, literally, it is impossible for any individual to grasp the size of it all. The human workforce has created its own demise, replaced by machines the human population is deemed to be reduced to the point where only few hands are required to operate the system, until one day our services will no longer be required altogether. Meanwhile, try to make the most of the predicament we all find ourselves in, who knows, perhaps, one day, by some miraculous twist of fate, things might turn around just as all hope has hit the lowest low of all times.
There is more, infinitely more, from one day to the next. Without adding any further "updates", the above videos, aside from 7 more prior pages on this "pandemic" crime, clearly show that the war on humanity continues to rear its ugly face again and again. It's November 24, 2021 Down Under. Tomorrow will be the 11th annual November 25 International Global Consciousness Day - the history since that naive attempt to create a roadmap for World Peace, Justice and Sanity is amply documented throughout this web site in videos and articles on life in a widely diverse but dysfunctional civilization on Planet Earth.
The Dutch Resistance - Age-Restricted Video ⬆︎ please watch on Youtube
I was born in Amsterdam February 8, 1940. The first 5 years of my life were spent under the boots of the Nazi fascist regime. I remember. There were food vouchers, a soup kitchen across the road in the side street. I lived near the Amsterdam inner harbor, there were shipping docks, and a railroad. A 7 year old child was shot there when collecting wood for the fire - it was winter, 5 Celsius above zero to 15 below zero. The nearby showground had been turned into a barbed fenced people round up transit facility. The Jewish father of one of my childhood friends was taken there and from there to Germany. He never came back. Anyone taken there never came back.
My father was taken to Germany to work in one of the Nazi factories, done by forced live or die choice conscription for Dutch men, also women with useful qualifications. There was barbed wire everywhere. I remember the uniforms, soldiers in green, officers in brown, the SS, Gestapo, NSB, in black, the Grühne Polizei. There were heavy booted German legions marching through the streets, squadrons of planes flying over and bombs exploding less than 100 meters away. My father came back at the end of the war, immediately resuming his profession as a musician.
The Canadians liberated Holland, some stationed at the harbor where my little friend was murdered by a German soldier. I was 5 years by then, the Canadian soldiers treated us kids on chocolates, and assured us the war was over. May 5th, 1945 is Dutch Bevreiding Dag - Liberation Day. I had to get used to a different life, no uniforms, no barbed wire, no guns, and my father home again. I am 3 months away from 82 now, it's been a long life. I migrated to Australia in 1961, my father, mother and two younger sisters followed two years later, but all have passed away between 1996 and 2018.
Not until 1982 did I begin to see that our world is run by a corrupt corporate system devouring small companies, merging corporations into fewer and bigger. The government push for ID cards had already begun, the signs of a totalitarian state was emerging, it began a long time ago, but the general public didn't see, just as in Europe 1933-1939. 1961, Sydney, there was a 10ft high wall near central rail station, the bold sprayed on writing said: "This Society Is Based On Fear". I was 21 at the time. While working and getting to know the Sydney geography and way of life, those words disappeared into the memory storage part in my brain I call "The Attic".
The fragments in my memory have become more vivid since 2010 when writing for World Peace suddenly became a matter of interest. And now the 2 unforgiving corporate fascism years unleashed on the world since October 2019, I see a 1933-1939 history re-emerging in the country that has been my home for 60 years. And I see a WWII unfolding yet again, while despite everything inflicted on the world too many people are still asleep, mesmerized in a blank state of Mind, still clinging to the very authoritarianism "leadership" that has never, ever, brought this world Peace, Justice, nor Equitable Prosperity.
Meanwhile, people are subjected to wars, so called civil or other, everywhere, by all the weaponry high tech, science, religious and non religious politics have to offer this world, while the rhetoric about everything except the heart of the problem and the solutions carries on across the airwaves to which this war obsessed society has laid claim, unlawfully as everything else it claims to own.
Bob Oort, December 14, 2021
⬇︎ The mind boggling reality of the politics behind World War II
I was born in Amsterdam February 8, 1940. The first 5 years of my life were spent under the boots of the Nazi fascist regime. I remember. There were food vouchers, a soup kitchen across the road in the side street. I lived near the Amsterdam inner harbor, there were shipping docks, and a railroad. A 7 year old child was shot there when collecting wood for the fire - it was winter, 5 Celsius above zero to 15 below zero. The nearby showground had been turned into a barbed fenced people round up transit facility. The Jewish father of one of my childhood friends was taken there and from there to Germany. He never came back. Anyone taken there never came back.
My father was taken to Germany to work in one of the Nazi factories, done by forced live or die choice conscription for Dutch men, also women with useful qualifications. There was barbed wire everywhere. I remember the uniforms, soldiers in green, officers in brown, the SS, Gestapo, NSB, in black, the Grühne Polizei. There were heavy booted German legions marching through the streets, squadrons of planes flying over and bombs exploding less than 100 meters away. My father came back at the end of the war, immediately resuming his profession as a musician.
The Canadians liberated Holland, some stationed at the harbor where my little friend was murdered by a German soldier. I was 5 years by then, the Canadian soldiers treated us kids on chocolates, and assured us the war was over. May 5th, 1945 is Dutch Bevreiding Dag - Liberation Day. I had to get used to a different life, no uniforms, no barbed wire, no guns, and my father home again. I am 3 months away from 82 now, it's been a long life. I migrated to Australia in 1961, my father, mother and two younger sisters followed two years later, but all have passed away between 1996 and 2018.
Not until 1982 did I begin to see that our world is run by a corrupt corporate system devouring small companies, merging corporations into fewer and bigger. The government push for ID cards had already begun, the signs of a totalitarian state was emerging, it began a long time ago, but the general public didn't see, just as in Europe 1933-1939. 1961, Sydney, there was a 10ft high wall near central rail station, the bold sprayed on writing said: "This Society Is Based On Fear". I was 21 at the time. While working and getting to know the Sydney geography and way of life, those words disappeared into the memory storage part in my brain I call "The Attic".
The fragments in my memory have become more vivid since 2010 when writing for World Peace suddenly became a matter of interest. And now the 2 unforgiving corporate fascism years unleashed on the world since October 2019, I see a 1933-1939 history re-emerging in the country that has been my home for 60 years. And I see a WWII unfolding yet again, while despite everything inflicted on the world too many people are still asleep, mesmerized in a blank state of Mind, still clinging to the very authoritarianism "leadership" that has never, ever, brought this world Peace, Justice, nor Equitable Prosperity.
Meanwhile, people are subjected to wars, so called civil or other, everywhere, by all the weaponry high tech, science, religious and non religious politics have to offer this world, while the rhetoric about everything except the heart of the problem and the solutions carries on across the airwaves to which this war obsessed society has laid claim, unlawfully as everything else it claims to own.
Bob Oort, December 14, 2021
⬇︎ The mind boggling reality of the politics behind World War II
State of affairs has it that people continue to lean on the fake authoritarian crutch to be led by the hand to their demise. All the warnings under the sun by genuine experts appear to make little impact on mr & mrs average. There seems no other option left but to put all satanic evil under a common sense comedian's microscope. |
⬇︎ January 2, 2022
⬇︎ September 15, 2021
⬇︎ December 6, 2021
⬇︎ December 24, 2021
⬇︎ December 29, 2021
JANUARY 6, 2022
You've seen the Covidistan pages. If not, link back to the previous page at the bottom of this and every other page. You'll find amply more than necessary to be alarmed about the crime that is being unleashed on the world by the corporate fascist state - fascism is the totalitarian regime's mechanism to control every aspect of Life - THAT, is NOT A CONSPIRACY THEORY, it's a FACT. |
⬇︎ November 22, 2021
⬇︎ December 20, 2021
⬇︎ December 28, 2021
⬇︎ January 1, 2022
IT'S 2022 NOW. Empty shop premises are being occupied by the Sars Vax Industry and turned into "Your Convenient Test, Vax Jabs and QR Code Registration Center" plastered with propaganda billboards, digital screens, posters, info pamphlets, attended by brainwashed staff behind plastic shielded counters ready to plunge yet another syringe into your arm squirting yet another dose of some natural immune system destroying substance into you. And the masses, brainwashed, indoctrinated and conditioned by relentless corporate conglomerates propaganda and fear campaigning continue to line up to become corporate fascist state subjects and pawns for every political agenda under the sun.
If you live out of town, going to the local CBD for supplies is like landing on a strange Planet - people wearing masks everywhere, pointing mobile phones at QR codes, and if that is not insane enough, try entering a shop without a "Passport" and you'll be hoisted out of the place by two or three Nazi Gestapo like heavies, while somewhere else an old lady refuses to pay her bill to a non masked cashier. This entire society has been herded into a world wide state of fear. People are chained to a digital AI algorithm radioactive electromagnetic robots network spanning the entire Planet - for who, for what?
The fact that talking about it face to face resulting in people walking away uttering "Don't want to know" or into an abusive pro/anti vax/mandate confrontation, is in itself more than ample evidence that this society is staring at a dehumanized mechanized/industrialized robots future while all those who choose not to live under a fascist regime may be facing extinction - just like wildlife and the ecosystem are unscrupulously murdered out of existence and, the hundreds of millions of suffering, dying war victims that are ignored by all those directly and indirectly encrypted into the corrupted corporate authoritarian "comfort zone".
Humans under the direction of "leadership" have always, since day one, on the whole, been a barbaric, fear possessed, ignorant, murdering species - and every individual has since then and up to this very moment, wittingly or unwittingly played part in this preposterous theater that is none more but a manufactured "work force" e.g. hierarchical slave labor society where very few know the truth, even less will talk about it, while ignorant ridicule thrives in the stark face of it all. If you can see through the fog, and are still capable of using your own brain, it's clear to see that this so called "woke society" has no way to find itself out of its demise. The safe zone under today's criminal totalitarian authoritarianism is no more but a brief postponement of the inevitable. We will all, indiscriminately, unavoidably, pay our dues.
If you live out of town, going to the local CBD for supplies is like landing on a strange Planet - people wearing masks everywhere, pointing mobile phones at QR codes, and if that is not insane enough, try entering a shop without a "Passport" and you'll be hoisted out of the place by two or three Nazi Gestapo like heavies, while somewhere else an old lady refuses to pay her bill to a non masked cashier. This entire society has been herded into a world wide state of fear. People are chained to a digital AI algorithm radioactive electromagnetic robots network spanning the entire Planet - for who, for what?
The fact that talking about it face to face resulting in people walking away uttering "Don't want to know" or into an abusive pro/anti vax/mandate confrontation, is in itself more than ample evidence that this society is staring at a dehumanized mechanized/industrialized robots future while all those who choose not to live under a fascist regime may be facing extinction - just like wildlife and the ecosystem are unscrupulously murdered out of existence and, the hundreds of millions of suffering, dying war victims that are ignored by all those directly and indirectly encrypted into the corrupted corporate authoritarian "comfort zone".
Humans under the direction of "leadership" have always, since day one, on the whole, been a barbaric, fear possessed, ignorant, murdering species - and every individual has since then and up to this very moment, wittingly or unwittingly played part in this preposterous theater that is none more but a manufactured "work force" e.g. hierarchical slave labor society where very few know the truth, even less will talk about it, while ignorant ridicule thrives in the stark face of it all. If you can see through the fog, and are still capable of using your own brain, it's clear to see that this so called "woke society" has no way to find itself out of its demise. The safe zone under today's criminal totalitarian authoritarianism is no more but a brief postponement of the inevitable. We will all, indiscriminately, unavoidably, pay our dues.
Bob Oort, Site owner/editor, 82, January 6, 2022
The Pharmaceutical Business - How it operates in one easy lesson
The Testimonies Project was created to provide a platform for all those who were affected after getting the covid-19 vaccines, and to make sure their voices are heard, since they are not heard in the Israeli media. We hope this project will encourage more and more people to tell their story. Link to Project Site |
Is it just a coincidence that deaths among children have increased by 62% since the rollout of the mRNA shots (up to 400% in vulnerable children) against the five-year average?
Deaths of children have been on the rise since the UK started vaccinating teenagers from the age of 12 and older. The risk-benefit analysis raises serious doubts about injecting this age group with the experimental drug. Click here to read the full article |
The video about Bill Gates is not about Covid-19, but about women's safety in the workplace. It exposes a side to this monster of a criminal that most people are possibly not aware of, not via the controlled news media anyhow. But the crimes committed by this sleazy specimen stretch across the entire world by all his evil deeds including his crusade to have the entire world injected with Covid-19 test vaccines. His ambition to be God by any means whatsoever and at what cost to human lives cannot be overstated. This piece of evil is responsible for the genocide, the suffering, the loneliness and the suicides happening around the world today. People need to wake up. Instead of getting at each other's throats, they should focus on those who divide this society and spread their deadly venom and mayhem across the world. World wide class action against this and other moguls running humanity to oblivion is the only way to set a precedent for all who have intentions to continue to exploit and abuse humanity, to withdraw from their criminal activities. The world is tired of corruption, crime and being commandeered by a bunch of self appointed authoritarian lunies that have no concept of Life nor Justice.
Click the above PDF files to open the documents as written in black and white by the consortia pursuing the New World Order. Download the files to save or print out in hard copy so you can read them at your convenience.
Click the NOVEMBER 25 INTERNATIONAL GLOBAL CONSCIOUSNESS DAY cover to read about the World Peace initiative and why you have never heard of it. |
Planet Earth was never created by some illusion in the skies. Everything is the result of endless light years of cosmological activity, not some loving God uttering some magic words. The existence of our solar system is a mystery, just like the entire Universe is a mystery. As for the human race, it's safe to say that organic activity on Earth itself may have led to the evolution of primitive man, while the very first industrial society was the result of meddling with the human DNA either right here on this Planet, or elsewhere. Whatever species was responsible for the genetic hybridization of the human race was not of this Planet. Who or whatever they were, they too found their heritage in the timeless evolution in the Universe.
What matters is that we, humans, are here, stuck on this floating rock in the Universe, a volatile place of violence from every perspective whatsoever. Everything revolves around killing for survival whether wildlife, ecosystem, and us, that species that has developed the art of killing to the most satanic degree imaginable. We have literally become the salesmen/women of death and destruction, unrivaled in the entire Universe, except for the species that did the surgery on our DNA to make sure we would obey the rules of a slave labor society - conditions allowing for self regulated global infrastructure under specific institutional laws.
These certain laws require administrative bodies to maintain social imprisonment structures such as jobs, competing living conditions, a degree of freedom in a conditioned illusive lifestyle, and entertainment to relieve the stresses of slavery, wars and continuous administrative amendments to the laws when inevitable freedom tendencies surge among the suppressed, sedated masses.
The building of highways to nowhere is a reflection of a society caught up in a freewheeling industrial machine creating an endless trail of indiscriminate destruction and suffering across the entire world. It is apparent none more than via all aspects of the so called "smart" communication technology that this society has degenerated far removed from anything resembling any form of common sense intellect. Comments under videos and posts in social media reveal all about a society that has blindly followed the blind. It has taken 8,000 or many more years for the wake up call to start surfacing. Humanity is in desperation mode, fired by world wide often violent demonstrations against the system while the core of all this devastation is yet to be recognized.
Page 9, December 8, 2021
This is the 9th of 10 pages on the "plandemic". Take a step back to RETURN THE CRIME if you have not seen that page yet. Follow the pages back or forward via the links at the bottom of each page.
Before you leave...... Play the video below to regain a sense of being
This is the 9th of 10 pages on the "plandemic". Take a step back to RETURN THE CRIME if you have not seen that page yet. Follow the pages back or forward via the links at the bottom of each page.
Before you leave...... Play the video below to regain a sense of being