Continued industrial behavior ultimately leads to none other but a deadly dead end
Continued industrial behavior ultimately leads to none other but a deadly dead end
Published June 2019 The END OF THE ROAD SLIDESHOW is part of the attempt to reach awareness, communication, and consensus that a World with a Collective Problem needs a Collective Voice for Change and the willingness to change if the annihilation of Life on this Planet is to be averted. This page makes it abundantly clear why World Peace is requisite for humans to evolve towards an ecosystem compliant existence. The road to World Peace is the only way to leave the prescribed false illusions behind and enter into a new era and a better world for all concerned. |
End Of The Road Slide Show
⬇︎ Global Alert Film, March 11, 2021
Geoengineering Watch Web Site: Click here
February 26 ⬇︎ Dane Wigington GeoengineeringWatch ⬇︎ March 26, 2021
PLEASE NOTE: Videos violating criminal industries conduct ⬇︎ are routinely removed by the Gods.
Instead of deleting Youtube's deleted videos they have been replaced by their "No Explanation Notice"
Instead of deleting Youtube's deleted videos they have been replaced by their "No Explanation Notice"
All aspects of Life on Earth have become dependent on an industry that bears no more relevance to Life whatsoever. Things never were perfect, the world has always been a hazardous place to live but the options for humanity to make it a better place have stared us in the face all along. But what have we done? Building an unstoppable self perpetuating industrial society at the cost of Life itself. We have created a monster of a mechanized industry, robots, artificial intelligence, and a total reliance on machines to function as our brains, our rulers and masters. When this ticking time bomb blows up, which it will if this society doesn't change its behavior, survivors if any will be left to fend by means the vast majority of today's general world population has no idea of how. As a global society we have grown to live by the rules of religious fakery, bankers, the military, corrupt governments, illusions and crime, a world exponentially perpetuated by the obsession of having industry hand us everything on a silver platter. But it didn't work, it will never work, and it will come crashing down with consequences unequaled by any catastrophic event this world has ever seen in its entire history.
THE RECYCLING BUSINESS is the industrial equivalent of charity bandaging the dying from wars and related political crime. Both industries are an excuse for the production of more of the war arsenal and trash this world is in no need of. Mass production industries create fuel for the world's dumps to no end, it is industry for industry sake, dead end jobs for the "workforce" and haven for the throw away society consumer. Demand and supply, we all pay the cost. |
"Catch 22" - "You're damned if you do and you're damned if you don't" - to sum up the dead end road this 21st century society has been led to follow by its own self created (?) detrimental evolutionary pursuit. The linear pattern of history without its infinite debates, roundabouts, jugglers impacts, controversies, unproven answers, aside from what has been proven beyond doubt clearly shows that we, humans, have been on a one way road to extinction since day one when civilization was first created (?) see RELIGION and THE DYING SATANIC CULTURE and check some of the videos further down the page.
People invent things, either with intentions to serve the self or collective well being, or for some ulterior motive or other e.g. for religious, political, military or industrial purposes, in other words, all to serve the existence and propagation of material matter none of which serves people as flesh and blood humans that have a DNA, a genetic code, a heart, soul, conscience and an individual thinking brain. The entire path of civilization has since day one been one of submission to one power institution or another. Artificial Intelligence is the accumulation of thousands of years of technological evolution which was/is supposed to serve humanity but has brought humanity nothing but controversy, wars, conflict and the destruction of every living species on the face of the Earth. |
The tip of the iceberg of history leading to the 21st century 2020 AD, but sufficient to put on your thinking cap if you still have one. The global society amidst its endless war and destruction turmoil has landed itself in the unstoppable era of technology and Artificial Intelligence. The last 2-3 generations and those yet to come will not know any other way of life but the material existence imposed on them by not only politicized industry but by their own obsession with digital gadgets and the premise of life where all is done and provided by machines, digital robots, digital manufacture, digital entertainment etc. etc.
The catch 22 is in the pros and cons, the pros overwhelmingly propagated by all who stand to gain financially and ultimately the major power brokers be it the religious, political, military or technology corporations, but none will serve humans in the context of their existence as humans - everything has already become fake but there is more to come, the "system" will not rest until all is resolved into a homogeneous whole, a global mass of remote controlled robots resembling both machines and humans.
What purpose does a robotized population serve? It will serve its masters as slaves, just as it has always done throughout history, only the hearts, the emotions, the individuality, the soul and the conscience will no longer be present - the ultimate controlled all obedient no questions, no revolution workforce to carry on the work for............ well now, who or what? The answers can only be found in the history of the beginnings of civilization - ancient Sumeria is as far as you can go, but the rabbit hole starts there, so start digging, and hopefully, when you find the answers you might just realize that everything you have been taught is a lie, after which it seems reasonable to change your way of thinking and your millenniums long conditioned way of life, even if just for yourself if not for everyone else.
* After starting a video switch to Full Screen View
The tip of the iceberg of history leading to the 21st century 2020 AD, but sufficient to put on your thinking cap if you still have one. The global society amidst its endless war and destruction turmoil has landed itself in the unstoppable era of technology and Artificial Intelligence. The last 2-3 generations and those yet to come will not know any other way of life but the material existence imposed on them by not only politicized industry but by their own obsession with digital gadgets and the premise of life where all is done and provided by machines, digital robots, digital manufacture, digital entertainment etc. etc.
The catch 22 is in the pros and cons, the pros overwhelmingly propagated by all who stand to gain financially and ultimately the major power brokers be it the religious, political, military or technology corporations, but none will serve humans in the context of their existence as humans - everything has already become fake but there is more to come, the "system" will not rest until all is resolved into a homogeneous whole, a global mass of remote controlled robots resembling both machines and humans.
What purpose does a robotized population serve? It will serve its masters as slaves, just as it has always done throughout history, only the hearts, the emotions, the individuality, the soul and the conscience will no longer be present - the ultimate controlled all obedient no questions, no revolution workforce to carry on the work for............ well now, who or what? The answers can only be found in the history of the beginnings of civilization - ancient Sumeria is as far as you can go, but the rabbit hole starts there, so start digging, and hopefully, when you find the answers you might just realize that everything you have been taught is a lie, after which it seems reasonable to change your way of thinking and your millenniums long conditioned way of life, even if just for yourself if not for everyone else.
* After starting a video switch to Full Screen View
The bottom line: The criminals dictating that Life is a game for their goddamned insanity ⬆︎
The Rise and Fall of ISIS
WARS ARE THE EPITOME OF MAN'S INSANITY The videos in this frame and indeed on this page and many more pages in this web site speak for themselves.
Whomever the war correspondent and by whomever employed, the horrors of war are clear. Placing responsibility at one perpetrator or another is utterly futile, as every country on Earth has its implicated dictators and its government puppets towing one or another flawed system's line. This civilization needs to acknowledge that not until the prevailing war institutions e.g. Religions, Capitalism, Communism, the Ruling and Banking Elite Systems have been demolished will the horrors of wars come to their long overdue end. |
The warnings have been staring you in the face. Digital banking, digital money, digital payments, digital communication, digital illusions, etc. etc. etc. You have subconsciously been lured into a "Happy Digital People" feedlot.
The number of mobile phones have piled up to Mount Everest proportions. Dump your old gadgets, your 3 months old cell phones are obsolete, upgrade to every new gimmicks "app", do more things with your "Smart" gadget.
You have been channeled into an unstoppable, self perpetuating, exponential technology industry, you have become a robotic pawn in an unscrupulous criminal world totally dislodged from anything resembling Life, you're literally living inside a crime infested and operated digital screen.
There is nothing new about crime, it goes back to the first day civilization began to grow from the seeds that started its evolution process, not only just on our Earth, but it flourished already eons before this Earth was "colonized" in civilizations we know nothing of bar the half truths and often fused and confusing speculations derived from a broad array of geologic, astronomic, scientific, scriptural and mythological findings over a period of tens of thousands of years.
Welcome to the 21st century AD. The age of technology that not even near its ultimate height is already untold miles ahead into killing us and changing us into a Star Wars like mutants and robots society, a process in the making since time immemorial. The little compassion that still lingers on is being quashed, strangled and suffocated by the noose around our necks, courtesy of the crime that has chained this civilization to its vices via wars, division, flawed social media, worthless technology, pitting people against people and poisoning our ecosystem, wildlife, our food and our minds.
World Peace Embassy Editor October 28, 2019
The warnings have been staring you in the face. Digital banking, digital money, digital payments, digital communication, digital illusions, etc. etc. etc. You have subconsciously been lured into a "Happy Digital People" feedlot.
The number of mobile phones have piled up to Mount Everest proportions. Dump your old gadgets, your 3 months old cell phones are obsolete, upgrade to every new gimmicks "app", do more things with your "Smart" gadget.
You have been channeled into an unstoppable, self perpetuating, exponential technology industry, you have become a robotic pawn in an unscrupulous criminal world totally dislodged from anything resembling Life, you're literally living inside a crime infested and operated digital screen.
There is nothing new about crime, it goes back to the first day civilization began to grow from the seeds that started its evolution process, not only just on our Earth, but it flourished already eons before this Earth was "colonized" in civilizations we know nothing of bar the half truths and often fused and confusing speculations derived from a broad array of geologic, astronomic, scientific, scriptural and mythological findings over a period of tens of thousands of years.
Welcome to the 21st century AD. The age of technology that not even near its ultimate height is already untold miles ahead into killing us and changing us into a Star Wars like mutants and robots society, a process in the making since time immemorial. The little compassion that still lingers on is being quashed, strangled and suffocated by the noose around our necks, courtesy of the crime that has chained this civilization to its vices via wars, division, flawed social media, worthless technology, pitting people against people and poisoning our ecosystem, wildlife, our food and our minds.
World Peace Embassy Editor October 28, 2019
Manual Slide Show - Click an image to enlarge
Photos 2019: The World is on Fire - Click images for enlarged views
In response to counterproductive negativity.....
Clarifying unjust speculation that WORLD PEACE EMBASSY is an organization of some kind.
WORLD PEACE EMBASSY is an initiative by an individual Global Citizen with concern for Life since it is dominated by unprecedented, politically and socially propagated crimes against humanity, our vital ecosystem, wildlife and domestic animals. The NOVEMBER 25 INTERNATIONAL GLOBAL CONSCIOUSNESS PROJECT INITIATIVE started in 2010.
Unfortunately with mobile phones and the Google, Facebook, Twitter, Yahoo, etc. etc. manipulated hurdles, the project keeps falling by the wayside in the maze of predetermined speculation, skepticism, ignorance, egocentricity, language barriers, criminal trolling, spamming, mental harassment, and anti change lobbying by a host of industries including military/religious/political interests, NGOs, charities and a host of other organizations trusted by the public because of their long standing but never questioned establishment.
The WORLD PEACE EMBASSY WEB SITE is not a site representing false hope, it is not a Utopian ideals, old and new age preacher, hippy or self seekers guru site, neither a dictatorship as one person vindictively posted in a November 25 Event published on Facebook, then vanished without a trace leaving this writer no means to respond.
The World Peace Web Site is a project to Unite Voices For Change, Voices For Peace - the uphill futility against the devastating turmoil of which the 21st century has become synonymous has contributed to the almost continuous daily random editing of this 60 page site. The NOVEMBER 25 PRINCIPLE however, remains with no apologies for a project that inevitably touches on people's security blankets and dents a few self asserted egos.
WORLD PEACE is the primary requisite for all destructive elements to be over and done with.
World Peace comes before illusions such as propagated by religious institutions. If Allah and its self proclaimed prophet come before World Peace as one Islamic Yemeni school teacher responded, and an elusive God figure as worshiped by Bible based faiths come before World Peace, you're staring at a non negotiable stalemate that says "YOU are not responsible for wars nor Peace" and so, hypothetically speaking, your imaginary "God" would, scratch his/her/its head in utter despair - the truth therein is that the general population prefers to occupy itself with war rather than Peace - absolute insanity.
NOVEMBER 25 INTERNATIONAL GLOBAL CONSCIOUSNESS DAY initiated 2010 was a proposal for World Peace to be considered by all concerned, it was open for discussion despite the urgency then, as it is now. Voices For Change on Facebook - link at the bottom of the page.
Clarifying unjust speculation that WORLD PEACE EMBASSY is an organization of some kind.
WORLD PEACE EMBASSY is an initiative by an individual Global Citizen with concern for Life since it is dominated by unprecedented, politically and socially propagated crimes against humanity, our vital ecosystem, wildlife and domestic animals. The NOVEMBER 25 INTERNATIONAL GLOBAL CONSCIOUSNESS PROJECT INITIATIVE started in 2010.
Unfortunately with mobile phones and the Google, Facebook, Twitter, Yahoo, etc. etc. manipulated hurdles, the project keeps falling by the wayside in the maze of predetermined speculation, skepticism, ignorance, egocentricity, language barriers, criminal trolling, spamming, mental harassment, and anti change lobbying by a host of industries including military/religious/political interests, NGOs, charities and a host of other organizations trusted by the public because of their long standing but never questioned establishment.
The WORLD PEACE EMBASSY WEB SITE is not a site representing false hope, it is not a Utopian ideals, old and new age preacher, hippy or self seekers guru site, neither a dictatorship as one person vindictively posted in a November 25 Event published on Facebook, then vanished without a trace leaving this writer no means to respond.
The World Peace Web Site is a project to Unite Voices For Change, Voices For Peace - the uphill futility against the devastating turmoil of which the 21st century has become synonymous has contributed to the almost continuous daily random editing of this 60 page site. The NOVEMBER 25 PRINCIPLE however, remains with no apologies for a project that inevitably touches on people's security blankets and dents a few self asserted egos.
WORLD PEACE is the primary requisite for all destructive elements to be over and done with.
World Peace comes before illusions such as propagated by religious institutions. If Allah and its self proclaimed prophet come before World Peace as one Islamic Yemeni school teacher responded, and an elusive God figure as worshiped by Bible based faiths come before World Peace, you're staring at a non negotiable stalemate that says "YOU are not responsible for wars nor Peace" and so, hypothetically speaking, your imaginary "God" would, scratch his/her/its head in utter despair - the truth therein is that the general population prefers to occupy itself with war rather than Peace - absolute insanity.
NOVEMBER 25 INTERNATIONAL GLOBAL CONSCIOUSNESS DAY initiated 2010 was a proposal for World Peace to be considered by all concerned, it was open for discussion despite the urgency then, as it is now. Voices For Change on Facebook - link at the bottom of the page.
there are too many to mention, but let's take one place that lives in the shadows of the political news:
there are too many to mention, but let's take one place that lives in the shadows of the political news:
From Wikipedia The South Sudanese Civil War is an ongoing conflict in South Sudan between forces of the government and opposition forces. In December 2013, President Kiir accused his former deputy Riek Machar and ten others of attempting a coup d'état. Machar denied trying to start a coup and fled to lead the SPLM – in opposition (SPLM-IO). Fighting broke out between the Sudan People's Liberation Movement (SPLM) and SPLM-IO, igniting the civil war. Ugandan troops were deployed to fight alongside the South Sudanese government. The United Nations has peacekeepers in the country as part of the United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS). In January 2014 the first ceasefire agreement was reached. Fighting continued and would be followed by several more ceasefire agreements. Negotiations were mediated by "IGAD +" (which includes the eight regional nations called the Intergovernmental Authority on Development as well as the African Union, United Nations, China, the EU, USA, UK and Norway). A peace agreement known as the "Compromise Peace Agreement" was signed in August 2015. Machar returned to Juba in 2016 and was appointed vice president. Following a second breakout of fighting within Juba, the SPLM-IO fled to the surrounding and previously peaceful Equatoria region. Kiir replaced Machar as First Vice President with Taban Deng Gai, splitting the opposition, and rebel in-fighting has become of major part of the conflict. Rivalry among Dinka factions led by the President and Paul Malong Awan have also led to fighting.[ In August 2018, another power sharing agreement came into effect. About 400,000 people are estimated to have been killed in the war, including notable atrocities such as the 2014 Bentiu massacre.[ Although both men have supporters from across South Sudan's ethnic divides, subsequent fighting has had ethnic undertones. Kiir's Dinka ethnic group has been accused of attacking other ethnic groups and Machar's Nuer ethnic group has been accused of attacking the Dinka. More than 4 million people have been displaced, with about 1.8 million of those internally displaced, and about 2.5 million having fled to neighboring countries, especially Uganda and Sudan. Fighting in the agricultural heartland in the south of the country has soared the number of people facing starvation to 6 million with famine breaking out in some areas. |
the UNITED NATIONS..... ????????
IMAGES: Collected from the net 2011-2014
Amnesty International June 15, 2019:
"After years of unchecked atrocities, the political crisis in Sudan reached a watershed moment last week when a brutal crackdown saw 100 pro-democracy protesters slaughtered and 700 more injured. The protesters had been calling for freedom and change but their peaceful sit-in was crushed by security forces refusing to loosen their grip on power. Hundreds of bodies were witnessed floating on the River Nile where they had been dumped to cover up the massacre. But this is just the tip of the iceberg. The despicable brutalities taking place in Sudan are being carried out by government forces like the Rapid Support Forces (RSF formerly known as the Janjaweed). These are the same militias which have been committing crimes against humanity and war crimes in Darfur, a western region of Sudan. “The enemies came and surprised us with an attack… They bombed us and then others came on foot and on trucks and on animals… We ran away without taking anything. I saw seven people get shot as I was running away…one of them was my aunt.” Hawa, a young girl from Korrow village in the Jebel Marra area of Darfur. Hawa’s village was completely burned and destroyed in a scorched earth campaign, with no way for her or her family to come back. After weeks of walking with her sister and grandparents they finally reached the relative safety of a refugee camp. Tragically, Hawa’s grandparents died shortly after from starvation. In the last year alone, the Government soldiers were responsible for attacking 45 villages with catastrophic consequences for people like Hawa and her family. The only protection provided to civilians are the UN peacekeepers, but the UN has announced it is considering withdrawing from Darfur, as they consider the situation to have improved enough. This UN decision flies in the face of the latest evidence we have gathered. We’re able to confirm that unlawful killings, sexual violence, systematic looting and forced displacements are still taking place at this very moment. It’s hard to imagine a worse time to decide to withdraw, given the ongoing violence and the fact that the move would effectively hand over control to the RSF, known for its history of war crimes. Bob, this is why we must pressure the UN to not turn their backs on people in Darfur and we must do it before a crucial vote on 27 June which will decide the peacekeepers future". |
Just as you think you've seen it all....
Only in America will you find the entrepreneurs selling the world what it doesn't need. The Arabs in Dubai are keen to sign up for orders and the Virginians in the US are all too happy to jump on the Virgin propaganda bandwagon, a few bank account top ups here and there helps getting this Lunie Park project up and crashing. ⬇︎ Richard's Virgins. Click to enlarge. |
AND THIS>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
is what the above is all about. But as one lone Planet Earth dweller says: "So, I want to get from my 42 acre regenerated bushland property on a country hills dirt road to the local district business town 30kms away to do my weekly supplies shopping. Will this dreamers illusion stop at my front gate and get me to town in 10 seconds? And get me back again to my place of peace away from the insanity of this robots Utopia? And if it does, should I do the black suit, white collar, tie and briefcase conversion from my usual no signature fashion wear? I guess I'd be one of the non urban dwellers missing out on this insanity......... But that's perfectly fine with me, I never was in a hurry to get anywhere, except perhaps a million miles away from this kind of artificial, sterile superficiality". |
This video shows the evil that lives in this world in grim detail. You will find this truth repulsive and you may need to let your children know that watching this will be severely depressing and leaves some to question why they were never told by their parents of this satanic evil that runs the world's deceitful economy and the "oh so convenient" supermarkets and fast food industries.
This video shows the evil that lives in this world in grim detail. You will find this truth repulsive and you may need to let your children know that watching this will be severely depressing and leaves some to question why they were never told by their parents of this satanic evil that runs the world's deceitful economy and the "oh so convenient" supermarkets and fast food industries.
Dominion is a feature-length documentary presenting an uncompromising, damning exploration of the various ways animals are used and abused by humans, particularly in the meat, dairy, egg, clothing and entertainment industries.
Filmed in Australia, ‘Dominion’ combines footage from handheld, hidden, and aerial drone cameras, much of it never seen before, to convey both the terrifying scale of an empire built on secrecy – and the individual stories of its victims. Focusing on the legal, industry-standard practices that occur all over the world, the film questions the morality and validity of humankind’s dominion over the animal kingdom, advocating not for minor improvements to their welfare but for a deeper conversation about our right to exploit those we deem inferior to ourselves. Dominion Movement |
The filming techniques are staggering
in their construction and the crew’s unwavering commitment to reveal the darkness is worthy of the utmost admiration... The film’s core value is to make us think about our relationship with the animal kingdom and assess the power we use (and abuse) but more than that, through the viscera stained graphic footage and lingering power, Dominion exposes how we need to grow, we need to improve and frankly, we need to wake the hell up." Jack Bottomley UK Film Review This film will be one that switches on the lights... challenging an ignoble atrocity that masquerades as an "industry". Philip Wollen |
When you've had enough of the evil that runs this world, when you've had enough of the wars, the satanic people and animals murder industry, when you've had enough of silently watching it all happening in front of your eyes....... It's TIME TO UNITE. This is your United Voices Profile Picture >
To download use and share it click here |
The World has a problem - War arsenal, corruption and murder remain the preferred political solutions
The World Wildlife Fund
Questions need to be asked: Who or what is behind Agenda 21/30, implemented by the UN under the auspices of a political NWO umbrella, supported by many of the largest organizations trusted across the world with $$$ billions in donations made by every day working people each year. Video - Congo: The tribe under threat Survival International Documentary - The Destruction of the Congo Basin Buzz Feed News - WWF's Secret War Graf Bros video - 1080 poisoning of NZ |
More articles and videos on negligent bureaucratic and corrupt "Ecosystem Management":
| Environment Vandalism | Ecocide Insanity | Wildlife Abuse | Corporate Pest Control |
| Environment Vandalism | Ecocide Insanity | Wildlife Abuse | Corporate Pest Control |
⬇︎ MONEY - Documentaries on the criminal fraud that runs the World
Money, the most evil "commodity" ever produced. There is only one greater evil, that is that which created the human slave
civilization that would eventually, when no longer needed, suicide itself due to the destruction of the Earth's life sustaining provisions by its own hands and lack of understanding how to live an environment cooperative coexistence. The evil that created this civilization is not of this Planet. That evil can be destroyed by eradicating the corrupt banking system - if only people had to will to erase the evil of past and present off the face of the Earth. |
The tax haven business that robs every day people of their forced slave labor means to an honest
life and throws most of the Planet's population into wars, devastation, abject misery and poverty.
But talk about it anywhere and you'll find that no one knows this, or........... doesn't want to know?
On the Right: High rise corporate offices instead of homes. You won't find a better video showing the lunacy of the business world. This is Life in the concrete urban ghettos, created by the political obsession with money as the means to economy. Self perpetuated by the small business man and the brainwashed material comfort zone consumer. Tokyo; an example of every other obscene major banking industry run ghetto in the world.
THIS SPACE used to be occupied by a politically sensitive video e.g. the kind the corporate industry world does not want you to see for fear of seeing a misled slave labor based consumer society wake up to the truth, with inevitable dire chain reaction consequences. Throughout the pages of this web site you'll find numerous spaces where Google deleted videos off the net, replaced with a copy of Youtube's violation of terms notice.
And then there came...................
the all righteous Shar'ia based Islamic Bank packaged in all the double standard illusions offered by Allah's promises of lavish, gold laced lifestyles for the rulers, oil barons and those bathing in wealth built on slavery and the imposition of fear, stoning people to death, beheadings, lynchings, martyrdom indoctrination and the suppression of women. This video appearing to credit the Islamic Bank with integrity in reality portrays a fake smiling world void of compassion for other than money, a self indulgent fake luxurious capitalist illusion, a US/Arab bankers and war investments lifestyle.
Click Play ⬇︎ to start the Slide Show
Photos used as part of the Voices For Change 2012 Stop the Amazon Destruction networking campaign. It's now 2019 and the Amazon is burning because every warning that has ever been on the net has been ignored. Every warning ever published about ecosystem destruction has been ignored. Fires are raging across the Amazon, Indonesia, Russia, Greece, Canada, Australia, and where else. This is not the work of nature, this is the work of corporations, industry, consumers, social, political and consumer society insanity.
People are being herded into a politically orchestrated "Global Warming" mass hysteria frenzy this September 2019 while the bankers keep financing the war industry, the Earth demolition industries and the corruption that regards Life as no more but a source of exploitation for the upkeep of its repulsive existence. World wide school strikes initiated by a 16 year old, extinction rebellion across the world propagated by fear emotions? - go for it but "Global Warming" as the hysteria slogan while the perpetrating manipulators are laughing all the way from one bank to another? The problem is not "Global Warming", the problem is Environment/Ecosystem destruction for mining resources and the maintaining of a slavery based society, a slave workforce to serve the agenda of those at the higher levels of the human hierarchy, people (?) who have no interest in what the masses want, how they behave, how loud they scream, the "untouchables", the illegitimately ruling elite and their bogus empirical advisers and bureaucracies. Humanity has been lied to from day one and the lies have reached their point of no return long ago. This world's civilization doesn't know what it's doing, because it was established to not know what it's doing - the evidence is all over the place in all of its self appointed glory in every war, every piece of Earth demolition machinery, every political and petty individual crime, in every town, every city, every shopping complex, on the radio waves, on the screens of every gadget devised since the idiot box. As a society on the whole we're being used, manipulated, lied to, trampled on, exploited, abused and discarded as mere trash. Is there a reason for all this? Yes there is, but we'll never have the answers while we continue avoiding the truth. PHOTOS & SLIDE SHOW: Posted 2012 unless otherwise dated, as part of the Voices For Change Stop the Belo Monte Dam and Stop the Amazon Destruction networking efforts via an earlier WORLD PEACE EMBASSY web site and Facebook. |
FIRES ACROSS THE WORLD - Hell lives on Earth not in the Universe
Caused by natural elements, forestry burning for mono crop plantations, deliberately or accidentally ignited, whichever, fires are hell for those caught up in them, human and animal alike. We can blame and argue over "Climate Change" from here to eternity but our contributions to wildfires due to our relentless environment destruction account for the loss of tens of thousands of lives every year not to mention the millions of animals suffering the consequences of our meddling with the natural ecosystem.*
Our "management" system appears to operate on the basis of kill to control, whether the ecosystem, wildlife, farm animals, other humans, the biosphere and if we could help it, the entire Universe. The best this human race could ever do is stop playing almighty all knowing God, recognize that we have done nothing for this world except for take what we can get, abuse the resources for our indulgence in material worthlessness, fake entertainment and flawed values at the cost of human inequity, slavery and suffering.
Wake up, live and let live, and when the world ends it ends and whosoever is still here by then, hopefully they know that the people of the 21st century finally woke up and did what was right even while carrying the burden put on them by all foregone generations.
* Fires occur across the world anytime anywhere, this page cannot accommodate them all
Massive dams irrigated agriculture practice in Ancient Mesopotamia 4000 years ago caused droughts, famine, disease, and eradicated forests. We now live in the 21st century AD "Smart Era", with no common sense brains, but "technology" is in the process of replacing our brains, so, not to worry, everything is under control.
At January 4, 2020 this is the latest video added to this site, after my statement on Facebook that I will no longer post on that fallacious superficial media, as both Facebook and the bulk of its users are not worth the waste of time - various pages in this web site touch on this subject.
At this time Australia is burning, fires created by droughts created by geoengineering are destroying thousands of homes and tens of thousands of lives. Meanwhile the US/UK Israel alliance, the Iran Islamic States alliance and the Communists alliance are spreading the fear of a war that will destroy the lives of billions if not all of this world's population. The insanity that has this world in its grip is unprecedented with the exception that it has all been predictable from the word go when the human race was destined to slave for some species we know little or nothing of, or rather, we don't want to know anything of. What is visible fact this very moment however is that we are living on this Earth as a slaving, warring, vain, vindictive society, conditioned to think and behave like obedient slaves for a relentless materialization industry and an unconsciously indiscriminate population control war industry. |
It is January 4, 2020, Christmas and New Year's Eve "Celebrations" just behind us with all the tinsel, booze, drugs, barbarian carnivorous behavior and the ritualistic religious toxicity lingering on in our indoctrinated, polluted brains. People taking holidays in Australia, only to get caught up in fire zones, while others are fighting for their homes and lives and billions of wildlife creatures are dying in the most unimaginable agony. Meanwhile New Zealanders carry on "fighting" the 1080 poison deluge in a hundred divided Facebook groups as they have done for over 20 years while nobody sees the truth concerning New Zealand being a laboratory for the US/UK military industrial complex and its geoengineering arms Haarp, Darpa etc. And so, the world carries on, today does not exist and tomorrow never comes.
Chris Hedges 2012
Entertainment USA. It started at the dawn of the wireless, the radio first in American homes and soon into Canada, the UK, Europe, Asia, South America. "Entertainment USA" - Hollywood, popular music, entertainers and musicians for the wars and war propaganda. Entertainment USA as orchestrated by the CIA since the first radios hit the airwaves. Perhaps you'll see the correlation between then and the present as summed up by Chris Hedges. It is better to hear the truth than the sermons of false hope. |
September 2, 1990 - The warning still blowing in the wind at 2020 with no sign of change in sight
Watch and Learn - There should be nothing more left to say