Planet Earth, the ticking time bomb
Planet Earth, the ticking time bomb
NOVEMBER 26, 2018
The 8th November 25 International Global Consciousness Day has passed. November 25 as an annual event was not posted on Facebook with the exception of two GREEN POSTERS shared by two 8 year long VOICES FOR CHANGE members. This page was added to this web site as a gesture of showing viewers the truth of the hopelessness that not only prevails in this World, but exponentially grows day by day, this 21st century AD when technology has people fixed on the screens of electronic/electromagnetic gadgets and daily life is a rush on the streets to nowhere. Machines run this world, people are none more but expendable cogs in the engines of crime and corruption operating without the slightest presence of conscience and regard for Life. The November 25 Project was initiated March 2010 in the believe that people would Unite Voices For Peace - but that idea has duly faded over the past 8 years. All videos and video links in this site have been added during the course of 2018 as a means to emphasise the "Need For Voices For Change" in a global society on a highway to self destruction. |
as claimed by the world's religious institutions, scriptures, clergy and preachers of old or new age churches, synagogues, mosques and temples. The idea of heaven and an eternal life is a politically programmed illusion, a fraud to obscure the reality of the savagery manifested throughout this world's population over the course of untold millennia. Hell exists right here on Earth and where ever else the human species and its ancestral predecessors have established their domains.
It is not our place as a civilization to seek cause nor sanctuary in the infinite Universe, it is our responsibility to educate ourselves out of the barbaric savage age and into an intelligent species capable of turning this Earth into a place of Life instead of the Hell On Earth created by prevailing ignorance. There can never be Peace in this world while this society carries on its daily mundane, conditioned routines blindfolded to the horrendous destruction and suffering inflicted on billions of living beings and the very ecosystem on which Life on Earth depends.
The number of videos showing the devastation this civilization imposes on itself run into the tens of thousands - impossible to document in a mere web site, even if it were possible, web sites reach but a fraction of the population, so does networking anything to do with reality via social media. Nonetheless, this site remains, free to access, free to share, free of commercials, free of tabloid sensationalism and free of requests for donations. The only thing this site sells is awareness, truth, and an option for every individual to take the initiative to change so that this World may see the end of violence, destruction, suffering, and the beginnings of Peace, for all concerned.
as claimed by the world's religious institutions, scriptures, clergy and preachers of old or new age churches, synagogues, mosques and temples. The idea of heaven and an eternal life is a politically programmed illusion, a fraud to obscure the reality of the savagery manifested throughout this world's population over the course of untold millennia. Hell exists right here on Earth and where ever else the human species and its ancestral predecessors have established their domains.
It is not our place as a civilization to seek cause nor sanctuary in the infinite Universe, it is our responsibility to educate ourselves out of the barbaric savage age and into an intelligent species capable of turning this Earth into a place of Life instead of the Hell On Earth created by prevailing ignorance. There can never be Peace in this world while this society carries on its daily mundane, conditioned routines blindfolded to the horrendous destruction and suffering inflicted on billions of living beings and the very ecosystem on which Life on Earth depends.
The number of videos showing the devastation this civilization imposes on itself run into the tens of thousands - impossible to document in a mere web site, even if it were possible, web sites reach but a fraction of the population, so does networking anything to do with reality via social media. Nonetheless, this site remains, free to access, free to share, free of commercials, free of tabloid sensationalism and free of requests for donations. The only thing this site sells is awareness, truth, and an option for every individual to take the initiative to change so that this World may see the end of violence, destruction, suffering, and the beginnings of Peace, for all concerned.
VIDEOS: The tip of the iceberg that is the endless history of WAR PLANET EARTH INSANITY
After clicking on a video click the button bottom right on the video to watch it full screen
After clicking on a video click the button bottom right on the video to watch it full screen
A few thousand videos of wars and violent conflict from across the world throughout the entire human history could be added to this section. In the final analysis, each and every war is none but the one war, humanity against itself. Civilization is waging war on itself from every conceivable perspective. If this society refuses to change, history will continue to repeat itself perpetually and with greater acceleration towards inevitable destruction, death, disease and suffering of proportions more devastating than all that is shown in the above videos together. People living the comfort zone illusion need to wake up, there is no comfort zone in this world and there never will be unless this society decides to face up to its self imposed predicament and people change their conditioned mindset and habitual behavior.
We're living in a socio/political corrupted world. And it's not only people who suffer the consequences.
WARNING... The videos below are extremely distressing but need to be seen and shared.
WARNING... The videos below are extremely distressing but need to be seen and shared.
There are over a million charities in this corrupted World. If you're about to donate to any organization or individual, check to be sure you're not supporting people who may be seeking to relieve you of your hard earned money for all the wrong reasons. Animals Australia is a 100% totally trustworthy, hard working organization achieving results for a better world for all concerned. Click the logo to watch some of Animals Australia's rescue work.
There are over a million charities in this corrupted World. If you're about to donate to any organization or individual, check to be sure you're not supporting people who may be seeking to relieve you of your hard earned money for all the wrong reasons. Animals Australia is a 100% totally trustworthy, hard working organization achieving results for a better world for all concerned. Click the logo to watch some of Animals Australia's rescue work.
The Startling Link Between Animal Cruelty and Human Abuse
From LFT Petition Site. Click Photo for article
From LFT Petition Site. Click Photo for article
Stuck inside a fenced-in “hunting zone”, over 500 deer and wild boar desperately attempted to flee for their lives, watching as animals around them collapsed to their deaths from gunshots.
The massacre, led by 16 Spanish hunters, took place on a farm in Torrebela, where tourists are welcome to “hunt” trapped animals. Click photo for Article & Petition |
The ignorance of a backward religious society of barbaric savages says enough to raise voices to abolish religion off the face of the Earth for once and for all. Don't get confused about anything apparent good coming from the mouths of religious "leaders" and their subordinate preachers - ALL religions are a curse on Life on Earth, no different from the obscene political and military establishments. Belief in the system and complacency throughout the global community has brought us a world of violence and destruction unprecedented in all foregone history.
Continuing to be intimidated by the lies from the religious/political establishment and not raising a world wide voice for change leads to only one dead end destination. This 21st century verbal and material consumer society is digging its own grave. The insanity shown in the videos on this and other pages in this site sends a clear message. What is done to animals is also done to people. What is done to our environment by all this insanity turns our Earth into a desolate dust bowl. Life cannot be sustained by the relentless self destruction this society continues to impose on itself. |
THE PHOTOS AND VIDEOS ON THIS PAGE are but a drop in the ocean of human despair brought on by the corrupt religious, political, military, industrial, geoengineering and financial institutions that run havoc across the world by means of wars and their consequent distribution of world wide poverty for the fake wealth of those at the head of the criminal hierarchies. There could however, be more to it all than what is generally perceived to lie at the heart of the global slavery industry - take some time to browse the pages of this web site.
FACEBOOK PROFILE PICTURES. Since Facebook changed the format of the User Profile Picture the ones below after their 8 year long presence on Facebook, have become obsolete. They have been replaced by the round one on the right, anyone who would like to use it, click the new picture to download, use and share across Facebook. |