The crime that runs the lives of all of us
The crime that runs the lives of all of us
⬇︎ Vietnam 1950-1970's
⬇︎ The Gulf War 1991
⬇︎ Syria 2017
There is a limit to news articles, reports and videos on the state of the World this 21st century AD that can be posted until hard rock bounces it all back with a myriad of controversies. Controversy is the breadbasket of the political system - a high office criminal can openly flaunt the masses with the repercussions of his/her doings while simultaneously gain massive public following. Controversy is the psychological persuasive trick in the books of crime against humanity. Sometimes referred to as "reverse psychology" psychology is psychology, nothing else; it is a method of implanting a mindset of one kind into the brain while blocking that of another kind. Psychology may be used to eliminate mental disturbances of one kind or other, but in the political world it is used to coerce people into conforming to become part of a system that serves only the agendas of those at the wheels of the political engine. In daily life people are coerced into following the trends set by the food and commodities market through massive advertising and pro and con lobbying for certain products and against other products. It comes down to consumer targeted conditioning - the longer the same old story is repeated, the more conformity is established, and the greater the mass conformity, the harder it becomes to erase. Religious, political and the military regimes all are heavily dependent on the psychological conformity of the masses. Within the ranks of the hierarchies debriefing people of all conscious senses to install a regime of total oblivion to the effects of crime, is standard procedure - once the moral conscience has been blocked, it becomes near to impossible to reverse the indoctrinated mind, though not impossible, but it may take a severe shock to the system for a reverse process to start taking place. |
CIA Hippie Mind Control: Inside Laurel Canyon with Dave McGowan: ⬆︎ Video Preface: ⬇︎
David Mc Gowan March 25, 1960 - November 23, 2015 Torrance, California, USA. References: | Link 1 | Link 2 |
Video Preface: The hippie movement of the 1960s, which began in Laurel Canyon, Los Angeles and peculiar military and political ties to prominent figures in the scene like Jim Morrison and Frank Zappa are looked at with Weird Scenes Inside the Canyon author Dave McGowan. We also discuss movement pioneer Vito Paulekas, Charles Manson and the Manson Family murders, and the theory that the CIA manufactured the hippie counterculture to undermine the anti war movement, in this uncensored Antidote interview, hosted by Michael Parker. |
GUEST BIO and BOOK INFO: David McGowan was born and raised in Torrance, California, just twenty miles south of Laurel Canyon. He graduated from UCLA with a degree in psychology and has, since 1990, run a small business in the greater Los Angeles area. Currently single*, he is the proud father of three daughters. He is also a lifelong music fan who still frequently keeps his radio tuned to classic rock stations. * Single at interview February 2015. Passed away November 2015, RIP.
McGowan's previous books include Programmed to Kill: The Politics of Serial Murder, and Understanding the F-Word: American Fascism and the Politics of Illusion. Weird Scenes Inside the Canyon How did an uncanny amount of rock superstars emerge from the rustic Laurel Canyon scene of the mid 60s when the primary music centers of the US at that time were NYC, Nashville, and Detroit?
Why were many of these future stars sons and daughters of the military/intelligence complex and extreme privilege who just happened to all arrive in LA at the same time? From the Lizard King Jim Morrison to Frank Zappa, the Mamas and Papas, the Byrds, Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young, even the Monkees, they all had conspicuous family heritages that did not exactly jive with what would become the free love, anti war soundtrack of a generation.
Meanwhile, looming behind these musicians was a dark underbelly of Hollywood stars, young turks, the mob, shadowy intelligence assets, and charmers like little Charlie Manson who everyone liked at first.. How and why did this all happen? And what about that covert military installation on Lookout Mountain? Are you ready to have your rock and roll fantasies challenged? You may never listen to this music the same way ever again.
McGowan's previous books include Programmed to Kill: The Politics of Serial Murder, and Understanding the F-Word: American Fascism and the Politics of Illusion. Weird Scenes Inside the Canyon How did an uncanny amount of rock superstars emerge from the rustic Laurel Canyon scene of the mid 60s when the primary music centers of the US at that time were NYC, Nashville, and Detroit?
Why were many of these future stars sons and daughters of the military/intelligence complex and extreme privilege who just happened to all arrive in LA at the same time? From the Lizard King Jim Morrison to Frank Zappa, the Mamas and Papas, the Byrds, Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young, even the Monkees, they all had conspicuous family heritages that did not exactly jive with what would become the free love, anti war soundtrack of a generation.
Meanwhile, looming behind these musicians was a dark underbelly of Hollywood stars, young turks, the mob, shadowy intelligence assets, and charmers like little Charlie Manson who everyone liked at first.. How and why did this all happen? And what about that covert military installation on Lookout Mountain? Are you ready to have your rock and roll fantasies challenged? You may never listen to this music the same way ever again.
⬇︎ More of the CIA's handiwork - Follow the trail, all roads lead to Rome via London
⬇︎ Forwarding the 1960-1970 revolution to 2021 *
April 3, 2021, one year and 6 months into the greatest political assault on freedom ever conducted on the entire world - the fear distribution by means of the criminally manufactured Covid-19 pandemic. The time bomb is ticking, the effects of the breakdown in people's movements, lives and incomes through the constant imposition and lifting of "lockdowns", "social distancing" and the wearing of suffocating masks, has become a way of life.
But under the seemingly passive, obliging atmosphere, resentment is brewing - an entire global population chained, shackled and gagged by corrupt rule and oppression will rise up in a revolt the likes of which has never yet been seen in the entire history of the "civilized world".
The 1960s revolt against the system will go down in history as child's play compared to what lies in store for the 21st century generation. The hippies of the 1960-70s stood up against the system, but didn't know what they were doing, nor did they know they were being set up and used by the very cabal they opposed with flowers, drugs and rock and roll.
The revolt revolution has entered a new dimension by way of unstoppable flawed, unworkable, out of control, socially and environmentally destructive technology. Geoengineering, the 5G network, chemtrails, Artificial Intelligence, corporations growing fewer and bigger to eventually become the NWO dictatorship over a society of humanoids and robotized workplaces can no longer be seen as science fiction, forget the word "Conspiracy", Agenda 21/30 is fact, happening, right now, and we're all watching.
The only unanswered question left: "Who or what is the source behind the higher ranks in the Earth's civil hierarchy orchestrating the successive industrialization that sooner or later will have achieved its objectives and no longer have use of its physical bodied slaves, and therefor, do what we all have been doing with obsolete relics of our daily plastic packaged food, tools, and a host of other useless gadgets."
Perhaps the Rockefellers, the Rothchilds, the Soros', the Koch and Lehman Brothers, the Empirical Royals and their Generals, the world's dictators, the news tabloids and Hollywood moguls, the mafia and whoever more of this world are no more but puppets and disposable pawns like the rest of us. Perhaps one day, those who survive the looming catastrophe of all ages if any, may live to learn the answer.
Bob Oort, site owner/editor, April 3, 2021
But under the seemingly passive, obliging atmosphere, resentment is brewing - an entire global population chained, shackled and gagged by corrupt rule and oppression will rise up in a revolt the likes of which has never yet been seen in the entire history of the "civilized world".
The 1960s revolt against the system will go down in history as child's play compared to what lies in store for the 21st century generation. The hippies of the 1960-70s stood up against the system, but didn't know what they were doing, nor did they know they were being set up and used by the very cabal they opposed with flowers, drugs and rock and roll.
The revolt revolution has entered a new dimension by way of unstoppable flawed, unworkable, out of control, socially and environmentally destructive technology. Geoengineering, the 5G network, chemtrails, Artificial Intelligence, corporations growing fewer and bigger to eventually become the NWO dictatorship over a society of humanoids and robotized workplaces can no longer be seen as science fiction, forget the word "Conspiracy", Agenda 21/30 is fact, happening, right now, and we're all watching.
The only unanswered question left: "Who or what is the source behind the higher ranks in the Earth's civil hierarchy orchestrating the successive industrialization that sooner or later will have achieved its objectives and no longer have use of its physical bodied slaves, and therefor, do what we all have been doing with obsolete relics of our daily plastic packaged food, tools, and a host of other useless gadgets."
Perhaps the Rockefellers, the Rothchilds, the Soros', the Koch and Lehman Brothers, the Empirical Royals and their Generals, the world's dictators, the news tabloids and Hollywood moguls, the mafia and whoever more of this world are no more but puppets and disposable pawns like the rest of us. Perhaps one day, those who survive the looming catastrophe of all ages if any, may live to learn the answer.
Bob Oort, site owner/editor, April 3, 2021
*A link back to return to 2023 The Future is provided at the bottom of this page
This page provides links to videos the average person may find hard to deal with. The 21st century gadget indoctrinated under 30 generation still living in the 1960-1980s new age hippies, drugs and rock 'n roll clouds - unaware of being seduced by the CIA manipulated music industry - does not grasp the severity of having bombs dropped on men, women and children in Europe, Gaza, Vietnam, Bosnia, Cambodia, Sudan, Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Yemen even today, leave alone picturing their town bombarded and their family being murdered by hails of gunfire, missiles and execution squads.
When the mind is blindfolded, the eyes don't see, the ears don't hear. If people aren't willing to change their fatally conditioned routines, habits and their believe in one or other system with a long historic record of controversy, lies, deceit and destruction, then the wars will remain part of life infinitely. |
Untold History of the United States
Wikileaks War Lies and Videotapes Age of Terror - Untold US History Videos ⬇︎ - Step back to the warnings - 2008 |
SLIDE SHOW - A conversation with the President anno 2013
Click ⬇︎ Play to start - Pause to read extended text. Manual operation: Click thumbnails at the bottom.
Click ⬇︎ Play to start - Pause to read extended text. Manual operation: Click thumbnails at the bottom.
MONEY... is a fake means to exchange goods and/or services. It is the stuff that runs the world on a foundation of crime and corruption, ruins lives, destroys people, animals and the Earth's vitally essential ecosystem. Money buys war arsenal, military subjects, corrupted politicians and their propaganda moguls, it buys companies and corporations and industries that cost the Earth, corrupts people at all levels of society in any country whatsoever, reduces entire populations to slavery status for the never satisfied criminal money launderers amassing their billions on the degradation of Life in all its forms.
Money is the means to control a community, constituency, village, town, city, country, and the World. And control is what it is all about, control keeps a population in the chains of slavery, poverty, despair and on the verge of suicide, violent revolution and ecocide. There is....... NOTHING GOOD ABOUT MONEY.
So you got the message you never asked for from your friendly China spam dept. in your email, offering you the stuff nobody on this entire Planet needs, moreover, as replacement for the almighty US dollar still on its Great British Empire umbilical cord and its corrupt "allies" legacies financed WWI, WWII and all other wars before, current, and yet to come. And we're building highways across the continents, the oceans and flight paths by means of massive industrial machinery, so called technology and the recruitment of disposable workers who once used to farm the land they were dispossessed of by the system. But, slave labor is nothing new, not in China, the Americas, Russia, Europe or anywhere. But dragons are patient, they appear dormant for centuries, even millennia, but they never sleep, always contemplating the next calculated strike and biding time to deliver it when the moment is right.
China today has tackled all the hurdles, corrupted all other governments, financiers, industrialists, corporate high fliers the military industrial complex orchestrators and the little man on the street buying cheap and cheap labor produced products all designed to be thrown on the garbage dumps by their short lived life expectancy so the shipping industry can keep on moving its infinite garbage deluge back and forth across the Planet. But, the consumer e.g the worker e.g. the blindfolded globalized infrastructure slave continues to consume, goods, commodities, chemicals saturated food, and..... the lies that come free with every global corporate supermarket credit card paid purchase.
TECHNOLOGY..... that magic creation of an industrious society that has no concept of the Living Life whatsoever, just garbage, more garbage and more garbage, mental and material garbage, that's all the money industry sells this world, nothing more, in plain language, business e.g. MONEY, over and above Life. So which bunch of lunatics will run this World tomorrow, the Chinese, US, UK, Russian, Indian, Pakistani, Argentine, European government? Arabs, Westerners, Indochinese, Africans, Romans, Egyptians, Persians, Aztecs, Mayans, the Vatican, Anunnaki?
Does it matter who runs this world today or tomorrow? There is no difference, we're all too used to being subjected to a global slavery system, conditioned to be the robots serving the robots machine and indoctrinated to believe that somewhere during this tirelessly ongoing deluge some all loving creator of this mentally disturbed asylum will fix things for the 7.8 billion of us, as well as for the several tens of billions of dead people from the past 600,000 years or so. And animals get a break too according to the Watch Tower good news, so then we can all live happily ever after, the high fliers can go sit on the beach or jump from their 40 stories corporate office windows or their private jets...... without parachutes.
Well, CHINESE, US, UK, ISRAELI, FRENCH, RUSSIAN, ARAB, INDIAN, or any other industrial wars, financiers and ruling government official, you can stick your trash up yours, but don't lose any sleep over your crimes against humanity and this world's animals and ecosystem, not long from now the ticking time bomb you and your predecessors have created over the millennia is going to blow up in your sorry faces.
Bob Oort, site editor, June 5, 2021
⬇︎ This is the only advertisement in this web site, added to help the Chinese businessman/woman, his/her government and their associate international corporate governments, bankers and industrialists on the road to recovery from the impoverished predicament imposed on them by the population.
MONEY... is a fake means to exchange goods and/or services. It is the stuff that runs the world on a foundation of crime and corruption, ruins lives, destroys people, animals and the Earth's vitally essential ecosystem. Money buys war arsenal, military subjects, corrupted politicians and their propaganda moguls, it buys companies and corporations and industries that cost the Earth, corrupts people at all levels of society in any country whatsoever, reduces entire populations to slavery status for the never satisfied criminal money launderers amassing their billions on the degradation of Life in all its forms.
Money is the means to control a community, constituency, village, town, city, country, and the World. And control is what it is all about, control keeps a population in the chains of slavery, poverty, despair and on the verge of suicide, violent revolution and ecocide. There is....... NOTHING GOOD ABOUT MONEY.
So you got the message you never asked for from your friendly China spam dept. in your email, offering you the stuff nobody on this entire Planet needs, moreover, as replacement for the almighty US dollar still on its Great British Empire umbilical cord and its corrupt "allies" legacies financed WWI, WWII and all other wars before, current, and yet to come. And we're building highways across the continents, the oceans and flight paths by means of massive industrial machinery, so called technology and the recruitment of disposable workers who once used to farm the land they were dispossessed of by the system. But, slave labor is nothing new, not in China, the Americas, Russia, Europe or anywhere. But dragons are patient, they appear dormant for centuries, even millennia, but they never sleep, always contemplating the next calculated strike and biding time to deliver it when the moment is right.
China today has tackled all the hurdles, corrupted all other governments, financiers, industrialists, corporate high fliers the military industrial complex orchestrators and the little man on the street buying cheap and cheap labor produced products all designed to be thrown on the garbage dumps by their short lived life expectancy so the shipping industry can keep on moving its infinite garbage deluge back and forth across the Planet. But, the consumer e.g the worker e.g. the blindfolded globalized infrastructure slave continues to consume, goods, commodities, chemicals saturated food, and..... the lies that come free with every global corporate supermarket credit card paid purchase.
TECHNOLOGY..... that magic creation of an industrious society that has no concept of the Living Life whatsoever, just garbage, more garbage and more garbage, mental and material garbage, that's all the money industry sells this world, nothing more, in plain language, business e.g. MONEY, over and above Life. So which bunch of lunatics will run this World tomorrow, the Chinese, US, UK, Russian, Indian, Pakistani, Argentine, European government? Arabs, Westerners, Indochinese, Africans, Romans, Egyptians, Persians, Aztecs, Mayans, the Vatican, Anunnaki?
Does it matter who runs this world today or tomorrow? There is no difference, we're all too used to being subjected to a global slavery system, conditioned to be the robots serving the robots machine and indoctrinated to believe that somewhere during this tirelessly ongoing deluge some all loving creator of this mentally disturbed asylum will fix things for the 7.8 billion of us, as well as for the several tens of billions of dead people from the past 600,000 years or so. And animals get a break too according to the Watch Tower good news, so then we can all live happily ever after, the high fliers can go sit on the beach or jump from their 40 stories corporate office windows or their private jets...... without parachutes.
Well, CHINESE, US, UK, ISRAELI, FRENCH, RUSSIAN, ARAB, INDIAN, or any other industrial wars, financiers and ruling government official, you can stick your trash up yours, but don't lose any sleep over your crimes against humanity and this world's animals and ecosystem, not long from now the ticking time bomb you and your predecessors have created over the millennia is going to blow up in your sorry faces.
Bob Oort, site editor, June 5, 2021
⬇︎ This is the only advertisement in this web site, added to help the Chinese businessman/woman, his/her government and their associate international corporate governments, bankers and industrialists on the road to recovery from the impoverished predicament imposed on them by the population.
This slideshow - Click Play ⬇︎ - was made to provide added credibility to the above advertisement
VIDEO - 3 hours instead of TV for the love of Life. Take the time to think about this.
NOTE: As a collated presentation of many videos, sound volumes vary to a degree where segments turn into a dramatic drone and/or crescendo effect that may be disturbing to the sensitive ear. If you need to be relieved of the sometimes unbearable background noise, lower the volume or forward to the next segment. |
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If you came here from 2023 The Future at the Peace Is Better Than War web site, click here if you wish to return