Covid-19 Turn the crime back on its creators
The AUSTRALIAN CONSTITUTION, established by British royalty after taking possession of a country which had an approximate 40,000 year unwritten spiritual Aboriginal constitution based on custodianship instead of land ownership. Land was never actually owned, but the records tell of the infinite stories of land grabs by the warring factions of human society. As lands became properties, so came the laws, the bureaucracies and their ever increasing control methods. And so came the constitutions as a measure of protecting citizens from injustices while the crimes that started the entire catastrophic governing process remain necessarily justified - if crime was to be totally erased off the face of the Earth, every existing bureaucracy would fall apart, the war arsenal industry and every other industrial economy on the Planet would sink back into the soil it has so relentlessly raped to be rendered void of essential minerals, nutrients, trace and microbial elements.
We're living in a man made unsustainable fantasy world. By all our ingenious productivity we have become a species obsessed with creating our own demise in every conceivable way - our abhorrent existence has no relevance to Life whatsoever. But, people are not all the same, some care, others do not. We could all live in a better world if we'd all care - about our environment, air, water, wildlife, people and pets. Peace is the way to living consciously without any literature whatsoever having to explain what is clearly embedded in our Conscience - even if blocked by conditioning and indoctrination, whether self imposed or imposed by a 3rd party, Conscience is embedded in the human DNA. Anything posing as human and having no conscience or one replicated to act as one, is neither human or of this Planet.
The (human) World needs to take a step back from its destructive endeavors. We have to stop burying people under the billion rhetorical sermons brought on an infinite array of screens and billboards. We have to step back from insanity and contemplate or meditate, on a behavioral way of life that reverses the endless physical and mental suffering. Institutions, industries and corporations that have wittingly played their part in the ever more exponential suffering of men, women, children, animals and the Earth's vital ecosystem must stand trial for their practices and agendas - then, there may be a light for humanity at the end of a thousand millennia long, dark, blood soaked tunnel.
We're living in a man made unsustainable fantasy world. By all our ingenious productivity we have become a species obsessed with creating our own demise in every conceivable way - our abhorrent existence has no relevance to Life whatsoever. But, people are not all the same, some care, others do not. We could all live in a better world if we'd all care - about our environment, air, water, wildlife, people and pets. Peace is the way to living consciously without any literature whatsoever having to explain what is clearly embedded in our Conscience - even if blocked by conditioning and indoctrination, whether self imposed or imposed by a 3rd party, Conscience is embedded in the human DNA. Anything posing as human and having no conscience or one replicated to act as one, is neither human or of this Planet.
The (human) World needs to take a step back from its destructive endeavors. We have to stop burying people under the billion rhetorical sermons brought on an infinite array of screens and billboards. We have to step back from insanity and contemplate or meditate, on a behavioral way of life that reverses the endless physical and mental suffering. Institutions, industries and corporations that have wittingly played their part in the ever more exponential suffering of men, women, children, animals and the Earth's vital ecosystem must stand trial for their practices and agendas - then, there may be a light for humanity at the end of a thousand millennia long, dark, blood soaked tunnel.
NOVEMBER 24 - 30, 2021
The fight across the world against the Covid-19 crime will be won, some day. How, when and at what further cost, remains still at this day, the much anticipated question. This so called "Covid-19 Pandemic" is the trigger to the inevitable world wide revolution that has been smouldering for tens of thousands of years. The human race has been deceived from day one, everything told, taught, passed on one way or other, indoctrinated and conditioned has been an exponentially perpetuating lie. People have lived on fairy tale illusions for so long, the lies have become the unconscious never questioned norm. A 7-8 billion society living on make believe has turned the world into an unsustainable garbage dump, not just to the demise of the Planet's Life providing ecosystem, but our political/industrial garbage overloaded brains don't have the capacity to see the trees for the wood - living on lies is the only truth we know.
But, there are people raising voices against the insanity that has manufactured the Covid-19 assault on the sleeping world. And they will bring the perpetrators and their collaborators down, from the top to the governments and their messengers. This is WWI through WWII continued to this day coming to an end. However, this is only just the beginning of the long way to the end of a corrupted world. At this moment in time the entire world is struggling in a vacuum of lies, secrecy and distortion of the facts about Covid-19, the population is in a state of hysteria, confusion, fear and despair.
The videos below highlight the realities of humanity fighting an untouchable enemy, not knowing how, not knowing where to begin. For our civilization has become a machine, literally, it is impossible for any individual to grasp the size of it all. The human workforce has created its own demise, replaced by machines the human population is deemed to be reduced to the point where only few hands are required to operate the system, until one day our services will no longer be required altogether. Meanwhile, try to make the most of the predicament we all find ourselves in, who knows, perhaps, one day, by some miraculous twist of fate, things might turn around just as all hope has hit the lowest low of all times.
The fight across the world against the Covid-19 crime will be won, some day. How, when and at what further cost, remains still at this day, the much anticipated question. This so called "Covid-19 Pandemic" is the trigger to the inevitable world wide revolution that has been smouldering for tens of thousands of years. The human race has been deceived from day one, everything told, taught, passed on one way or other, indoctrinated and conditioned has been an exponentially perpetuating lie. People have lived on fairy tale illusions for so long, the lies have become the unconscious never questioned norm. A 7-8 billion society living on make believe has turned the world into an unsustainable garbage dump, not just to the demise of the Planet's Life providing ecosystem, but our political/industrial garbage overloaded brains don't have the capacity to see the trees for the wood - living on lies is the only truth we know.
But, there are people raising voices against the insanity that has manufactured the Covid-19 assault on the sleeping world. And they will bring the perpetrators and their collaborators down, from the top to the governments and their messengers. This is WWI through WWII continued to this day coming to an end. However, this is only just the beginning of the long way to the end of a corrupted world. At this moment in time the entire world is struggling in a vacuum of lies, secrecy and distortion of the facts about Covid-19, the population is in a state of hysteria, confusion, fear and despair.
The videos below highlight the realities of humanity fighting an untouchable enemy, not knowing how, not knowing where to begin. For our civilization has become a machine, literally, it is impossible for any individual to grasp the size of it all. The human workforce has created its own demise, replaced by machines the human population is deemed to be reduced to the point where only few hands are required to operate the system, until one day our services will no longer be required altogether. Meanwhile, try to make the most of the predicament we all find ourselves in, who knows, perhaps, one day, by some miraculous twist of fate, things might turn around just as all hope has hit the lowest low of all times.
Australian News Media are not reporting the truth about the quarantine stations. Australia is not the only country where they are being built. This has as much to do with tourists as it is for the safety of vaxxed or unvaxxed Australians. Australia and New Zealand are laboratories for the US Military Industrial Complex. People are none more but the disposable guinea pigs. 1939 - Never forget. |
There is more, infinitely more, from one day to the next. Without adding any further "updates", the above videos, aside from 7 more prior pages on this "pandemic" crime, clearly show that the war on humanity continues to rear its ugly face again and again. It's November 24, 2021 Down Under. Tomorrow will be the 11th annual November 25 International Global Consciousness Day - the history since that naive attempt to create a roadmap for World Peace, Justice and Sanity is amply documented throughout this web site in videos and articles on life in a widely diverse but dysfunctional civilization on Planet Earth.
NWO DOCUMENTATION In their own words Click to read, download to print. |
The Testimonies Project was created to provide a platform for all those who were affected after getting the covid-19 vaccines, and to make sure their voices are heard, since they are not heard in the Israeli media. We hope this project will encourage more and more people to tell their story. Link to Project Site |
Is it just a coincidence that deaths among children have increased by 62% since the rollout of the mRNA shots (up to 400% in vulnerable children) against the five-year average?
Deaths of children have been on the rise since the UK started vaccinating teenagers from the age of 12 and older. The risk-benefit analysis raises serious doubts about injecting this age group with the experimental drug. Click here to read the full article |
The video about Bill Gates is not about Covid-19, but about women's safety in the workplace. It exposes a side to this monster of a criminal that most people are possibly not aware of, not via the controlled news media anyhow. But the crimes committed by this sleazy specimen stretch across the entire world by all his evil deeds including his crusade to have the entire world injected with Covid-19 test vaccines. His ambition to be God by any means whatsoever and at what cost to human lives cannot be overstated. This piece of evil is responsible for the genocide, the suffering, the loneliness and the suicides happening around the world today. People need to wake up. Instead of getting at each other's throats, they should focus on those who divide this society and spread their deadly venom and mayhem across the world. World wide class action against this and other moguls running humanity to oblivion is the only way to set a precedent for all who have intentions to continue to exploit and abuse humanity, to withdraw from their criminal activities. The world is tired of corruption, crime and being commandeered by a bunch of self appointed authoritarian lunies that have no concept of Life nor Justice.
Click the above PDF files to open the documents as written by the institutions pursuing the New World Order. Download the files to print out in hard copy so you can read them at intervals to suit.
Click the NOVEMBER 25 INTERNATIONAL GLOBAL CONSCIOUSNESS DAY cover to read about the initiative and why you have never heard of it. |