There is a limit to what one individual can do in a World where no one reads a word beyond tabloids junk.
⬆︎ Click images to enlarge
It is better to write for Peace than to create demonstrations in public that prove only to either turn violent or despite massive input get nowhere.
Nine years of working 24/7 on the November 25 Project without seeing any change in attitude among the vast majority of 2.2 billion (2018) Facebook users has proven itself to be a futile exercise which cannot mentally be sustained. This page posted February 11, 2018 was a last attempt to draw attention to the plight of untold millions of people e.g. children, men, women as well as animals living on this Earth in circumstances that cannot be tolerated by anyone with even the slightest sense of humanity in their veins.
⬅︎ Poster designed 2010 and shared across Facebook 2011 as a way to depict the chaotic world of charities, petition sites, justice for one thing or another organizations in the mid of a world of war profiteers, crime and corruption. As it stands today, 2018, most if not all of these so called humanitarian organizations have been sucked into the war on humanity industry via Google/Facebook/Twitter etc Inc. If not sucked into those corporations to serve as underdogs obeying the rules, they have been well and truly corrupted by the same. The war industry feeds on division, people need to learn to understand that without a United Focus on Peace, war will continue to prevail and perpetuate.
Over 325,000 charity organizations in
⬅︎ those three countries alone, taking the responsibility out of the hands of governments subsidising the very industries causing the existence of charities in the first place. Charities are bandaid organizations infinitely adding one bandaid on another, never fixing the core disease or disaster they claim to address. Charity by all its good intentions is an easy accessible business for abuse by corporations governments and petty criminals alike. The very existence of charities keeps every Life destroying industry alive and thriving. |
⬇︎ 2018 Posters made with 2010-2018 images - Click an image to engage enlarged slide show
Since passing age 78, the 8 year long mental exercise of working against a void in the general human brain writing for Peace, sanity and Justice on Facebook close to 24/7 from March 2010 to March 2018, this mission impossible ends here.
What you have seen and read of my work if any, could to an extent* be reflected by the work of Mark Passio, writer and presenter of an extensive series of videos, podcasts and live seminars on basically everything to do with the questions this society has been grappling with since it "was first planted on this Planet". *This society in its endeavors to find answers in the infinite Universe has stockpiled an historical kaleidoscope of unimaginable magnitude and consequential speculated reasoning. Where facts are diluted with guesswork running on par with fantasy and fiction, you're left with a blurry picture which in due course turns into a no win on either side of the argument situation from which most people will walk away. Youtube is a bottomless flotsam and jetsam haven for all kinds of writers, philosophers, trolls, scammers, and debunkers debunkers. When people devote their entire life breathlessly creating video after video on one principal subject they create an environment of controversy, confusion, repetition and predatory abuse. On Youtube you will need your wits fully activated to sift trough the fiction, fables and fantasies in order to derive at facts. |
⬇︎ VIDEOS: Part 1, 2 and 3 respectively
SLIDE SHOWS ⬇︎ Click Play at top left of the slide to start the slide show, click Pause to stop.
⬇︎ Part 2nd section of the 400 slides presentation
Mark Passio's work should be seen as a platform for thought and for individuals and organizations to act upon making lifestyle changes (see the "Green Poster"). I do not necessarily agree with some of his views, or the views of other writers in respect to Planet and Species origins. In the end it matters little whether the (true) human race continues to fish in the oceans of unattainable mysteries or not, first and foremost task of the (human) species is to Unite FOR World Peace - all religions and politics set aside - which inevitably implies to Unite AGAINST war.
The World's military might should serve but one combined purpose: A force to stand united and ready against any perpetrator(s) of war who or whatever they or it may be, where-ever from, and when not threatened e.g. in times of Peace, work on the regeneration of the Earth's ecosystem and the mental health of the human species e.g: "Reform of the conditioned state of Mind to which the (true) human race has been subjected since slavery was first imposed untold millennia ago". |
⬇︎ Beginning section of a 400 slides presentation made early 2014 and published in a previous web site as a slide show July 2015. It covers my theories with option for alternative thought from 3rd parties, on the birth of Life from a musical relativity perspective e.g. sound waves, electro-magnetic frequencies, the music of the spheres, which I generalized as "Cosmofriction" which caused "Dust" friction and collisions creating Light, Sound and varied Harmonic Frequencies eventually coming together in resolved harmony, at least at the receiving end some place in the Universe untold light years away from such incidents which our species likes to refer to as "the Big Bang". In reality there was no "one big bang" but many in an ongoing "Cosmodust" cycle of events - we are just too small to see every event in that activity with our eyes. In this Universe we are no bigger than a fraction of a grain of sand in all of Planet Earth's deserts combined. I stress that my theories are "theories" to entice thought of possibilities, but I stand by my logic of "music" being the catalyst to a many billions of light years chain reaction from which Life and Consciousness evolved respectively.
The full 400 frames Slide Show can be viewed at THE LAST CHAPTER
STEPHEN HAWKING January 8-1942 - March 14-2018
Said to be the greatest scientist of all times, he searched the Universe through observatories, science, mathematics and computer technology. Conveyor of philosophical messages that humans can do anything they put their Mind to, his dream to discover the very origin of Life has gone as far as it will ever go for humanity. In the final analysis it matters little what answers science or religions derive at while all along answers to end the wars and the intolerable suffering of Earth's living species should be found before all else.
So, we live in a world where over untold millennia men have searched for answers to the existence of well, EVERYTHING..... Life in other words. What has become the means of explanation is, you guessed it... NUMBERS or, the academic man's juggling game called "mathematics".
While I have it from experience that tuning my guitar to 432Htz creates a peaceful mood in any given place, the "juggling" of numbers inevitably leads to either symmetry or chaos - the replica of the Universe where cycles appear to be symmetric, but the overall (infinite) mass is pure chaos. However, we're stuck with our numbers game, until one day we can confidently throw all mathematics out the window, because we will have come to realize that the answers to the mystery of the very |
beginnings e.g. "How did the "Dust" get there in the first place?"........... God?... doesn't add up, not ever.
But, we could be an Anunnaki GMO? Why give a damn about that hideous species of self made Gods. Please folks, get down to Earth, that is where everything you should direct your energies to is happening. Power? Electricity? It will manifest itself through a collective World Peace and Ecosystem focused Consciousness. Step out of the blind zone. |
⬅︎ The Cycle of Keys, the ancient Greek road map in the symmetry trials or in other words the pursuit of jamming everything into a neat box, any shape, a box is a box. However, the point of the Cycle of Keys - or Cycle of Fifths or Cycle of Fourths depending on which way you travel, yes, Quo Vadis was a Roman imperial police question at the time the emperor was writing the prologue to the New Testament - is that no matter how you divide the pizza, symmetrical or otherwise, it ends up in one place together with the question "Who or what came first".... Everything ends up in the same place.... eventually.