Satanic culture - destined to die by its own vices
Satanic culture - destined to die by its own vices
SATANIC CULTURE has made you squeal, scream, suffer and watch billions of living beings perish in the most unimaginable horrific ways, slaughtered humans and animals on a mass scale while threatening you and your children with the wrath of God, burning in the flames of eternal hell, God being none other but the institution and the satanic barbarians under its wings.
Neither eternal hell nor Paradise, nor the God they invented and psychologically implanted into the minds of over 80% of the world population since the beginnings of the so called "civilized world" exists. The Universe is silent, it reveals nothing except the visible, stars, planets, meteors, rocks, galaxies, dust. Hell exists only on Earth and it does so in full view for anyone capable of seeing through the fog. May this page open your eyes and help you recover the mind of your own you've always had but were afraid to use. The barbaric medieval fortresses will come down before long and sink into the Earth never to surface again. Then, the world will begin to know what real Peace, Harmony and Justice is about. |
⬇︎ The Dying Satanic Culture Slideshow
"Dying" because it is crashing down on its own perverted circus
"Dying" because it is crashing down on its own perverted circus
If music helps stop you from self flagellation while watching the Slide Show play the video >>>>>>>> |
INVERTED GARGOYLES - click Play ⬇︎ to activate the slide show
Inverting the word Gargoyle by way of the spoken word instead of written text, with a little juggling you'll derive at an anagram from the stone Gargoyle to the breathing Gargoyle - Test your puzzle skills by doing the juggling yourself.
Gargoyles are the product of a superstitious, fearful of the unknown, religious, bizarre minded society. Made by Man or something from elsewhere perhaps? Gargoyles are far removed from anything sane. Appropriate language omitted. |
Disclaimer: Any similarity of one Gargoyle with the previous or next Gargoyle is purely coincidental.
We are a species of trash collectors. Where ever one cares to travel, in and out of countries, in and out of buildings, trash dominates the life in all societies.
please be vigilent in drawing conclusions, as they are a cross section of both sides of the equation without any preferential bias from this web site's editor. These videos are here to show the obnoxious brain malfunction of the human race when it comes to worshiping its own manufactured stupidity in total disconcern for the Living World. But what could be expected of people cramming themselves into the concrete ghettos by the millions, in their own misconceived mindset that "Cities have it all", e.g. dead end jobs, dead end entertainment, dead end convenience, dead end salesmen, dead end streets - paid for by the Earth and the handful of people who care enough to see their existence in the light of ecosystem custodianship as opposed to exploitation and abuse. Books are a religion, the bulk of books serves no other purpose than to light a fire when temperatures drop below bearable temperatures. Religions have created more books than there are people on this Planet. You need to ask yourself: "Why are they trying so hard to sell the world their mind wrenching scripts and pompous theatricals". You may have to answer that for yourself. WARNING! When watching the videos below you may find yourself throwing up.
a verbal and written means of communication. When the Earth was colonized by various divisions of the empire establishing itself to exlpoit the resources of the Planet, the Cuneiform Script would have been similar to a basic language with many dialects, except that text was engraved on stone and other solid items. From there on dialects grew to become individual languages sprouting yet more dialects. Alphabetic calligraphy evolved since, has become predominant in Western cultures but many Eastern countries still use pictorial writing similar to the ancient cuneiform hieroglyphics. Despite the thousands of different languages and dialects throughout the world people have always been able to communicate one way or other. It is only in the causes of religious indoctrination and political injustice where languages, even within their own kind fall short of communication. |
⬇︎ Click pictures for enlarged views
When this ⬇︎ is what you see you know that the criminal establishment is busy censoring truth videos ⬇︎
More from David Icke - CENSORED | Rule By Bloodline? Time To Grow Up |
This frame could have been deleted but it is essential to learn that censoring public information is an illegal, criminal act.
This frame could have been deleted but it is essential to learn that censoring public information is an illegal, criminal act.
If people aren't willing to concede that religious-political institutions are exercising and wielding unlimited power over their lives and aren't willing to see through the fog distributed by all organizations and individuals implicated in the all out assault on Peace, sanity and Justice, then the wars and their consequent destruction and suffering will continue to plague this world indefinitely.
Religious institution lies at the heart of every major political, banking and industrial complex that is part of the virus that is indiscriminately destroying all life on Earth. Wash the mud out of your eyes, learn the history of the religious institutions forcing slavery and wars onto humanity for the obsession with power over all. If you're not prepared to question the how and why of the existence of the sheer evil that dictates the life of every global citizen, humans and animals alike, deem yourself complicit in causing the misery that is visible anywhere in the world at all. Religion is the curse on humanity, the disease implanted into the human genes by indoctrination, unprecedented physchology and intimidation. When people are confronted with the thuth of the evil insanity propagated by religion and still refuse to recognize that they are being used, then there is no hope for the future generations other than paying the price of the legacy wilfully and complacently left by past and present generations. People need to admit that the entire supermarket highway is a dead end to their demise - you work |
for it, you buy the the products, the lies, the deceit, and you take the blatant gross brain conditioning as entertainment - ???
The world will not know Peace until religion has been exposed and fully understood for what it represents. Until religion is wiped off the face of the Earth, the Planet will continue to be but a prison, a place of slavery, a wars and civic crimes victims cemetery, and a place where the only consolations are the untouchable illusions of pretty pictures painted on canvas and coming from the mouths and pens of dreamers, politicians, bankers, industrialists, and religious preachers and their dumbed down indoctrinated followers. Heed the messages, they float in cyberspace, dispersed and discredited by the slavery institution's lobbyists and trolls, but they are there, all you need to do is sift fact from fiction and truth from lies. And remember, living in the world of the Facebook/Google etc cybernet manipulating corporations and their many direct and indirect associated organizations, means living inside the devil's domain, while you think you can do something for humanity there - you can't, you're being used while you think you're not. The best thing that could happen at this point in time is for all social media users to break the shackles of their Facebook etc addiction and to throw their mobile gadgets back at the vultures that are imposing them on the world. And.... learn about religion what you need to know, not from souls gathering preachers, but from clear thinking individuals. ~~~~~~~~<0O0>~~~~~~~~ |
THIS PETITION asks the Facebook community to unite in One Voice For Peace. Since the UN has no interest in World Peace, the original petition where the UN was asked to endorse November 25 no longer requires endorsement of any political party. Setting a World Peace Process in motion will after all said and done never be realized through the channels of political parties - of which religious institutions are a staunch component. Word Peace can only come about by the Voices of People who are done with the lies, the corrupted politics and the false illusions painted by every Tom, Dick and Harry with something to sell this world. Whatever the controversies present, it should be clear that there is too much wrong everywhere. The only people who can change things are those who are tired of being a doormat for people in corrupt institutions. Voices for Change, United by their Profile Picture. |
You have followed this site from its beginnings and seen most if not all videos and articles included since the November 25 initiative in 2011....... right?
Today, April 7/2020 this video dated March 29/2020 came my way via-via from facebook to youtube. Go through this web site if you haven't yet done so, you will find over half what you'll be watching in this video. And even these 3 hours don't reveal all that needs to be revealed - but it is enough, more than enough. WARNING! You will find this impossible to stomach and comprehend, but you must watch it to the end. DEFINITELY not for children to watch. |
All pages in this site are relevant - there is NOTHING IN LIFE THAT IS NOT RELEVANT - See the Site Map for a one stop Links Page to this site's 60 pages.
⬇︎ Links most directly related to the above video: | Religion - 1 | Religion - 2 | Religion - 3 | The Promised Land - 1 | | The Promised Land - 2 | Phasebook | World of War | Questions | | Political Crime - 1 | Political Crime - 2 | Learn the Truth | | Flawmakers | The Hate Asylum | Failed State Earth | | Food for Thought | Tragic Journey | End of the Road | |
Click Play ⬇︎ to activate
Click Play ⬇︎ to activate
If you like some background music while watching the slide show, click on a video
but please keep the volume low
but please keep the volume low
For total temporary relieve of politically induced stress, futility and anxiety go to the Remedies Page |
⬇︎ The new Facebook Profile Picture since the Facebook corporation changed the format on October 23, 2018 in a deliberate move as part of their agendas to keep the world's population divided and restrict access to people and pages raising awareness of the corruption that runs the World.
If you want to be part of the United Voice for Change click any image in this frame you will find the updated Profile Picture in the album, free to use and share. |