The political lies are so blatantly obvious that it is almost impossible to believe they are lies...
The political lies are so blatantly obvious that it is almost impossible to believe they are lies...
GOUTHA, SYRIA February 2018
Haven't heard much about Syria lately? The destruction of that country and its people has never stopped. It's all about a "civil war" right? There is no interest in Syria other than causing "stability in the region" right? Weapons profits anyone? Nah, don't be ridiculous. US military strategic bases? Nah, they have more than enough everywhere. War provocation with Iran? Russia? They need to reduce their war arsenal stockpiles somehow, otherwise their factories will slide into production stagnation yes? Who BTW are "they"? There are many: Rothchild, Rockefeller, Koch and Soros are not simply the only ones - just the same however.... Well, whatever they have you believe, people are dying horrific deaths for those creating and |
financing those wars that are none other but one and the same war that has gone on for millenniums.
Who gives a damn about "why, where and because of", wars are wars, the racketeers profit, the corrupt get their slice of the cake, the fake media stays in business flaunting one lie after another, and you and I are kept "entertained" fighting among each other over it all divided as we are by the corrupted world of religions, politics and mass production industrialization-industrialization from "food" to war arsenal. ⬇︎ This will give you some idea of every lying news media organization on the map telling you their side of the story. The only thing that is real is the suffering of millions of people, and everything else that suffers the consequences of the insanity that continues to prevail year after year, after year. |
David Icke - Forecasting truth since the 1960s
Ridiculed by ignorance while the ugly truth literally stares the masses in the face every day of their lives.
And now, April 2020 Youtube is censoring his videos and removing them. The video on the right is from David Icke's new Bitchute Channel. |
Having watched several David Icke videos on the Bitchute Channel I found several reasons to terminate his videos bar the above video, due to several controversies counterproductive to the principles on which this web site was established.
⬇︎ Some of the controversial issues: Lyfeloop - Heads its introduction with a bunch of commercial stereotype mobile phone addicted teenagers who have never seen the real world and will carry on living their corporations indoctrinated mobile gadgets Utopia until the truth hits home too late to lift them out of their subconscious enslavement. But this is how this society is turned into a robotic braindead ghosts species. The Answer is available now at Brings you to "the David Icke Book Shop". No doubt all written by David's passion for justice and a better world, but some subjects go way above the heads of every day people. As well they are an addition to the global forest rape for paper filling the massive number of libraries and bookshops across the world with more unreachable information overload. People should stop buying books tabloids and news rags, altogether - my 10 cents worth. Sign up to the brand new Ickonic Media Platform - The Sales Pitch: "Hard Hitting News, Life Transforming Series and Films that empower you to take control of your Life, Health and Well-Being. Become part of the Alternative - Brand New Media Movement Brand New Content Every Day, New Series and Films Every Month on everything from Science, Politics, Health, Music, Comedy and more..." World Tour Tickets March 9, 2012 - There Are Currently No David Icke Events Available. David Icke must be commended for his public live "shows", seminars and presentations over the course of 30 years or more and attracting very large audiences. Such ventures require an enormous amount of work, IT and PR expertise and money. Yet, despite thousands of like minded organizations and individuals campaigning for a better world out in the live venues and on the net, a better world is still, nowhere to be seen. All David's Books Now Available Here Gets you to the "Book Store" first go as does Latest News From David Icke - I guess to be seen in the global cut throat market place you'll have to get yourself into as many places as possible. David Icke has become the expert at that. As for myself, my interest in the infinite music of the classical guitar has been a barrier to let myself into the whirlpool of the masses. My first computer served to write my years of hand written music for the guitar in commercial print format, I had no political inclinations. My pet hate for injustice did eventually bring me to write on this insane internet/cyberspace madhouse. "Social Media" out of my life since June 2019, that leaves this web site, with Facebook Links, Likes and Share buttons disabled. Social Media Having been through Facebook's mental torture dungeon for ten years trying to network November 25 International Global Consciousness Day as the means to World Peace, Justice and Sanity, the last few months in that orchestrated, divided asylum, I looked into a few alternative "social media platforms". Almost signing up to one I decided to give it and the entire social media a miss instead, permanently. Consider: is totally funded and edited by an aged pensioner and never asks for money ever. Despite my firm standpoint that "Technology" is destroying the essence of living, the World Peace Embassy will remain on the net for some time yet. |
Corona Virus Search Results March 30, 2020
| Google 8,540,000,000 | General Videos All Up 2,500,000,000 | Youtube Videos 375 |
| Google 8,540,000,000 | General Videos All Up 2,500,000,000 | Youtube Videos 375 |
View videos in full screen mode
Mexican slaughterhouses - 2016 Animal Abuses in Pig Slaughterhouses 2013 Animal Cruelty in India - 2016 Baby Turkeys Ground Up Alive -2014 Cruelty exposed inside rabbit farms - 2014 Turkish slaughterhouses - 201 Does PETA Kill Healthy Puppies & Kittens? More links to be added. |
There is an infinity of untold atrocities inflicted on war victims at the hands of barbarians, and yes, animal life in the wild isn't as romantic as it is portrayed, and NO, nobody has the right to play God over life, only a barbaric society allows this and shuts its eyes. A Planet inundated with war mongers, corrupted politicians, psychopaths and hypocrites can't be said to be a "Planet of Life".
You may as well watch it all now, as you will be confronted with it one day sooner or later. Merry Christmas? Happy Easter? Please keep it for your Sunday sermons. |
It is impossible to provide links to the millions upon millions of atrocities going on in this world on a daily basis - from wars to daily life in the civilian sectors of every society. In short, it all comes down to this civilization waging war on itself.... and evidently, no one wants to change "that old familiar way". But the truth is inescapable, it will come down on this barbaric society sooner or later - Bob Oort, December 1, 2016
Recognize the truth written in undeniable history; then find a way to reconcile and start a new Era where Peace prevails. The US government - Deliberate false education and dismissal of truth Russell Means (1939-2012) - For the World to Live Columbus Must Die Schindler's List Survivor Speaks Out Following Release of Spielberg Film Schindler's List - The Girl In The Red Coat Video Tour Auschwitz Birkenau - Schindler Factory The Short Life of Anne Frank - Documentary |
TRUTH is a volatile, controversial subject impossible to fit on one page
This site has 50 pages of truth including the reasoning, the debates, the arguments.
See the Sitemap for a glance at all 60 pages. You can choose any page randomly, all is relative to the same core principle.
This site has 50 pages of truth including the reasoning, the debates, the arguments.
See the Sitemap for a glance at all 60 pages. You can choose any page randomly, all is relative to the same core principle.
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