Social media dysfunction and trash overload
Social media dysfunction and trash overload
We came from nowhere, or at best analysis: "From somewhere in the Universe". But when, how and where, remains no more but speculation. We have been inundated with information since Man first communicated with utter primitive sounds, gestures, and scratches in the sand or soil. Right here we begin with questions: "How do you/we know that?" The answer is: "We don't". We're making assumptions based on documented history from rock paintings to hieroglyphics, to archeological findings, to printed accounts e.g. history books and religious scriptures. All lead to the same inevitable discovery: the point beyond which no records of any kind are to be found, a void where all arguments end.
We are now, today in the 21st century, literally buried under an astronomical information overload that is impossible to deal with, a cocktail of truth and untruth, history distorted and romanticized over untold millenniums, indoctrination by religious/political power regimes, other people's and/or our own fiction, fantasies, fairytales and hypothetical stories supposedly representing "reality". We have come as close to discovering who or what we are as the day that question was asked for the first time ever.
The best analysis of who or what we, the human race, are, can be made by looking at ourselves e.g. the entire human race on the whole, through the kaleidoscope of "Life On Earth 2019 AD". We're a bunch of savages, let's just face it for once and for all. We not only butcher our own kind physically and mentally through religion, politics, wars and antagonism towards just about every other human not fit to live in our self asserted comfort zone, we breed billions of animals by the most disgusting methods to be slaughtered by one of many sadistic methods, to be displayed on supermarket shelves in bits of plastic wrapping and to be sold as gastronomic "delicacies".
Today, thanks to the internet, we know everything about everything, but what do we know about war and the historic pursuit of what brought us the insanity of playing judge, jury and executioner over everything that lives on this Earth. We're no further than the first cave man. We're possessed by our own obsession with war, even if only by words and burying each other under mountains of war mania propaganda, lies, deceit and the twisted mindset of all who sell us one thing or other for none other than profit, ego, or both. We turn over the pages of the war institutions, gossip, sensation and religious/political tabloids at the rate of a billion a minute, but we have no time for Peace?
Bob Oort, WORLD PEACE EMBASSY Jan 16/2017
We came from nowhere, or at best analysis: "From somewhere in the Universe". But when, how and where, remains no more but speculation. We have been inundated with information since Man first communicated with utter primitive sounds, gestures, and scratches in the sand or soil. Right here we begin with questions: "How do you/we know that?" The answer is: "We don't". We're making assumptions based on documented history from rock paintings to hieroglyphics, to archeological findings, to printed accounts e.g. history books and religious scriptures. All lead to the same inevitable discovery: the point beyond which no records of any kind are to be found, a void where all arguments end.
We are now, today in the 21st century, literally buried under an astronomical information overload that is impossible to deal with, a cocktail of truth and untruth, history distorted and romanticized over untold millenniums, indoctrination by religious/political power regimes, other people's and/or our own fiction, fantasies, fairytales and hypothetical stories supposedly representing "reality". We have come as close to discovering who or what we are as the day that question was asked for the first time ever.
The best analysis of who or what we, the human race, are, can be made by looking at ourselves e.g. the entire human race on the whole, through the kaleidoscope of "Life On Earth 2019 AD". We're a bunch of savages, let's just face it for once and for all. We not only butcher our own kind physically and mentally through religion, politics, wars and antagonism towards just about every other human not fit to live in our self asserted comfort zone, we breed billions of animals by the most disgusting methods to be slaughtered by one of many sadistic methods, to be displayed on supermarket shelves in bits of plastic wrapping and to be sold as gastronomic "delicacies".
Today, thanks to the internet, we know everything about everything, but what do we know about war and the historic pursuit of what brought us the insanity of playing judge, jury and executioner over everything that lives on this Earth. We're no further than the first cave man. We're possessed by our own obsession with war, even if only by words and burying each other under mountains of war mania propaganda, lies, deceit and the twisted mindset of all who sell us one thing or other for none other than profit, ego, or both. We turn over the pages of the war institutions, gossip, sensation and religious/political tabloids at the rate of a billion a minute, but we have no time for Peace?
Bob Oort, WORLD PEACE EMBASSY Jan 16/2017
It is impossible to write an account of all confrontations met along the 9 year long trail of carrying a World Peace proposal out to the general public. Is it possible for humanity to ever find the way to live in Peace? Going by the reception this futile project enjoys, the answer is best left in the too hard basket.
CRIMES AGAINST INDIGENOUS PEOPLE have been committed since long before the first history books were written. This is a war against the custodians of Life on Earth until the last man has vanished. The unscrupulous people committing these crimes have for too long imposed their wars, their destruction and their will on civilization.
From the Mongolian to the Persian, Egyptian, Greek, Roman and British empire builders to the Spanish Inquisition and the European colonization of Africa, parts of Asia to the Americas, the world has been held hostage by people with no regard for Life whatsoever. British colonial constitutions are a farce, like the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights, they are but words on worthless pieces of paper, words to be interpreted by any criminal or criminal organization, religious, government, corporate and private as seen fit for their profiteering and power pursuing purposes. The struggle for justice and freedom from tyranny has been ongoing since the first crime against a living being was committed but it is now, 2016 AD reaching an all time high; the consequences on a global scale are increasingly visible and predictable. But too many people are still too hypnotized, in a state of unconsciousness and living in the vices of whichever establishment has provided the false assurances that everything will be resolved for the prosperity of all - the greatest blatant lie throughout history, openly maintained in all its ugly manifestations for all to see. |
So what is the truth, are people too scared to unite against the monstrous institution, are they too far conditioned and willingly, robot like, follow the rules of the criminal establishment, or are they turning a blind eye to the horrific injustices and suffering imposed on anything that lives on this Earth?
From a comfort zone convenience perspective, turning a blind eye appears to be the most feasible explanation why the crimes on humanity prevail unabated. The internet with its social media networks, its non stop streams of petitions via increasing numbers of petition sites including the profiteering parasites riding on the backs of genuine but unsuspecting people, its calculated pornographic and vulgar politics Youtube videos distribution, its Google data gathering and redistributing corporation, the young generation's high tech toy and illiteracy playschool, is technology for the power institutions' people manipulation projects - people are none more but the pawns, the factory workers, the tools, most of whom have no idea, or don't want to know what really goes on. Nonetheless, anyone who sincerely wants to know who or what runs this civilization and how, need only browse the likes of Google, Facebook and Youtube and if by some chance the shutters to the eyes are opened that everything provided by the "system" is a blatant lie, then focus on Justice for indigenous people and energize the level of Consciousness for the well being of all concerned, even while in this devil's domain. It has been said over and over: "Change Begins With You", stop patronizing the corrupted supermarket, think before you buy what you're being sold, forget the garbage, focus on Life. World Peace Embassy editor. |
RELIGION....... e.g. EVERY RELIGION is a curse on humanity. There is no point in posting anything that might appear to be leaning towards favoring one asylum over another. The net is so full of controversy, ignorance, lies, deceit, that no one thinks of asking the questions that need to be asked, primarily: "Who or What is running this Planet, do they, or does it, live among us, elsewhere, or both". The most feasible analysis is that we are manipulated from elsewhere and the political stoogies we know on Earth are but puppets too far evil possessed to feel anything, no emotions, no remorse, nothing. Anunnaki? Perhaps.
⬇︎ ANUNNAKI - Why care about any such obnoxious species that, given they're alive at all, don't give a damn about humans. Click a picture and learn from the Sumerian records.
⬇︎ PLEIADIANS - People's fantasy concept of compensating for the missed connections with Life on Earth. Click a picture below and see how utterly distorted and dysfunctional the human Mind really is, particularly that of the "lost and seeking soul" venturing into this surreal unreality and propagating it throughout the society via fantasized art and photoshop manipulated images. It is apparent that for many people Life on Earth is too far away. Click a picture and lose your connection with the real world for a moment... but don't forget to come back to Earth.
Break the vicious religious cycle and you break the mind control circuitry, which in turn will collapse the entire institution. Then, and only then, will this human race learn to stand together for freedom from tyranny and the road to Peace will be paved - concluded from 18 years on the net of which the latter 8 years were spent in a gradual growing dismay on Facebook to network a simple World Peace Project. My attempts to create a United Voice For Peace have gone from being naive to utter futility to hopelessness. All those years on Facebook 2010-2018 have done for me is hand me lessons in societal dysfunction, the International Global Consciousness concept remains as far removed from this Planet as it was 30 billion light years ago.
Islam forbids music. Learn about Flamenco (Arabic: Felag Mengu - Fugitive Peasant), there's hardly any other music that covers the history of people displacement, exodus from East to West, since the rise of Islam and how Islam and Nazism are both one and the same insane "Perfect Race" ideology and effectively used by the Western entrepreneurs to spread their lucrative war arsenal industry and insane NWO power obsessions across the entire world.
World war III? It's a joke, I've said it many times, aside from the sheer barbarian plunder and rape aspects all wars are one and the same historic ancient old war on humanity for control over this world's resources i.e. mining materials, their conversion to war arsenal stockpiles and mind controlled "human resources" e.g. "religiously indoctrinated slavery". Please remember, it cannot be stressed enough: Religions and politics are both the one and the same: The curse on humanity.
Break the vicious religious cycle and you break the mind control circuitry, which in turn will collapse the entire institution. Then, and only then, will this human race learn to stand together for freedom from tyranny and the road to Peace will be paved - concluded from 18 years on the net of which the latter 8 years were spent in a gradual growing dismay on Facebook to network a simple World Peace Project. My attempts to create a United Voice For Peace have gone from being naive to utter futility to hopelessness. All those years on Facebook 2010-2018 have done for me is hand me lessons in societal dysfunction, the International Global Consciousness concept remains as far removed from this Planet as it was 30 billion light years ago.
Islam forbids music. Learn about Flamenco (Arabic: Felag Mengu - Fugitive Peasant), there's hardly any other music that covers the history of people displacement, exodus from East to West, since the rise of Islam and how Islam and Nazism are both one and the same insane "Perfect Race" ideology and effectively used by the Western entrepreneurs to spread their lucrative war arsenal industry and insane NWO power obsessions across the entire world.
World war III? It's a joke, I've said it many times, aside from the sheer barbarian plunder and rape aspects all wars are one and the same historic ancient old war on humanity for control over this world's resources i.e. mining materials, their conversion to war arsenal stockpiles and mind controlled "human resources" e.g. "religiously indoctrinated slavery". Please remember, it cannot be stressed enough: Religions and politics are both the one and the same: The curse on humanity.
From the VOICES FOR CHANGE administrator's desk.
December 6, 2017
Saying hello to my long time faithful (fateful?) VFC (VOICES FOR CHANGE) crew. I'm still steering this ship, although being captain, navigator, midshipman, engineer and deckhand all at the same time is getting a little heavy these days, especially with Facebook piling up one lightworkers, spiritual "guidance" and tarot card readers group one after another. Still, we're still here, the only die hard no nonsense group on the whole of Facebook, probably more aptly, on the whole of the internet.
No doubt you all know how I feel about the Santa Claus month of the year, I'll be quietly sitting out this month until the dust from the obnoxious festivities and their destruction legacy settles soon after this greatest of all exponential criminal growth year in the history of........ yeah, that elusive mind games question....... who or what? civilization? enters yesterday's 6th-hand edited scribes pages library.
But we, or at least some of us, die hard as we are, keep on asking ourselves what's the purpose of all that insanity while that can only be answered by those who choose to abstain from responding. If there's anything to be blessed at all, let's bless this "free" two faced corporate global citizens mega public news tabloid for building its own gallows - its most devout followers may well become tomorrow's hangmen, it's the way justice works when driven into a corner with only one way out left at its disposal - learning the truth can turn a docile mass into a bloodthirsty mob - for the love of Life, perhaps we should find an other way this time.
Well, from us, VOICES FOR CHANGE, to the rest of the world, have yourselves a peaceful war, kill every living soul with all the ignorance, antagonism, hatred, violence and sadistic torture at your given disposal, and where verbal attacks fail, use bullets and missiles. Cheers all. Peace.
When it comes to disgusting occupations it is impossible to distinguish one from the other - poaching is just one of these occupations, utterly disgusting, politically (economically) avoided as a moral issue where the system (government) is blamed by the poachers or politicians are blackmailed and threatened by black market rings, though the poachers after all said and done are doing the disgusting dirty work imposing unprecedented suffering on animals, leaving the young ones as orphans if not suffering the same agonizing death as their ruthlessly murdered fathers and mothers. But the public continues to buy the products, ivory, rhino horns, shark fins, and a number of "animal products" sold in Asia and distributed throughout the world as traditional (fake) medication for one ailment or another - ignorant ancient practices continue to prevail to this day like religion and the politics that run this world into the dungeons.
No matter what the reason for doing so, even if you happen not to like sharks, it is as barbaric as it gets. When it comes to Asian "delicacies" there appears no limit what is seen as "healthy". The more cruelty inflicted on an animal, the more it benefits the human body??? Let's not question the savage conditioned brain. |
Murder is murder, making a distinction between humans and animals is a typical excuse.
And you're asking "Why the wars, why the destruction, why the intolerable suffering".
Well, it's like this, EVERY LIVING SOUL SUFFERS. Every living soul suffers, human or animal, because YOU, the individual, chooses so. Karma is real, what goes around comes around, it's inescapable.
No one has a right to interfere in the animal world, no one owns a living being, no one owns anything but their own conscience. Kill, what or whomever, and it will come back at you, haunt you until your last breath. And if you didn't do the killing but you buy the product physical or verbal, you are complicit and an accessory to war and murder. Live with it, or change your thinking, the choice is yours.
Murder is murder, making a distinction between humans and animals is a typical excuse.
And you're asking "Why the wars, why the destruction, why the intolerable suffering".
Well, it's like this, EVERY LIVING SOUL SUFFERS. Every living soul suffers, human or animal, because YOU, the individual, chooses so. Karma is real, what goes around comes around, it's inescapable.
No one has a right to interfere in the animal world, no one owns a living being, no one owns anything but their own conscience. Kill, what or whomever, and it will come back at you, haunt you until your last breath. And if you didn't do the killing but you buy the product physical or verbal, you are complicit and an accessory to war and murder. Live with it, or change your thinking, the choice is yours.