Food.... the stuff that's killing us
Food.... the stuff that's killing us
Food and entertainment go hand in hand...
It has been so from the beginning. Food gives good cause for celebration and so, tradition has cultivated food to be central to the way of life in every place on Earth. Planet Earth provides food in abundance - its ecosystem is a continuous generator of food, its generous oversupply not wasted: What falls off the trees and vegetation is neatly churned back into the top layer of the soil by the labor of microbiologic organism, not only keeping the soil fertile, but enriching its properties for more growth to serve the Planet's co-habitants well. Animal species add to soil fertilization, birds drop seeds over vast areas, new growth just keeps on popping up from the ground everywhere. We've come a long way since the days of man's prime hunter gatherers. Industrious Man has turned things around - entertainment has become the central focus, food has become the byproduct. Food is now a factory made commodity, the last item on a long list of more important necessities such as..... politics, games, TV, playschool gadgets for the 1 to 75 year olds, and we can devour our nutrition labeled chemicals while being entertained. But as always, when it comes to indulgence, some get the best of both worlds, while others live and die on the spoils. |
"Age Restricted" as determined by the do-gooder bureaucracies of the institutions called "GOVERNMENTS" and passed on to the obliging internet moguls bringing you the wonders of the Screen Gadgets Technology as an alternative to living the Organic Life. The bottom line is that the trillion dollar a day industry aka "the global economy machine" does not want children to see the horrific atrocities to which animals, and people for that matter, are subjected. In other words, we must feed our children the lies until they're old and wise enough to make their own assessments of Life on Earth as determined by the very people who created the lies to begin with and those who continue to uphold those lies, like those who prefer to turn blind eyes and remain ignorant of the cruelty in which we are all complicit. So will the truth withheld child once grown to adulthood change its indoctrinated contribution to the world's atrocities? It's not likely to happen in a society that grows perpetually more barbaric and insensitive to suffering and creating their own demise in the process by the day.
If children would see the truth, they would grow up to turn the entire disgusting disease on all counts ridden industry on its head and duly bury it miles deep under the Earth's industrial garbage saturated soil. Bob Oort, Site Publisher/Editor
"Age Restricted" as determined by the do-gooder bureaucracies of the institutions called "GOVERNMENTS" and passed on to the obliging internet moguls bringing you the wonders of the Screen Gadgets Technology as an alternative to living the Organic Life. The bottom line is that the trillion dollar a day industry aka "the global economy machine" does not want children to see the horrific atrocities to which animals, and people for that matter, are subjected. In other words, we must feed our children the lies until they're old and wise enough to make their own assessments of Life on Earth as determined by the very people who created the lies to begin with and those who continue to uphold those lies, like those who prefer to turn blind eyes and remain ignorant of the cruelty in which we are all complicit. So will the truth withheld child once grown to adulthood change its indoctrinated contribution to the world's atrocities? It's not likely to happen in a society that grows perpetually more barbaric and insensitive to suffering and creating their own demise in the process by the day.
If children would see the truth, they would grow up to turn the entire disgusting disease on all counts ridden industry on its head and duly bury it miles deep under the Earth's industrial garbage saturated soil. Bob Oort, Site Publisher/Editor
The Human Way of Life...... Physically and morally UNSUSTAINABLE
Independent and community organic farming is the only way to reverse the cancerous globalized agriculture industry. The other missing link is the huge, persistent animal farming industry prevalent in the entire food industry, organic farming included. Animal farming is an unsustainable business on all counts. As the greatest contributor to ecosystem/environment pollution, animal cruelty and physical and mental human health depletion, from farm to the chemicals, machinery and transport industries to the supermarkets, fast food chains and the "modern family" dinner table, animal farming is physically and morally unsustainable and has to become a thing of the past, along with the food and consumer industry regulatory bodies that are pushing the entire population to a dead end. As for the consumer raised on the politically propagated commercialized "entertainment" industry, a change in principles, living standards and purpose needs to be addressed by all governments and individuals alike. Site editor March 19, 2021
⬇︎ The war on agricultural crime - Footage from the US, UK and Australia
CHINA THE BARBARIC YULIN "FOOD FESTIVAL" Age restricted Youtube videos or Google control over everything on the net and ultimately... YOU The truth about the human race must be exposed. More on what humans are capable of at the END OF THE ROAD Slide Show |
The most horrific barbaric dogs for food "festival" built on false premises that torture inflicted on an animal makes the carnivorous human stronger. Just like other animals are mercilessly left to die after having horns, tusks and fins cut off to provide backward ignorance with fake medicines from these murders.
During this "festival" dogs have their legs cut off, they are skinned, boiled and barbecued while still alive. These ages old conditioned Chinese practices religiously followed on believes that cannot ever be justified must be abolished for once and for all. Dogs for food is particular prevalent in all of Asia, from the mainland to the Philippines and Indonesia, but it happens in other places around the world as well. What makes this more horrific is the fact that dogs and cats are the beloved pets and company for most people, dogs particularly are intelligent, capable of learning and more than often save lives. How insidious have people degenerated, or if ever there was a barbaric age, have we not grown out of that and learned from all the suffering and destruction of living beings? The horrific savagery inflicted on animals is nothing short of barbaric and the perpetrators must be relentlessly and mercilessly exposed for what they are. Any government not putting adequate laws and punitive measures in place against these vile industries and individuals should be deemed complicit in these criminal profiteering rackets. SOUTH KOREA MAY 2021 LFT's undercover investigator documented the cruel auction house in May and June. Evidence shows: Dogs roughly handled with a rope around their neck. Dogs arriving and leaving in cramped wire cages on transport trucks. Aggressive behavior toward the dogs, including swinging a shovel toward a dog's head. LFT Web Site |
When watching videos.....
There is nothing new under the sun when it comes to the competitive marketplace where anything goes. You're living in a 21st century cyber world. At no time in history was it easier for any Tom, Dick and Harry to load their obnoxious compulsive mania straight into the hands of anyone anywhere in the world at any time. Watching the videos on this page despite having been selected on merit of their assumed reliable sources, requires viewer discretion. The principle in posting these videos and those throughout this web site is to raise awareness of the barbaric realities that dictate our daily life so we may find a way to leave the ill fated path and switch to the means that serves all of humanity and this World on the whole. Factory Food Industry
Butcher explains why he gave up meat Truth about the chicken meat industry Spanish Hen Farms Exposed Beaten for Bacon - UK Mexican Slaughter Houses USDA approved Slaughter Hell Australian Live Export Industry Disgusting Islamic Halal Animal Killing Disgusting Animal Killing - Indonesia Fois Gras - Force Feeding Ducks & Geese Karen Davis on Fowl Industry Abuse Salmon disease - Canada |
Globalized Consumerism
The Weight of the Nation - Obesity USA
American Fast Food - Kuwait Obesity Epidemic - Qatar Tipping the Scales - Obese Australia Fast Food Babies Leon - 5 years old and morbidly obese Fast Food Fat Profits - Obesity in America The Science of Addictive Food Obesity in Paradise - American Samoa The Rich, the Poor and the Trash My Big Fat Body The Complete Skinny on Obesity Why am I still Fat? - Australia |
You haven't listened to the messages since McD, KFC, etc? Perhaps this might help you think about your food habits and what crimes against Life you might be supporting ⬇︎
WARNING! Most people won't be able to stomach the horrifying truth exposed by this video.
WARNING! Most people won't be able to stomach the horrifying truth exposed by this video.
Better Health Information Sources
Turning the Tables on Processed Food We can win the war on cancer Health & Organics Pure Water & Alkalinity The Food Industry's Criminal Politics
Fast Food Genocide Misled and Misfed Killing for Profit Here's what's in your bottled water |
More of Philip Wollen Bank executive turned animal rights activist Animals Should Be Off The Menu - 2012 |
Compassion and common sense will prevail above all
VIDEO ⬇︎ Animals Australia April 8, 2018
July 17, 2018 Only weeks ago, I walked into the Federal Court alongside our legal team to make our case against the cruel live export trade. An expedited trial was granted, and now, just days before it was to begin, something astonishing has happened... The Federal Department of Agriculture has confessed to a shocking blunder. They've admitted they acted with legal 'error' in allowing 58,000 Australian sheep to be exported to the Middle East in June, on board an Emanuel Exports ship. Incredibly, the Department official who signed off on the export permit did not hold appropriate power of delegation to do so. This means thousands of animals were shipped from our shores unlawfully. Winning our case through the sheer ineptness of the Department of Agriculture was not our plan! However, it does allow us to highlight, once again, that the Department is unfit to act as the regulator of this cruel trade. That they can quite literally 'forget' to tick a box only strengthens what we've always known: animals should not be left in the hands of a Department that simultaneously promotes and 'regulates' the live export trade. This 'win' doesn't signal the end of our legal action against this cruellest of trades — and both the Department and exporters know it. Just last week our legal team was working day and night preparing to injunct a live sheep shipment from leaving Australia. Our willingness to take this unprecedented legal action was a key reason for an Eleventh Hour intervention by the Department, that saw the exporter's licence suspended. It means that this company — that has built its export empire on the suffering of animals — is not allowed to ship even one more animal. |
This suspension of another major export company, alongside our court 'win', will have rocked both the regulator and the industry to their core.
The fight to outlaw this cruel trade isn't over yet, however the battle lines are shifting. Despite a worldwide outcry against this terrible trade, the Kuwaiti importer will still be desperately scrambling for another way to ship these sheep over the coming weeks. And we'll to continue to do whatever it takes to stop them. Each day, our efforts on behalf of these animals are intensifying, and Robert, your ongoing support is critical. There are just weeks left until two historic Bills come before Parliament that could spell the end of this trade. Until then, it's crucial we continue to give these animals the best possible representation — on prime time TV and in Parliament, on the pages of national newspapers and in the Federal Court of Australia. What happens over the coming weeks will help create history. Right now, 45,000 sheep are standing in a feedlot on the outskirts of Fremantle. Whether or not they'll suffer a voyage into the blistering Middle Eastern summer depends, in large part, on us. These sheep may be 'owned' by a heartless live export company — but thousands of caring people like you, Robert, are fighting to change their fate. While they may be unaware of the almighty battle being waged on their behalf — we will continue to do everything in our power to prevent even one more of these gentle souls from setting foot on board a live export ship. Thank you, as always, for being a part of this historic journey for the animals with us. In gratitude, Lyn White AM Animals Australia |
---ooOoo--- ⬇︎ Links to Reputed Animal Welfare Organizations ⬇︎ ---ooOoo---