"You came from Dust, to Dust you will return". All things other than the infinite Cycles within Cycles of Dust come to an end. Life was borne from Dust - the Dust comprised in the vast infinite Space named "The Universe". In the relativity of that vast space everything is but a micro-microscopic speck of dust. Whatever elements evolve from the electromagnetic "Cosmodust Activity" e.g. friction, collision, etc are forms of Life of one kind or other. While the stories of Life are infinite, I have said all there is to say. This page may well be my last word on the net. |
Do not to take my illustrated view on "The Birth Of Life" as fact, but rather, as food for thought. I created the pictures for the slide show in 2011 on the basis of reasoning from a musician/teacher perspective and, one with no academic credentials of any kind whatsoever to his name at that.
I attribute "Music" to the electromagnetic activity evident in the Universe - I use the word "Cosmofriction" as the means to take things one step further back from "Electromagnetic Frequencies".
The page continues with perspectives from academia accredited people whose studies and reasoning may or may not have been influenced by the evolutionary process of passing on "knowledge" from one institution to another.
In the final analysis, whatever answers we may stumble upon, even if they lead to a totally unanticipated future form of Life even IF better for a future human race, the realities of the suffering of this Earth's ecosystem and all its living species continues in all religious/political obscurity and absurdity shaping "human society' into a species endlessly searching for the ultimate answers to "How Did Life Begin" and "Why" - answers that simply cannot be found anywhere other than within the conscience of each and every individual - ask the question: "How do we live, what do we buy, what do we sell".
Do not to take my illustrated view on "The Birth Of Life" as fact, but rather, as food for thought. I created the pictures for the slide show in 2011 on the basis of reasoning from a musician/teacher perspective and, one with no academic credentials of any kind whatsoever to his name at that.
I attribute "Music" to the electromagnetic activity evident in the Universe - I use the word "Cosmofriction" as the means to take things one step further back from "Electromagnetic Frequencies".
The page continues with perspectives from academia accredited people whose studies and reasoning may or may not have been influenced by the evolutionary process of passing on "knowledge" from one institution to another.
In the final analysis, whatever answers we may stumble upon, even if they lead to a totally unanticipated future form of Life even IF better for a future human race, the realities of the suffering of this Earth's ecosystem and all its living species continues in all religious/political obscurity and absurdity shaping "human society' into a species endlessly searching for the ultimate answers to "How Did Life Begin" and "Why" - answers that simply cannot be found anywhere other than within the conscience of each and every individual - ask the question: "How do we live, what do we buy, what do we sell".
How did it all begin, why, and what on Earth are we doing - The non academic perspective
How did it all begin, why, and what on Earth are we doing - The non academic perspective
Click Play ⬇︎ to start the slide show, Pause to read extended text, Play to restart.
Click images on the right to view Slide Show end notes |
Jan 19, 2021
And then..... along came this 2019 video with a profoundly beautiful explanation
And then..... along came this 2019 video with a profoundly beautiful explanation
How did it all begin, why, and what on Earth are we doing - The academic views/questions
You have watched the slideshow, my non scientific version of how Life came about. I explained not to take my version as fact, but simply as food for thought. I created the pictures for the slide show in 2011. Since, I have come across many videos of some of the world's many science presenters such as July 26, 2018, Lawrence Krauss on the right, and others - see below. Video added August 7, 2018 Lloyd Pye's (1946-2013) "Everything You Know Is Wrong". Science opposed views, derived from the Sumerian tablets, that humans were created by the Anunnaki to serve as slave civilization for their Planet Earth exploitation pursuit. Whichever way we look at things, a New Era for this civilization will come the day it detaches itself from its historical past. Video added October 16, 2019 Zecharia Sitchen (1920-2010) was an author of books proposing an explanation for human origins involving ancient astronauts. Sitchin attributed the creation of the ancient Sumerian culture to the Anunnaki, which he stated was a race of extraterrestrials from a planet beyond Neptune called Nibiru. Video added August 16, 2018 Graham Hancock presentation on the war on Consciousness. If you haven't done so as yet, scroll back to the slideshow top of the page, where I propose my non academic view of how Consciousness came about as part of an evolutionary process of Electromagnetic Frequencies activity in the Universe. Fact? Who knows? Food for thought. Video added March 21, 2020 A video I "stumbled" on after a few weeks of intensive Youtube video browsing covering everything from wars to religion, politics, crime syndicates, philosophies, cultures, traditions, etc etc etc, not to forget music (see MUSIC FOR PEACE). Video added Jan 18, 2021 Through the course of this 11 year long web site story I have been adding numerous random videos across its 50 pages. Whatever the subject on individual pages and however unconventionally edited in a non linear fashion, our (the human race) existence in all its trials and tribunals is at best no more but an exercise in futility - we do not possess the intelligence to govern our own lives, nor that of a tribe, country, state, community small or large, leave alone Planet Earth, moreover, the Universe. |
Chemtrails, Haarp & The Full Spectrum of Dominance on Planet Earth
The manifestation of untouchable non existent images in the mind of the Homo Sapiens - Intelligent Man - ??? - has been an ongoing process since before any species of the kind was introduced to this most exploited and abused Life producing piece of dust in the Universe. Our (Man's) brain has been infused with concepts that have no bearing on anything to do with Life whatsoever. We are a manipulated slave species for something we have no hope of ever understanding. Whatever something that may be, it has wired us to create our own mental evolutionary capacity and our own fate - all pre-scribed as per and subject to a slavery and Earth exploitation for wars blueprint.
We, humanity, are subject to an untouchable force beyond our capacity to control - it controls us, from outside Planet Earth and from within civilization on Planet Earth. |
A "loving God" does not enter the equation.
"He" does not exist. Images painted by fantasies are reproduced in the brain of those to whom they are exposed and stored away to be retrieved any time a conversation or incident triggers the image to re-emerge visually in the mind. Mind images are physically untouchable, but to many people continually reminded of them, as through continuous indoctrination, they become representative of something that physically exists even though it can in no way be proven to exist. Religion is the oldest and longest prevailing political institution in the entire history of mankind and it goes back beyond the history of Planet Earth - the Universe is a graveyard full of Gods, every so called "leader" was a God, the Universe is a deadly war zone where Gods fight Gods for mere control over a Universe they could never control and still can't and never will. But the slaves died by the billions and continue to die by the billions, for Gods that are none more but self appointed ego possessed war lords. A "loving God" does not exist. |
It has all been said, too many times. With close to 8 billion people in this World and 2.13 billion Facebook accounts (at April 2018) choking the net with an infinity of fictional fantasies and illusions, Facebook "apps", band aid petitions, so called "warrior groups" among a host of thousands of groups set up by FB to keep people going around in vicious cycles of the same old millenniums old saga from religious-political institutionalization to corporate-industrial institutionalization.
If people are happy living the same old forever ongoing treadmill then there is nothing anyone can do. There is nothing that has not been said and written the past 10,000 years, not millions, but billions have died in the preposterous wars across the entire human history, the legacy of which has become all too visible thanks to the technologies that are killing the life out of Life under the guise of "progress" and the "prosperity of mankind" - prosperity built on a Planet dying from the absolute egocentric, fantasizing, off this Planet lunacy that is the overall human race.....??? Go find yourself some reasons for it all among the billions cycling Facebook alone, all have explanations for one thing or other, but be happy folks, carry on living the illusion, things will get better soon, for those still breathing that is, never mind all who suffer and all which suffers the consequences of this material and psychological garbage consuming society. Party on folks, as they say, you only live once..... lucky you, millions of other beings born into this World never get to live a life at all unless you could call the horrors and trauma they are subjected to "Life". PEACE 💙💚💛 Bob Oort |
April 15, 2018 was the day that this group was going to be buried. To delete a group from Facebook, its administrator has to delete all members until the administrator is the only person left. The administrator then deletes himself/herself, then the group will be deleted.
After 3 hours of manually deleting all 390 members one by one, administrator deletes himself and thus, the group will no longer exist. Not so. Facebook insists the group has 8 members. So administrator goes back to the members page only to find there are no more members except one - the administrator. Administrator goes back to the group page and finds that the robot persists in saying this group has 8 members. So with all members deleted except 8 ghosts which the robot insists are people still in the group and therefor the group can't be deleted, administrator is now left with two choices: Stay, or leave the group and the administrator job will, says the robot, be given to another member. We shouldn't be at all surprised by the dysfunctional devices devised by mr industrial entrepreneur, since mr industrial entrepreneur is himself a dysfunctional species, and the worst kind at that. Mr industrialist and mr entrepreneur are both the same species, so let's call him mr entrepreneur. Mr entrepreneur ponders entirely on schemes to make money. He watches the masses moving down below from his 50th floor city high rise building boardroom and concocts ideas on how to get 10 cents from each of those millions of people moving through that city |
center every day.
You really need to start being more creative in becoming independent from the system that screws you time and time again. For a start you could think about all the trash you buy that you don't need. Throw out that mind control machine in your living room for starters, you'll find yourself a new person, a human being instead of a flesh and blood robot, the moment you have defeated the withdrawal symptoms, which could take up to 48 hours.
Then, take it another step one at a time, get rid of your alcohol needs, it's the biggest killer on Earth, the same foul stuff that bought out the natives of the Americas, Africa, India, Australia, Hawaii and New Zealand for a few people's common wealth. After that, take a displaced soul in your care, human or animal, whichever works best for you. Then, start feeding yourself and your family real food, produced by trustworthy local organic growers, stop devouring animals - they have a life and it's not yours to cut up and shove onto your dinner table, and, vegetarian food hurts no one, on the contrary, only the livestock industry hurts everything, environment included, it has to go if you want to see a better world. |
So, this group died, all members have been deleted except for those 8 Facebook ghosts the robot has left to haunt this house. So we'll stick around for a while and contemplate what to do about the WORLD PEACE EMBASSY over the coming weeks or so. I'll hereby replace the "Deleted Group" name by its original title, robot's behavior pending, and new members will be approved while the pros and cons are thoroughly being weighed against each other.
Meanwhile, feel free to share anything you might find among the haunted rooms and cobwebs in what is now a World Peace Museum. This Web Site remains open for visits 24/7, browse it at your leisure while you're thinking about making some changes in your life that could potentially change life for the better for all concerned. ---oo0oo---
After all said and done, the Facebook WORLD PEACE EMBASSY group was deleted late 2018 as part of deactivating my Facebook account by December 18, 2018. VOICES FOR CHANGE remains on Facebook while it still has members/administrators.
Open Minded Conference Videos
TIME to face the truth about Facebook
Facebook, Google, Twitter, etc. etc. etc. etc. belong to the species that control and enslave this world's human population. The internet does not serve the people, it exploits and abuses people. The internet does not educate people, it sells confusion, lies, and preys on the vulnerability of those who are easily led by sensationalism, misrepresentation and illusions. The internet is a mirrored reflection of the ghettos of daily life on Planet Earth, no place barred, a mirror in which every individual can see him/herself reflected - like seeing oneself in the window of a signature fashion or commodities shop when about to buy slave (including children) labor produced items from factories in so called "underdeveloped countries" that have been purposely thrown into poverty by "the System". You're on Facebook, for whatever reason, but mostly because you're dragged along by the masses that are in turn driven by "market forces" creating "goods and services" no one needs, though "market forces" say otherwise, whether goods/services are needed or not is of no relevance to the racketeers sucking the Life out of life. Without continuously creating and selling new products the slavery economy falls apart. We, the masses at the short end of the system should by now know that we're not only being deceived by forces wielding power over anyone and anything they choose, but as a civilization on the whole we are being "governed" by entities that possess more power than imaginable by most people and are using it to keep this society functioning in its conditioned slavery status. We have been set up to not know the truth and we are monitored to remain subordinate to the entities that created us for their own purposes whatever they may be, but whatever those purposes, they are not to serve the human race or any human individual, that, should be abundantly clear if not from historic retrospect, this very moment in time on this Planet bears testimony to the horrific ecocide/genocide, the wars, people pitted against one and other, animal abuse, ecosystem devastation, taking place daily, indefinitely. Most people feel that there is something drastically wrong with the way this society works but see no way out of the system for a number of reasons, fear most of all. Stepping out of the system however, begins by disengaging one's habitual attachments to anything that controls one's thinking and therefor one's behavior and one's actions. People becoming conscious and independent is the greatest fear of those trying to hang on to their fake wealth and power. Facebook is the world's largest mass control mechanism ever devised. People will argue that it has its beneficial sides and that is exactly the |
point - Facebook is an evil domain, like all evil, handing people a few sweets while taking back what it wants by the truckloads. People are wittingly yet unwittingly deceived by the criminal system that owns and runs Life on Earth for its own purposes, nothing else.
Facebook, all other so called free public media included, is the tool that has people chained to multimedia gadgets and devices turning them into robotic zombies that follow every command sent into their brain, remote or otherwise. Facebook is rounding up people like cowboys round up cattle, both equally as ruthless as one and other, Life is not relevant, the cause for a material star wars robots existence is all that matters to those that run this civilization. To my few real Facebook friends I'd like to say thank you for your friendship and your support for my 8 year long November 25 International Global Consciousness Day, World Peace (and sanity) campaign. I sincerely treasure the many chats I've had over the years, but I am detaching myself from this evil domain some time this month, December 2018. I hope that all who are still capable of doing their own thinking will follow suit and break the chains that keep you fixed on Facebook and mind control devices. Facebook isn't about Life, it is about keeping you occupied with corporate commercial trash entertainment while having you believe you're in good hands and you're doing something good for this world. Nothing is further from the truth. Facebook feeds off the division it creates among its users, its user friendly facade is fake, most people have no idea of how it works, what its agendas are and how they are being used. Stop feeding this mechanical algorithm machine and its criminal operators, their data bases and bank accounts. Stop wasting your time and your life, take yourself out of this devil's domain, and start living YOUR life instead of a life fed to you by some remote dictatorship that lives both right here and elsewhere. Bob Oort, August, 2018 |
One day and one flicker of complacency, I clicked a Facebook share button on a page in this site (FB share buttons deleted since) and voila! FB reactivated my account. I'm heading towards the 80th year of my ephemeral existence, I have no use of Facebook and no intentions to ever go back as a user and thereby commit to complicity in its calculated crimes; I deleted my Facebook account again, Facebook no longer exists in my dictionary. I never was a supporter of crimes against humanity. Thanks to all who have taken the time to read this page, please browse the site for either the good news or the bad, whatever you prefer. Bob Oort August 2018
One day and one flicker of complacency, I clicked a Facebook share button on a page in this site (FB share buttons deleted since) and voila! FB reactivated my account. I'm heading towards the 80th year of my ephemeral existence, I have no use of Facebook and no intentions to ever go back as a user and thereby commit to complicity in its calculated crimes; I deleted my Facebook account again, Facebook no longer exists in my dictionary. I never was a supporter of crimes against humanity. Thanks to all who have taken the time to read this page, please browse the site for either the good news or the bad, whatever you prefer. Bob Oort August 2018