No doubt religion, politics and business are closely knit together - one can't live without the other be it of united interest or of diplomatic interests by shaking hands while holding a gun behind your back. One would be hard pressed to define these three curses on humanity by one of those given names since all are abusers of Life on this Planet in as far as exploitation at all costs goes to the extent of creating population poverty, wars, starvation, conflict among people and the horrific indiscriminate destruction and suffering of all Life irrespective of who or what. Call it religion, politics or business, they are all, one and the same.
If we view this world's civilian life from a hierarchical perspective, the worst and most obvious criminals at the high levels are those of the religious, political and business incorporated sector. Taking the elevator down, at each and every level the same hierarchies operate, but marginalized by manipulation from the level above. The further down the elevator you go, the more crowded, divided and chaotic things become with more hierarchies and individuals obsessed by scrambling for monolithic dominance over one section of the society or another. You ultimately go down into the shaft to the dungeons below where the masses scramble for survival on a daily basis in all their trials and tribunals. Down in those dungeons you'll find a far greater array of "cultures" than anywhere above in this multilayered terranium of human life. The word "Cultures" refers to "Whatever has been and is being cultivated" - so expect to find anything you are familiar with plus a mountainous labyrinth of new unfamiliarity. Climbing out of the dungeons is neither easy nor for the fainthearted - as you lift yourself onto the basement you'll be met by glimmers of the reality, like flickering lights spurring you on to keep climbing. Many business people and politicians climbed out of the dungeons, into the basement and onto the hierarchy street level - which is where the real schooling begins by learning that things don't appear like you have learned in the dungeons. There appears some order at street level, people move about, on footpaths, in cars, buses, trams, trains, taxis, rickshaws, everyone seems to have a direction and yes, they do, the same mundane slave routine, day in, day out, even the stress release weekend is mostly the same as every other day. |
So now you're on the streets of every day Life, where to from here? You have two choices: You keep climbing up and get a little more corrupted at each higher level, or you remain on the street, observe and learn, then follow your own intuition as to where to go from there.
Like all aspiring politicians with a possible degree of integrity, the further into politics you climb, the more you'll get debriefed of all conscience, the more you'll get corrupted - if not, you'll get "done away with" one way or other. God e.g. the top of the religious/political hierarchy works in obvious ways - false illusions prevent the truth from emerging where it is politically undesirable. How, by who and why are the vital questions but if you look around this Planet instead of the Universe, it becomes abundantly clear that greed, people who are oblivious to the suffering of any kind of Life and the governments subsidizing the fake socialites of this world all play their part in this hierarchy built on the backs of the oppressed down in the dungeons. |
promoted since colonization as "The Lucky Country" where the jobbo and the millionaire are portrayed as living as "mates", a word reminiscent of the old English schools for privileged students e.g. the kids of royalty and its pompous politicians ruling class. Australia is all business, real estate, mining, cowboys, lawyers and a bunch of pathetic, arrogant politicians of the likes you will not find in any other country other than Great Britain. A corporation e.g. illegal government, corruption however runs on par with the governments of every other country on the face of the Earth, and getting worse by the day. The stupidity of the so called globalized "economy" has thrown the world into a cut throat competition mode where corporations dictate the movement of goods, services and commodities across the world governed by Maritime "Services" under auspices of Britain's Dog Latin "Admiralty Law". Privatization of essential public services in the hands of profit driven corporations is progressively proving itself a death sentence for the majority of this World's citizens.
Australian politicians have since long sold the country to foreign ownership. The jobbo and the millionaire don't call each other "mate" anymore but that was propaganda for the tourist and foreign "investment" industry to begin with. Millionaires and billionaires never really gave a damn about people below their fake and extravagant existence. |
Despite the controversies surrounding David Icke, the truth of political corruption surfaces everywhere.
ON AUSTRALIAN TV 2016 - Who are the real ignorant idiots here?
ON AUSTRALIAN TV 2016 - Who are the real ignorant idiots here?
The obnoxious idiots employed by the system as "TV News Presenters" are one of the reasons I never again watched TV since 2006. Other reasons were the lying faces of the Australian politicians, the super idiotic and deceptive commercials, the people presented as movie icons in the unscrupulous advertising industry, the pathetic soap operas and more. The entire TV industry is the pits, an all in the family ghetto and Australia would easily rank among the highest in that evil domain hierarchy most certainly because of the no brain idiots that are handpicked to suck in the Australian public with their utter dead brain "Aussie" mentality. But, so long as the alcohol industry reigns by the patriotic support of the beer gutted Aussie, there is little else to expect from the television corporations and people will continue to be brainwashed corporate law abiding citizens. Bob Oort, Site Editor
David Icke Clashes with Studio 10 about being banned from Australia 2019 - Banned Video
David Icke: Was He Right?
David Icke on Wogan - Complete 1991 Interview
The Wogan Interview Nobody Mentions - David Icke - Banned Video
More about David Icke's banned videos see QUESTIONS
David Icke: Was He Right?
David Icke on Wogan - Complete 1991 Interview
The Wogan Interview Nobody Mentions - David Icke - Banned Video
More about David Icke's banned videos see QUESTIONS
e.g. the people who take the Earth's population under their "guiding" wings - literally. They write the books, and they keep the records. What books? What records? Well, books on how to live by the rules and records of paid and unpaid dues, who gets what and who owes what, who gets to be protected and who will be left to the unforgiving hostility of the masses in accord with the pre-scribed order of.......... THE INSTITUTION - the head(s) of which can't be touched, the sub-ranks are not responsible for well, whatever decisions from above lead to unfortunate catastrophes like wars, human and animal suffering and ecosystem disasters. THEY are the Institution Executives, YOU are the Instituted Sub Class, the rules apply to you, not the executives. |
since it clearly shows how religion and politics not merely go hand in hand, religion and politics are one and the same and, religious clergy and politicians are one and the same breed. That institution has to be eradicated if ever humanity wants to see the end of a power obsessed tyrant society and enter the as yet unfamiliar era of Life without wars and deliberately imposed slavery, corruption and human, animal and environmental suffering. More links: Why is the Vatican quiet on the trial of cardinal George Pell? Damning evidence against cardinal George Pell Cardinal Pell "UNMASKED" Cardinal George Pell caught lying on 60 Minutes Who is George Pell? Guilty - The conviction of cardinal Pell See also | Cyber Wars | Religion | The Dying Satanic Culture | |
April 6, 2020 Justice according to the Australian High Court - Convicted Criminal Pell Walks Free
Aung San Suu Kyi - Lifelong prisoner of one of the world's most murderous regimes
Latest and most likely the last article posted in this site February 23/2019
While the wars rage on in the Middle East, Africa and Central Europe, South America gets little or no mention. Plundered and established as an entire Roman Catholic continent by the whims of the preposterous Vatican, every Central and South American country has been and still is to this day held hostage by a US military/political dictatorship.
There should be no doubt - Slavery and wars make up the foundation of this world's civilization, constructed through the ages from nothing to a corrupted, desperate, crime possessed society.
The savage empire today is operated by a ruthless corporate US/UK/Vatican/Zionist dictatorial conglomerate. Venezuela today, click the picture. |
Chris Hedges
Michael C. Ruppert
More of Michael C Rupert
9/11 Omission Hearings - Michael Ruppert On Dick Cheney - 9/9/2004
Michael C Rupert's Greatest Speech "THE GREAT AWAKENING"
Michael C Ruppert: Collapse - the end of the Age of Oil
In Memory of Michael C Ruppert - Full Interview
Deleted scenes from Collapse documentary Michael C Ruppert
9/11 Omission Hearings - Michael Ruppert On Dick Cheney - 9/9/2004
Michael C Rupert's Greatest Speech "THE GREAT AWAKENING"
Michael C Ruppert: Collapse - the end of the Age of Oil
In Memory of Michael C Ruppert - Full Interview
Deleted scenes from Collapse documentary Michael C Ruppert