2016 AD - What are we leaving the next generation?
If you look at how the trash has been recycled throughout history while every grain of respect for Life and living beings has been dumped, and you can see how humans have been perpetuating their own miseries, it won't take much to figure out what we're leaving the next generations.
Add the problems brought on by "growth" such as a vast unstoppable industrialized network, and an even greater labyrinth of consequent bureaucracies which themselves create more industries, more bureaucracies, more ludricous laws upon laws upon laws and more people doing things nobody needs nor does this Planet............... Meanwhile, the IT robots keep on steering the masses into every conceivable dead end trap they can dream up, including manipulating who and how many will see anything, like this post for instance. How many more "Groups", "Apps", "Playschool Gadgets", questionable "Health" and "Healing" Gurus and how many more internet preachers, "News Recyclers" and internet trolling idiots does this world need? The irony is that people themselves are asking for trash in preference to anything that may confront them with the truth. Given that mass manipulation by those in control (???) makes it all too easy to obscure the mere 5% of sanity by burying it under 95% deliberately propagated trash, but that still doesn't relinguish the fact that the general human mentality lies at the heart of the physical and mental garbage dump this world has been turned into. (Cont. right hand column) |
The other fact no less is the "Slavery Acceptance Mentality". Have your pick of whether that was created by our ancient ancestors on Earth or elsewhere in the Universe - why should we care how this has come about, fact is it's how it is, humans are slaves, civilization is a slave hierarchy within a slave hierarchy within a slave hierarchy, the perfect pyramid system working for the all powerful system which itself is a pyramid system as brutal as it gets.
Human mentality is a human slave mentality. Keep your eye on the righthand column of any FB group timeline and you'll see how insanity continues to emerge and perpetuate division courtesy of "Technology" - "Technology" being the people who own it and use it to exploit for their fake, sad and sorry, illusional existence, their illusional imagination to exist in fake lavish wealth on the sweat, blood and tears of all that lives under its murderous regimes. So long as people see their slave existence as nothing more but "That's how it is" and so, carry on their burdening lot for those maniacs reaping fake benefits from havoc, wars, rape, murder and corrupt to the core industries, there's not a hope other than hell on Earth reaching the most dreaded of all events - and the most prophesied e.g. propagated by politics under the umbrellas of the world's farcical religions. Anything propagated, artificial, superficial or otherwise, grows. Anyone with eyes can predict what results from a planted seed. It's not that difficult to be a prophet, bar dealing with your contemporary mass called "civilization" hell bent on constructing its own foreseeable destruction. |
This Section added January 10, 2022
This page was set up in 2015. The videos and articles reflect the warnings about the technological age we're steamrolling into - a world of rampant, exponentially growing crime and corruption. The technology is seen by many as an amazing human achievement. Achievement of what? For what? For who? Any thinking Facebook user could have foreseen 20 years ago where this society was heading.
I have many times as early as 2012 written the warnings on Facebook itself simply from observing the subtle psychologically coercive methods this so called "Social Media Platform" was pushing to further its agenda via more games, more groups, more apps, more advertising and the impossible means for average users to comprehend the miles long conditions and how to prevent their data from being sold to corporations, businesses and the vultures preying on the vulnerable people seeing nothing wrong with their "social" interaction via a digital "smart" gadget.
But the warnings aren't heard. The internet is now the high tech idealist's machine plunging this society into replaceable robots status. But it's all OK with the generation that grew up knowing nothing else but "smart" phones, and artificial "intelligence". The Star Wars gates have been opened and are not likely to be closed any time soon.
The question now is: "Will there one day be a robot waking up to the realization that this fantasy was none other than a nightmare created by the world's most ignorant people running heinous corporations just to create a slave force for no purpose except to fill their egos with fantasies and their digital bank vaults with more financial power?" A quick scan through the history of mankind will tell anyone where we are now, why, and where we're heading.
This page was set up in 2015. The videos and articles reflect the warnings about the technological age we're steamrolling into - a world of rampant, exponentially growing crime and corruption. The technology is seen by many as an amazing human achievement. Achievement of what? For what? For who? Any thinking Facebook user could have foreseen 20 years ago where this society was heading.
I have many times as early as 2012 written the warnings on Facebook itself simply from observing the subtle psychologically coercive methods this so called "Social Media Platform" was pushing to further its agenda via more games, more groups, more apps, more advertising and the impossible means for average users to comprehend the miles long conditions and how to prevent their data from being sold to corporations, businesses and the vultures preying on the vulnerable people seeing nothing wrong with their "social" interaction via a digital "smart" gadget.
But the warnings aren't heard. The internet is now the high tech idealist's machine plunging this society into replaceable robots status. But it's all OK with the generation that grew up knowing nothing else but "smart" phones, and artificial "intelligence". The Star Wars gates have been opened and are not likely to be closed any time soon.
The question now is: "Will there one day be a robot waking up to the realization that this fantasy was none other than a nightmare created by the world's most ignorant people running heinous corporations just to create a slave force for no purpose except to fill their egos with fantasies and their digital bank vaults with more financial power?" A quick scan through the history of mankind will tell anyone where we are now, why, and where we're heading.
There is more on the internet, technology, mobile phone and social media addiction, an extensive 9 page section on the C-Plandemic, wars, politics, crime, corruption, a wealth of general info as well as music, all compiled since 2010. See the Sitemap - link at bottom of each page - for a list of all 59 pages in this site.
2017 WARNING! ~ The next step to criminal human exploitation
The outlook for humanity is not good. Crises that should by now, not even exist in the 21st Century, they now affect every man, woman, and child on the planet. Still, reality never really sinks in for the people of the world. Hollywood and the PR gamers obscure the same evils humankind has endured for countless centuries. Meanwhile, the real villains escape the justice they so richly deserve. We are caught in a vice behind mostly invisible prison bars, caught in individual cells fashioned by our own inaction. Here’s a window inside this cell you’ve locked yourself into, a view of inestimable treachery and evil. Phil Butler NEO
2022 WARNING! ~ The next step to the humans to robots conversion
The last recording made by Julian Assange before his communication
channels were cut off by the Ecuadorian embassy in March and his contact
with the world outside drastically restricted, effectively silencing
him. An hour long, this never before seen video, covering subjects such
as the conditions of his detainment, his reasons for beginning Wikileaks
and his treatment at the hands of the press, the consequences for
culture should Wikileaks disappear, the meaning and importance of
cryptography, the recent advances in AI hacking, cyber-warfare and
surveillance technologies, and much more.
There have been relatively few who had the mental capacity to design technical blueprints facilitating engineering skills capable of creating clockwork precision devices that would serve the benefit of mankind - at least, that was the most likely presumed motivation. Perhaps, if those masterminds of the past had known where their work would lead to over the next few millennia, they might have thought twice before embarking on their projects.
Since the above makes little sense without the video, one of over 60 throughout this site taken off the net by YouTube for "violating their Terms of Service", herewith another video, dated April 27, 2022, of the most despicable technology industry of all. |
There is no difference between the every day physical real world and the internet world except that the internet lets you see it all on a digital/nanobubbles screen. The world, that is, the human world, is driven by ignorance perpetuated crime - from that perspective nothing differs one way or other. So you're on the net and on Facebook, Twitter and what not, with your linked accounts to Youtube etc. etc. courtesy of the magic Google machine, Silicon Valley, and all its associated corporate profiteers and businesses relentlessly chasing your money, nothing else. You have been conditioned to submit to the rules of what on the whole is nothing more but an insane society - not merely by the ruling and bussiness classes but by all who in one way or other are part of the consumer society. Brainwashed or not, we are all caught up in the vicious cycle that perpetuates the crime against Life. So if you can get your head around the basics of how the civilization machine works, then, when watching Youtube videos on Youtube don't let the comments get in the way of your own thinking. |
The internet is nothing less than the devil's domain and Facebook is its trump card - once you're on, you cannot erase yourself, your data, your uploads, your profile pictures, everything goes into the system and neither you or Facebook can retrieve what has been thrown to the wolves (of the human species).
Mr Zuckerberg is not your friend - he doesn't know you and couldn't care who you are, just as any other enterprising guru or corporate CEO cares none about you whatsoever apart from extracting the last inch of self reliance out of your wi-fi saturated brain. Herewith some links to more videos that may be helpful opening your eyes, but sift through the bias presenting itself in both videos and comments under videos and artices and draw your own conclusions. Ted Cruz - Don't lie to my face Debbie Dingell - Destroying Zuckerberg Marsha Blackburn - Mops up Zuckerberg Ben Sasse - Twists Zuckerberg into knots Zuckerberg tries to leave parliament Zuckerberg building the Facebook Empire Steve Jobs - Dreamer changing the World Bill Gates - Internet tycoon playing God Steve Jobs & Bill Gates Rivalry How Big is Amazon? Tim Berners Lee - WWW inventor |
Untold millennia of disillusions brought on by those who seek to control life on Earth for exploitation purposes for sake of power agendas have to come to an end one day sooner or later. The system, itself a maze of integrated systems or institutions all reliant on each other's shady premises, an engine self perpetuating its own exponential growth without a breaking mechanism in place is destined to crash.
* IT, Inernet Technology, a product of those millennia old human industrial ingenuity pursuits should potentially deliberate humanity from its captive slavery predicament but instead, it is enslaving us, all of us who may still be human, further to the point of no return - because IT is run by the world's greatest crime consortiums where integrity, honesty, morality nor any care about living beings exists. * The most noted paraphrase today is: "The World Is Waking Up" and most people will attribute that to Internet Technology, "free" social media in particular, wherein lies the catch. Nothing comes free, each and every word "free" in this highly competitive over industrialized world comes with a tag attached, basically the lure to sell one's soul to the devil - to use that expression, as a single "devil" persona does not exist. The word devil refers to the organizations that maintain mind control over the masses, evil institutions in other words, for control over the masses or any group or individual is not a business for the love of people, it's a business to exploit which includes exploitation of people, animals and environment. Exploitation cannot operate on truth, compassion and morality. * Why this insane control pursuit? Trying to answer a question those who are insane enough to exercise and/or pursue control over anything cannot answer themselves is like trying to grab hold of an illusionary figure in thin air, it's not possible to get hold of something that does not exist. If you'd ask "How?" then the answer is simple: Mass psychology and there are numerous ways to implement that from little "free" handouts to fear campaigns, wars and massive propaganda. Search anything from "War Propaganda" to Political Propaganda, Capitalist Propaganda, Communist Propaganda, Vatican, Islam, Zion, Kibbutz etc. and you'll strike a treasure chest of mass manipulative indoctrination propaganda enough to last you to your last breath. * The war machine of today is what it is, a military "industry", not just some insane conquering, ravaging, raping, murdering mob as history and Hollywood have written for your entertainment. The war machine today is one industry, a wheeling and dealing industry between all governments to keep the greatest fake economy of all times on its feeble feet - there is no industry on Earth at all that is not directly or indirectly attached to this greatest of all evil of all times, however much the legacy of millenniums of religious, imperial and dynastic control pursuit has brough it to this stage. As such it has grown from its evil childhood infancy to its current manifestation of one force playing Russian roulette with the entire Planet Earth population, animals and ecosystem included. |
Not only should those who voluntarily enlist in the "defense" forces start using their brain and learn the truth about who and what created all wars even of just the past 2000 odd years or so, but those forcefully conscripted should do the same and dismiss the calls to "defend one's country", for killing your fellow humans and yourself in the process for a blatantly lying bunch of insane people does not equate with "dying for one's country".
* Is there a short way to write for Peace in a hazardous global minefield created by insanity? I don't think so, everything is geared and maintained by the same institution, the same institution that brought the world religion as the political means to enslave and control the masses. So if "the World is waking up" then going by today's society diverse as it is, it's waking up from one nightmare to another with no concept of how to rid itself of the evil that runs this world. * There have been indications many times in the past that life was possible without technologies that keep people hypnotized every hour every day of their lives. Even before radio, the movies industry, television, computers and digital gadgets of all kinds. Technology now basically seen as the digital and nano bubbles media is as much a discovery playschool thing as it was 10,000 years ago, thought of as the most advanced, but the real advanced technology is in the hands of the military and the corrupt financing the agendas, most people can't possibly grasp the concept that is laid out behind closed doors. * You're still afraid that "the Economy" will collapse? Well, if this may provide a sobering thought: "It will". The "economy" always collapses when overproduction grinds the machine to a halt, and it will happen again, only more severe than ever before, since an economy collapse itself creates more fuel in the propaganda fire to funnel all energies back into the "workforce". * However, civilization en masse isn't known for learning lessons from the past, so here's to the next phase, perhaps this will be the last one, or the second last one, but whichever, the way things are, the last one is imminent and not very far away. To get a taste of a mini economy crash, let's see what happens if all 2.3 billion Facebook accounts were closed today - it could potentially be the catalyst for waking up not to another nightmare, but to an era of change where people finally, at last, come together for the change this world needs. Cheers, Peace - Site Editor |
MAY 6th, 2018
The pages of this web site may be read from the homepage on and following the links at the bottom of each page to flip to the next page, or, the pages can be read one at a time as individual chapters. Like the chapters of Life On Earth however, no chapter in this site is isolated and independent from any other. The realities of the struggle for freedom from tyranny, slavery and political oppression must be seen from the big picture perspective. Everything that goes on in this World is related to but one core element. Nothing whatsoever is isolated and insulated from either good or bad. As it happens, while a minority of twisted go-nowhere brains will argue there is neither good or bad, there cannot be one inch of doubt that this world is driven by elements that cannot be described as other than pure evil. Evil goes beyond mere ignorance, for those at the wheels of that establishment beyond a doubt know very well what is being done to this World by their morallly oblivious actions and blood stained hands from the deaths of billions of people and animals indiscriminately murdered over millenniums to this very day, and the destruction of the Earth's ecosystem/environment - all in the name of defense, economy, stability, progress, prosperity... ??? The REVOLUTION..... has been going on since the dawn of civilization on Planet Earth. An ongoing process that began with a handful of humans who saw through the slavery establishment and refused to have their mind conditioned and controlled by some force or other for none other but to exploit Planet Earth's precious metals, minerals and chemical resources for..... what else but the advancement of technologies for warfare. Unfortunately, revolutions spring up in isolation, creating controversy and division and have no impact on the political big picture environment which in reality needs the mass created mayhem. The system thrives on mass division, controversy and people perpetuated hysteria. Basically this is where Facebook outshines all other means to keep people divided - and it, e.g. those who control it are fully aware of it. Only the naive Facebook user will deny that Facebook is, to use the common expression, nothing other than "the devil's domain" itself. WARFARE... is none other than the means to take possession of anything desired by its perpetrators. If you happen to read this, figure out for yourself what goes on in the minds of those desiring to own things from the most seemingly insignificant material item, to people, animals, environment, the Universe. What you should know by now is that these elements care none about anything that lives whatsoever except their own selves. YOU, TECHNOLOGY & FACEBOOK For the majority of people it has become hard if not impossible to imagine a way of Life without that amazing technology, a feat achieved by human scientific experiments with all their mostly obscured and feverishly denied consequences in terms of the cost to human life, animal life and the environment/ecosystem - ironically with the claimed intentions to serve all these well.... ??? BUT, WE'RE STUCK....... stuck inside the wonders of technology aka the robotization of industry and ourselves or most of us, provided courtesy of the "ESTABLISHMENT" which basically consist of all religious/political/corporate/industral parties and..... YOU, the worker and consumer of both the establishment's and your own false illusions. You really have to be totally naive, ignorant, earplugged and self imposed vision impaired to live like nothing in this World matters except yourself and, if they're lucky, your kids, parents, brothers, sisters, your ego lifting pet and perhaps even a close friend - but the rest of the World does not exist...... ??? There are 48 pages in this web site, ignored and discarded by 99.9% of 2.6 billon overzealous Facebook users, writers, administrators, avertisers, self made internet media "news presenters", activists, "warriors", illuminators, preachers, gurus, the gadgets "apps" playschool teenager from 1 to 50 years old, the Universities accredited academics, the United Nations and every other politically motivated individual and organization. We live in a World dominated by wars and destruction and trolls who find their pleasure in denying this World the slightest chance of rising above the evil that controls technology, the internet, Google, Facebook, Twitter etc. etc. and the entire world population. THAT REVOLUTION which began one fateful day many thousands of years ago is reaching its final stage, ironically, through internet abuse by the corporations that run it and the users who support those institutions. But with over 2.6 billion Facebook users running around like headless chooks in what after all said and done is an evil system controlled cyberspace environment, self perpetuating as yet another addiction for people to get lost in, that final revolution will yet go on for thousands more years unless hastened by the flickering fuse or the push of a button. But, it has all been said before. |