WORLD OF WAR - The CRIME against humanity
RELIGION - The curse on humanity from whichever perspective by who or what. Religion has provided this world with people who take it upon themselves to play God over this world's population, people who cannot be said to be other than insane. The consequences of the work of all those "Gods" the world has seen since the very beginnings of human civilization have all too clearly been recorded, the legacy of that history is manifested in the 21st century AD death and destruction Planet this world has been turned into.
⬇︎ WAR - What is it all about - Power by whom or what? War arsenal industry profiteers? The bankers?
The utter lunacy of foreign intrusion in other countries is none better illustrated than by this documentary. As said throughout this web site: "Politics and Religion are One and the Same and a Curse to Humanity". For this World to find an end to wars and violence all religious institutions will have to be abolished.
The utter lunacy of foreign intrusion in other countries is none better illustrated than by this documentary. As said throughout this web site: "Politics and Religion are One and the Same and a Curse to Humanity". For this World to find an end to wars and violence all religious institutions will have to be abolished.
⬇︎ Added January 2, 2022 - Truth will emerge, every time
There is no honor in war. War and the war arsenal industry are the dirtiest business on the face of the Earth. War is not the means to Peace, war perpetuates violence, death and disease. Forget the romanticized war stories, forget that there is a purpose in wars, there is none except for legalized murder, destruction and the trillions of dollars made by the manufacturers, the financiers, the corrupt politicians, and the elite ruling classes.
There is no honor in war. War and the war arsenal industry are the dirtiest business on the face of the Earth. War is not the means to Peace, war perpetuates violence, death and disease. Forget the romanticized war stories, forget that there is a purpose in wars, there is none except for legalized murder, destruction and the trillions of dollars made by the manufacturers, the financiers, the corrupt politicians, and the elite ruling classes.
⬇︎ Video: English with French subtitles
⬇︎ Added Dec 29/2020
For hose people determined to carry on supporting the religious/political system by continuously buying the trash sold in this world, and recycled by their very patronage of the religious/corporate pro ignorance anti intellect education propaganda machine, the videos herewith are highly recommended as essential in the process of changing one's adopted self deception along with the global society conditioned barbaric state to one of Planet Earth Related Consciousness. |
The only way to end this insanity is for the world's population to stop living the fantasy illusion, wake up to the truth and UNITE IN ONE VOICE FOR CHANGE
⬆︎ Click images for enlarged views
This dirty episode of the continuous war on humanity is drawing on population division as a consensus for another all out global war. The war arsenal industry can't wait to clear the WMD stockpiles to keep their industry going. The ongoing religious/political power obsession game is insane, it has turned this Planet of Life into a Planet of Death. The entire world's military and its proponents are in dire need to take a U-turn to revive and replenish the mental and physical human and ecological destruction and decay created even if the damage was done over the course of millennia. Either that, or the consequences will exceed the toll and suffering experienced in all other wars in history combined.
⬆︎ Syria 2012
⬆︎ The Road to Kuwait - Gulf war 1991
⬆︎ Syria 2012
⬆︎ The Road from Iraq to Syria 2012
If you believe that wars are a part of life, please think again. Wars are the product of a society where a few people decide to go on a killing rampage for no justifiable reason whatsoever. When lives are destroyed by the evil that is war, defense and retaliation rise up and wars generate from one society to another, a vicious cycle which has grown to worldwide proportions since ancient colonialism and its consequent slave trade across the world. * This is a war against humanity, which started millenniums ago, spurred on by religious power institutions since before ancient Mongolia, Persia, Egypt, Greece, Israel, Rome and the British Empire. Don't ask for details, there are too many to document in a million page book. * You are living in an indoctrinated, conditioned society, so far mind controlled that wars are seen as an accepted part of Life. Wars have been romanticized to no end through propaganda and the manufacture of ultra |
sophisticated weapons and war arsenal to movies, news media hype, entertainment, to kids plastic toys and digital games. * You have been sold heroes loaded with guns and ammunition. And you are unaware that no matter what you do in your daily life, you are part and parcel of the sinister war against your own father, mother, brother, sister. But, you blame everything and everyone else until one day a gun is put in your hands and you yourself will kill the "enemy" you don't even know, just as you're told to do. * War is not part of Life. War is evil, war is death, destruction, and intolerable suffering. And until you wake up and recognize the evil that controls your thinking, you and I and everyone else will just remain nothing but objects to be blown to bits and pieces for the amusement of some evil, satanic power obsessed force. Recognize the truth, face it and change your egocentric behavior. Nothing will change unless YOU change. |
And we wonder: "Why is The USA so afraid of Russia? Who runs the military industrial complex? Why is the world always at war with itself? Why is there so much poverty, so much suffering, so much death and destruction? And is it at all possible to ever see an end of the stupidity that holds the world to ransom?
No matter where, when and for what reason they are held, MILITARY PARADES are part of a disgusting world wide conditioned war romanticizing propaganda machine.
⬇︎ Videos: AFGHANISTAN - The eye opening reality
And...... it all began with a lie - Corbett Report - Debunking a Century of War Lies
Please WAKE UP! Stop living in the clouds, in the Universe, in the illusions of make believe.
Unless all people stand up against the evil that is war, the vicious cycle will go on, on, and on.
Please WAKE UP! Stop living in the clouds, in the Universe, in the illusions of make believe.
Unless all people stand up against the evil that is war, the vicious cycle will go on, on, and on.
⬆︎ Click Pause top left of any slide to read extended text. See also: END OF THE ROAD
When it comes to wars, not one story of millions can sum up the insanity by which the human race is possessed above any other. Blinded by their goddamned political mass incited fever people embark on hysterically motivated, rampant, most horrific killing sprees on falsified justification. There is no such thing as justification for killing, there is no justification for turning oneself into a barbaric, satanic killing machine.
The story below is just one of millions upon millions, but it mirrors each and every word that has been said throughout the sad and sorry history of humankind. And we still avoid answering our conscience and stop the piling up of continued war episodes monotonously, day by day. It's 2021 AD, the human world is turned into a digitized robots war machine for religious/political supremacy purposes - before the turn of the century the human presence will be gone, replaced by remote operated unconscious, conscience void hybrids, an indifferent workforce that needs ecosystem nor food, feels pain nor suffering and has no recollection of the prior existence of humans. Bob Oort, site owner/editor, May 2021
The story below is just one of millions upon millions, but it mirrors each and every word that has been said throughout the sad and sorry history of humankind. And we still avoid answering our conscience and stop the piling up of continued war episodes monotonously, day by day. It's 2021 AD, the human world is turned into a digitized robots war machine for religious/political supremacy purposes - before the turn of the century the human presence will be gone, replaced by remote operated unconscious, conscience void hybrids, an indifferent workforce that needs ecosystem nor food, feels pain nor suffering and has no recollection of the prior existence of humans. Bob Oort, site owner/editor, May 2021
Somewhere in Africa - The Talking of the Soul
On the night of June 29, an African singer – paladin of anti-oppression, resistance music – a political activist, prominent voice of a local ethnic group which counts a considerable population of 25 million people, was shot dead in the Capital. |
According to local media, investigations, arrests started immediately but so did nights and days of riots, destruction of property in the Capital and the region of origin of the singer. Hotels, restaurants, companies were systematically ravaged in the name of a blind ethnic and investment cleansing in the attempt to obliterate, overnight, successful entrepreneurial achievements of other ethnicities.
The logic of blind anger. On the morning of 30 June, the Capital was rocked by three explosions while many of the nation’s streets were filled with smoke and the accompanying soundtrack of operating machine guns. The usual way for police to disperse crowds when everyone revolts against everyone else. Small shops closed. So did hotels, bars, clubs, flower stands, barbers, beauty salons and offices. Public transportation ran as a ghost of itself. Time and people froze. Statues of past Emperors were beheaded. Neighbourhoods quickly displayed batons, cleavers, stones. Citizens coordinated patrols; those who could afford the prohibitive cost, bought a gun with the excuse of protecting children. The logic of force majeur self-defense. Wounded people were rushed to hospitals carried on the shoulders of brave volunteers. The very same morning, internet was shut down to prevent further chaos, violent speech, to avert the worsening of events. The logic of a sharpened state of emergency (already declared to avoid spread of Covid-19). The country theatre of violence remained in a double lock-down with no access to internet for over 14 days. Human rights organizations expressed concern (don’t they always) calling for the leadership to immediately reinstall access to internet and blaming the very same government for the heinous murder of scores of civilians. Locally, the people continued to blame the police for not having protected civilians against ‘hooligans’. On the domestic front, death toll figures were said |
to be released – if ever – in due course, with no rush. The logic and timing of body count, especially in developing countries.Foreign media barely covered the event on the first two days.
Had a European country been isolated for over two weeks from the world, with a death toll running in (at least) 250 people, the headlines would have been incessant, with the systematic bombardment of news and frantic analyses from an abundance of experts. Had it happened in the Middle East, an intervention to restore democracy would have been immediately, unofficially and secretively considered (the unofficial boots on the ground). With the inevitable, despicable rise in arms sales. Still, there would have been media coverage. When it comes to Africa, there are few, foreign reliable experts. Their voices, in this case, were suspiciously silent. What is most striking, though, is that journalists from within the very same continent were not given the space to explain, analyse, report, to correspond. Status quo: hundreds of families spent months mourning loved ones in a country torn apart, burnt, ravaged by, what the local government later claimed was a sparkle generated by a separatist group. In the year of Black Lives Matter, a conservative figure of 250 black, African people were slaughtered in the streets of a nation purposely not named as it would make no difference. Over a hundred million of others were denied access to the outside world, proper information and media coverage. The black lives of hundreds slain have not been deemed to be relevant enough, worthy, to international newsrooms: if Black Lives Matter on social media in a rare, overdue momentum, it is not so in the streets of an African country and in the offices of media establishments. Indisputably, the logic of two weights and two measures. The Talking of the Soul, December 2020 |
“LOGIC”……. Logic?
The writer of "Somewhere in Africa" (⬆︎) sums it up in a nutshell.
But I’ll respond with my version of “Logic”:
All our questions, trials and errors originate from the existence of “Life”.
Without Life, on this Planet at least since no one can in all honesty proclaim the existence and the order of such in any other place in the Universe, there would be no problems, the Universe goes ’round and ’round, at its own pace, there exists no concern what goes on in any part thereof. The Universe is Matter, Matter Does Not Think.
We need to learn to relate to Life on Planet Earth…… Nowhere else. For this is where we are having an infinite amount of serious, deadly problems. Be concerned about resolving those problems as they exist TODAY, their creators have long gone, they’re dead, buried, dissolved into Matter as all that dies does. We’re not concerned solving our problems with dead people, we’re concerned about those left with the legacy of exerting their corrupted power over us. “Us” is the people who live today, in the vices of the mind wrenched authoritarians who don’t give a damn about “Us the People”, nor any other form of Life which this Earth has inherited by some sheer Universal Electromagnetic or other but nonetheless miraculous phenomenon.
Let’s not carry on seeking answers elsewhere but within ourselves and given our lot as a human race on Planet Earth, let no one stand above another but face the truth individually and collectively, and fix the problems individually and collectively. We are not indebted to our forefathers for leaving us a Fail State Planet Earth, nor are we indebted to those who continue to chain us to their imposition of debts – let crime pay for its own crimes and impose its due penalties on itself, in accordance with its own judgement, and its laws imposed on its illegally under duress of fear enslaved population.
The simple rules are to recognize both our individual and collective failure as a Planet Earth species. The writer of “Somewhere in Africa” has handed it to us in plain truth language. The ball is in everyone’s court, not just a handful of concerned people. Life must be considered for what it is: “An ephemeral moment in an infinite ocean of inexplicable presence for which there exists no reason, and no purpose”.
Life is an accidental reaction to Universal Activity, activity with no kindness, no conscience, no emotions, no responsibility.
We, the human species continue to live under a vast set of rules said to be handed us by one non existent creator or another, none more but one or more fictional characters created in our minds for the evil pleasure of those insisting to rule over us. There is no God, there is no Satan. Both good and evil are present in the conditioned human mind. But we have all been conditioned to accept crime and corruption as a prerequisite to Life. The “systems” imposed on us are not only unmanageable, they are downright criminal. Both the individual and the collective will have to rewrite the rules if a better world for all is ever to be seen - only then will the word “Logic” find its place in the human vocabulary. As it stands to this day, December 10, 2020 AD, the word “Logic” is none more but a recipe for debate resulting in conflict, resulting in war, crime, corruption and the suffering of the entire Planet Earth human, animal and ecosystem species.
The Worldpeace Embassy Web Site has 60 eye opening pages on more than necessary, but best recommended clean bill of health to heal a polluted degenerative world is the Music Section.
Bob Oort, December 10, 2020
The writer of "Somewhere in Africa" (⬆︎) sums it up in a nutshell.
But I’ll respond with my version of “Logic”:
All our questions, trials and errors originate from the existence of “Life”.
Without Life, on this Planet at least since no one can in all honesty proclaim the existence and the order of such in any other place in the Universe, there would be no problems, the Universe goes ’round and ’round, at its own pace, there exists no concern what goes on in any part thereof. The Universe is Matter, Matter Does Not Think.
We need to learn to relate to Life on Planet Earth…… Nowhere else. For this is where we are having an infinite amount of serious, deadly problems. Be concerned about resolving those problems as they exist TODAY, their creators have long gone, they’re dead, buried, dissolved into Matter as all that dies does. We’re not concerned solving our problems with dead people, we’re concerned about those left with the legacy of exerting their corrupted power over us. “Us” is the people who live today, in the vices of the mind wrenched authoritarians who don’t give a damn about “Us the People”, nor any other form of Life which this Earth has inherited by some sheer Universal Electromagnetic or other but nonetheless miraculous phenomenon.
Let’s not carry on seeking answers elsewhere but within ourselves and given our lot as a human race on Planet Earth, let no one stand above another but face the truth individually and collectively, and fix the problems individually and collectively. We are not indebted to our forefathers for leaving us a Fail State Planet Earth, nor are we indebted to those who continue to chain us to their imposition of debts – let crime pay for its own crimes and impose its due penalties on itself, in accordance with its own judgement, and its laws imposed on its illegally under duress of fear enslaved population.
The simple rules are to recognize both our individual and collective failure as a Planet Earth species. The writer of “Somewhere in Africa” has handed it to us in plain truth language. The ball is in everyone’s court, not just a handful of concerned people. Life must be considered for what it is: “An ephemeral moment in an infinite ocean of inexplicable presence for which there exists no reason, and no purpose”.
Life is an accidental reaction to Universal Activity, activity with no kindness, no conscience, no emotions, no responsibility.
We, the human species continue to live under a vast set of rules said to be handed us by one non existent creator or another, none more but one or more fictional characters created in our minds for the evil pleasure of those insisting to rule over us. There is no God, there is no Satan. Both good and evil are present in the conditioned human mind. But we have all been conditioned to accept crime and corruption as a prerequisite to Life. The “systems” imposed on us are not only unmanageable, they are downright criminal. Both the individual and the collective will have to rewrite the rules if a better world for all is ever to be seen - only then will the word “Logic” find its place in the human vocabulary. As it stands to this day, December 10, 2020 AD, the word “Logic” is none more but a recipe for debate resulting in conflict, resulting in war, crime, corruption and the suffering of the entire Planet Earth human, animal and ecosystem species.
The Worldpeace Embassy Web Site has 60 eye opening pages on more than necessary, but best recommended clean bill of health to heal a polluted degenerative world is the Music Section.
Bob Oort, December 10, 2020
April 29, 2022
From Ukraine 2014 to Sars/Covid 2019 and back to Ukraine 2022. The Military Industrial Complex - The US/multinational borderless use by and re-invent/supply war arsenal and technology economy industry.
From Ukraine 2014 to Sars/Covid 2019 and back to Ukraine 2022. The Military Industrial Complex - The US/multinational borderless use by and re-invent/supply war arsenal and technology economy industry.