October 25/2021 - The lies couldn't be more blatantly obvious.
The entire world population is held in the grip of Nazi fascism all over again. Life today across the world is what Europe was like in 1939. Trusting people, institutions and organizations has become harder and harder by the day. People of all walks of life have gone into self survival mode, the majority choosing to submit to the very evil that is destroying them. The best of people are showing signs of reserving their options condemning the evil at the surface while condoning the perpetrators at the core. Fear is as it has always been, the decisive factor, the oldest method of control in the history of mankind. Fear has allowed the slavery system to flourish to what it is now - an industrial workforce producing more garbage than can be consumed by both the Planet and its population.
The fallacious fallout of this industrial garbage comes by way of the verbal garbage preying on the vulnerability of the masses. Fauci, Gates, Zuckerberg, the WHO, the FDA, the World Economic Forum, the Big Corp CEOs, the Bankers, Imperialists, Communist and Islamic Ideologists etc etc have the populations dangling on their strings and their sympathizers in their pocket. The entire divisive ruling system needs to be prosecuted for forced slavery and genocidal crimes against humanity but since that system constitutes tens of thousands of criminal elements and collaborators, such mission is impossible. The most feasible means to clean up a crime infested world is to set an example by trial and prosecution of the worst of the current perpetrators in such a way that the fear pushed onto the population is transferred to the bureaucracies employed by the flawed, coercive authoritarian system.
The entire world population is held in the grip of Nazi fascism all over again. Life today across the world is what Europe was like in 1939. Trusting people, institutions and organizations has become harder and harder by the day. People of all walks of life have gone into self survival mode, the majority choosing to submit to the very evil that is destroying them. The best of people are showing signs of reserving their options condemning the evil at the surface while condoning the perpetrators at the core. Fear is as it has always been, the decisive factor, the oldest method of control in the history of mankind. Fear has allowed the slavery system to flourish to what it is now - an industrial workforce producing more garbage than can be consumed by both the Planet and its population.
The fallacious fallout of this industrial garbage comes by way of the verbal garbage preying on the vulnerability of the masses. Fauci, Gates, Zuckerberg, the WHO, the FDA, the World Economic Forum, the Big Corp CEOs, the Bankers, Imperialists, Communist and Islamic Ideologists etc etc have the populations dangling on their strings and their sympathizers in their pocket. The entire divisive ruling system needs to be prosecuted for forced slavery and genocidal crimes against humanity but since that system constitutes tens of thousands of criminal elements and collaborators, such mission is impossible. The most feasible means to clean up a crime infested world is to set an example by trial and prosecution of the worst of the current perpetrators in such a way that the fear pushed onto the population is transferred to the bureaucracies employed by the flawed, coercive authoritarian system.
"Our partnerships, while individualized in scope and breadth, all offer the possibility of a healthier world. Read about some of our 256 partnerships." Read: | Charles Pfizer | Who works at Pfizer? |
| Michael Yeadon Anti Vaxer? | Covid Misinformation? | Pfizer Web Site | Note: It is essential to use your utmost discretion when reading any obvious biased all good info presented in certain web sites. Wiki included.
But first..... Make sure to watch and listen to the above video again. Take note how this corporation is dictating your governments. Your governments in turn dictate the States, the States dictate your local Council, your local Council implements the dictatorship's rules. The retail businesses, hospitals and all other everyday services are forced to subject the public to the rules as forced on the entire system by what is the most criminal corporation on the face of the Earth today.
People have always bowed to whomever plays God. But the camel's back is breaking.
God today is Pfizer with its crime conglomerates the NWO, Gates, Fauci, the World Economic Forum, their bankers and investors, thousands of people, all working to destroy humanity and turn the leftovers into cogs in the robots slavery machine. Why would they do that? You will have to ask the Pfizer CEO or their lawyers. Your government won't tell you, so let us know how you fare if you manage to get hold of the truth - but that won't come from Pfizer or any of its stooges. However, the above video and all other videos on the 9 pages on this outrageous criminal subject should tell you more than you need to know.
People are being tested yet again for their endurance under the boots of the yet again risen Nazi regime. Call it whatever, but the 3rd Reich never fell, it has been working in full view for anyone to see in all corners of the world and it has reared its ugly face more than ever before since it unleashed its Sars/Covid agenda on the entire world's population. For the world to find Freedom and Peace, fascism with all its wings has to be wiped off the face of the Earth for once and for all. But that can only happen when apathy and ignorance become a thing of the past and people come together as a united voice in solidarity against the systems that allow the criminal consortia to run everyone's lives.
"Our partnerships, while individualized in scope and breadth, all offer the possibility of a healthier world. Read about some of our 256 partnerships." Read: | Charles Pfizer | Who works at Pfizer? |
| Michael Yeadon Anti Vaxer? | Covid Misinformation? | Pfizer Web Site | Note: It is essential to use your utmost discretion when reading any obvious biased all good info presented in certain web sites. Wiki included.
But first..... Make sure to watch and listen to the above video again. Take note how this corporation is dictating your governments. Your governments in turn dictate the States, the States dictate your local Council, your local Council implements the dictatorship's rules. The retail businesses, hospitals and all other everyday services are forced to subject the public to the rules as forced on the entire system by what is the most criminal corporation on the face of the Earth today.
People have always bowed to whomever plays God. But the camel's back is breaking.
God today is Pfizer with its crime conglomerates the NWO, Gates, Fauci, the World Economic Forum, their bankers and investors, thousands of people, all working to destroy humanity and turn the leftovers into cogs in the robots slavery machine. Why would they do that? You will have to ask the Pfizer CEO or their lawyers. Your government won't tell you, so let us know how you fare if you manage to get hold of the truth - but that won't come from Pfizer or any of its stooges. However, the above video and all other videos on the 9 pages on this outrageous criminal subject should tell you more than you need to know.
People are being tested yet again for their endurance under the boots of the yet again risen Nazi regime. Call it whatever, but the 3rd Reich never fell, it has been working in full view for anyone to see in all corners of the world and it has reared its ugly face more than ever before since it unleashed its Sars/Covid agenda on the entire world's population. For the world to find Freedom and Peace, fascism with all its wings has to be wiped off the face of the Earth for once and for all. But that can only happen when apathy and ignorance become a thing of the past and people come together as a united voice in solidarity against the systems that allow the criminal consortia to run everyone's lives.
Bob Oort, October 23, 2021
This page is the 5th of 9 pages on the criminal fabricated pandemic to turn the entire world population into submission to the will of those pursuing a New World Order agenda. They are the people who have the financial means and the know how to manipulate the world's population by way of unprecedented mass psychology. They control the flow of money through manipulation of the stock markets, money hungry speculators, governments, banking, shipping, transport, mining, chemicals, war, agricultural, supermarkets, food, entertainment industries/corporations etc etc and fear based coercion from the safe comfort of their hierarchical fortress where all decisions affecting humanity are made at the top, behind corrupted police guarded inaccessible to the public doors.
The population, an approx 7.8 billion people civilization at present, has lived asleep under a toxic blanket of religious/political hypnosis since its hybridization as an industrial slave force for a power predating ancient Sumerian civilization. Ever since, industrialization has been the unabated self perpetuating force driving human behavior under the veil of power elitist domination. The fierce competition between those elite from all parts of the world has evolved to the highest degree of decadent social and environmental erosion that is clearly visible today.
Civilization lives at the mercy of a divisive system controlled by an unscrupulous few obsessed with maintaining crime as the fundamental engine of the slavery system, in other words the "work force" system operating indiscriminately, oblivious to the suffering imposed on all living species whatsoever, oblivious to the desperate state it creates on individuals irrespective of age, gender, communities, societies and the world population as a whole.
Industry, all inclusive, has grown to an unimaginable size. To stop its devastating encroachment on the world devouring all in its path is a 99% mission impossible. The only chance of survival for humanity is to reverse the industrial revolution to a point of small communities and individuals taking responsibility for their actions and become part of an ecologic respect and regrowth cooperative way of life. The material want and consequent crime era has to become yesterday's nightmare - it must be replaced with a unanimous global effort to reform dependency on wrought systems to conscious practice both individual and collective, in accordance with our conscience.
It is impossible to keep up with the pro and con flow of the Sars/Covid crime to which every person on Earth today is subjected. The arguments clearly show that we are a divided society now more so than ever before. How much longer this regenerated Corporate/Imperial/Nazi/Fascist assault on our lives will prevail this time is anyone's guess. But one thing leaves no doubt in any sane thinking individual's mind: This civilization needs to come together for total reform for sake of Peace, Justice, Sanity and Survival.
This page is the 5th of 9 pages on the criminal fabricated pandemic to turn the entire world population into submission to the will of those pursuing a New World Order agenda. They are the people who have the financial means and the know how to manipulate the world's population by way of unprecedented mass psychology. They control the flow of money through manipulation of the stock markets, money hungry speculators, governments, banking, shipping, transport, mining, chemicals, war, agricultural, supermarkets, food, entertainment industries/corporations etc etc and fear based coercion from the safe comfort of their hierarchical fortress where all decisions affecting humanity are made at the top, behind corrupted police guarded inaccessible to the public doors.
The population, an approx 7.8 billion people civilization at present, has lived asleep under a toxic blanket of religious/political hypnosis since its hybridization as an industrial slave force for a power predating ancient Sumerian civilization. Ever since, industrialization has been the unabated self perpetuating force driving human behavior under the veil of power elitist domination. The fierce competition between those elite from all parts of the world has evolved to the highest degree of decadent social and environmental erosion that is clearly visible today.
Civilization lives at the mercy of a divisive system controlled by an unscrupulous few obsessed with maintaining crime as the fundamental engine of the slavery system, in other words the "work force" system operating indiscriminately, oblivious to the suffering imposed on all living species whatsoever, oblivious to the desperate state it creates on individuals irrespective of age, gender, communities, societies and the world population as a whole.
Industry, all inclusive, has grown to an unimaginable size. To stop its devastating encroachment on the world devouring all in its path is a 99% mission impossible. The only chance of survival for humanity is to reverse the industrial revolution to a point of small communities and individuals taking responsibility for their actions and become part of an ecologic respect and regrowth cooperative way of life. The material want and consequent crime era has to become yesterday's nightmare - it must be replaced with a unanimous global effort to reform dependency on wrought systems to conscious practice both individual and collective, in accordance with our conscience.
It is impossible to keep up with the pro and con flow of the Sars/Covid crime to which every person on Earth today is subjected. The arguments clearly show that we are a divided society now more so than ever before. How much longer this regenerated Corporate/Imperial/Nazi/Fascist assault on our lives will prevail this time is anyone's guess. But one thing leaves no doubt in any sane thinking individual's mind: This civilization needs to come together for total reform for sake of Peace, Justice, Sanity and Survival.
⬅ Click to join WE ARE THE VOICE against coercive government bullying using fake pandemics as an excuse for fascist control over people's lives. |
October 14, 2021
Chip Roy, Texas politician dumps the truckload at his own democrats party and the US government on the asylum seekers and crime cartels border problems and goes on to the Covid-19 crime halfway through the video. Australians should take note and stop falling for the corruption and lies by their illegal (corporate) government.
October 15, 2021
October 16, 2021
⬇︎ From the horse's mouth:
October 19, 2021
Almost two years ago no everyday person had heard the word Covid-19. But suddenly, overnight, there it was and it has become the every minute of every day word in all aspects of public life going for almost 2 years. Covid-19 was planned long before it came to be what it is now, a blatant exercise to suppress the rising public awareness of the truth.
Almost two years ago no everyday person had heard the word Covid-19. But suddenly, overnight, there it was and it has become the every minute of every day word in all aspects of public life going for almost 2 years. Covid-19 was planned long before it came to be what it is now, a blatant exercise to suppress the rising public awareness of the truth.
The tyranny dividing humanity has by its utter contempt for human Life come to its ultimate heights. Where Australian police have become the executioners of violent behavior and fear imposition on people no age or gender barred, the crime imposed on humanity using a fear pandemic as a tool to create civil division and enforce oppression to freedom, it is clear that the 1939 Nazi Gestapo regime has re-emerged in Australia.
What can every day Australians do to end this ruthless crime while most have already obligingly complied with the imposition of illegal rulings of the corporate lawyers writing the rules on behalf of unscrupulous criminals posing as the world's governing authorities, so called "leaders" who know nothing other than dragging this world and its living inhabitants down into the dungeons and infinite graveyards? The only thing needed is for every single individual to search his/her conscience and then for the entire population to stand united against the ever ongoing crimes so called "leaders" are subjecting us to, year after year, after year. One 7.8 Billion Strong Voice, Global Solidarity for Change, Peace, Justice and Sanity. NO MORE WARS, NO MORE CRIME, LIES AND CORRUPTION, NO MORE ELITE, GOVERNMENTS AND INSTITUTIONAL RELIGIOUS, IMPERIAL, CORPORATE STAND-OVERS. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!
HOWEVER...... There is a little more to standing up to the corrupted institution. We will have to stop living by the lies we have been conditioned to accept as the norm - which means we'll have to change our way of life. We'll have to think before walking into a butcher shop, before buying any of the trash that is sold only to fill the world's garbage dumps, the rivers and oceans. We'll have to stop buying the verbal trash sold by industries and entrepreneurs with nothing to give this world but highways to false illusions. We'll have to take a step back from the perpetuating treadmill to a dead end for 7.8 billion people, wildlife and the soil that generates our essential provisions if not rendered void of essential microbes and trace elements by laboratory created chemicals and toxic materials. We need to validate our position in a world desperate for change. And we need to change in accordance with our conscious findings.
HOWEVER...... There is a little more to standing up to the corrupted institution. We will have to stop living by the lies we have been conditioned to accept as the norm - which means we'll have to change our way of life. We'll have to think before walking into a butcher shop, before buying any of the trash that is sold only to fill the world's garbage dumps, the rivers and oceans. We'll have to stop buying the verbal trash sold by industries and entrepreneurs with nothing to give this world but highways to false illusions. We'll have to take a step back from the perpetuating treadmill to a dead end for 7.8 billion people, wildlife and the soil that generates our essential provisions if not rendered void of essential microbes and trace elements by laboratory created chemicals and toxic materials. We need to validate our position in a world desperate for change. And we need to change in accordance with our conscious findings.
October 1, 2021
October 1, 2021
It must be acknowledged that people across the world are living under the same totalitarian regime that orchestrated WWI, WWII and every other war past and present. The crime committed against humanity couldn't be more blatantly obvious. The world is being forced into despair by a handful of criminals and their thousands of collaborators paid for via a vast network of individuals, companies and corporations.
The sad irony is that many every day people refuse to hear the truth about the core of their predicament, they'll bluntly tell you "I don't want to talk about it" and walk away from anyone with a confronting opinion. It is clear that these people have gone into submission to the fear campaign spread across every place on Earth. That fear campaign is the real pandemic, not the common flu sold as Covid-19.
The real disease is the organized crime behind the machinery set in motion by manipulation of industry and money laundering. For whatever reason people walk away from the truth, the truth doesn't go away. Browse this web site, read some articles, play some of the slide shows, watch some videos. This page alone should make anyone pro criminal institutionalized submission think about opening up to the truth. There are 55 more pages that came together over 11 years, because this human race needs to get into global solidarity and change its deeply rooted, criminally conditioned and indoctrinated mindset and behavior. Spend some time on this site, it has a wealth of information, and..... music too.
It must be acknowledged that people across the world are living under the same totalitarian regime that orchestrated WWI, WWII and every other war past and present. The crime committed against humanity couldn't be more blatantly obvious. The world is being forced into despair by a handful of criminals and their thousands of collaborators paid for via a vast network of individuals, companies and corporations.
The sad irony is that many every day people refuse to hear the truth about the core of their predicament, they'll bluntly tell you "I don't want to talk about it" and walk away from anyone with a confronting opinion. It is clear that these people have gone into submission to the fear campaign spread across every place on Earth. That fear campaign is the real pandemic, not the common flu sold as Covid-19.
The real disease is the organized crime behind the machinery set in motion by manipulation of industry and money laundering. For whatever reason people walk away from the truth, the truth doesn't go away. Browse this web site, read some articles, play some of the slide shows, watch some videos. This page alone should make anyone pro criminal institutionalized submission think about opening up to the truth. There are 55 more pages that came together over 11 years, because this human race needs to get into global solidarity and change its deeply rooted, criminally conditioned and indoctrinated mindset and behavior. Spend some time on this site, it has a wealth of information, and..... music too.
The sooner the world wakes up to the evil this disgusting sleazy little mass murdering creep and his criminal buddies are possessed with, the sooner life will take a turn for the better. A transformation from a wars and crimes inundated world to one of Peace For All is imminent. The institutions and individuals that have held the people of this World in their satanic vices are falling apart, crumbling into dust, right now, never to rise again. When they fall they will feel the pain and suffering they have brought across this World over the millennia, the centuries, the decades and the days to this day. And they will squeal and scream for the mercy they have denied their billions of horrifically tortured victims - but they will find no mercy. As this totalitarian regime fades away into nothingness, the true world of humanity will surface.
⬇︎ Click to enlarge
Australians have been taken for a ride by a bogus government for over a period spanning more than a century. The original constitution providing protection for every day citizens against coercion, extortion and unconstitutional intimidating laws created by corporations and people claiming to be the lawful government of country, state or municipality, has been turned on its head by what now, 2021 AD clearly shows to be the offspring of the 1939 Nazi regime.
To believe that the Australian (corporate) government is there for the well being of the population, or the country, or any Living Natural Species is naive and complacent. The evidence of the brutality of the Nazi regime is all around. It's 2021 AD - the Australian government is now seen as the most radical brutal police state in the world - all in the name of those in pursuit of global domination, people with a criminal obsession for power over anything and everything at any cost whatsoever.
To believe that the Australian (corporate) government is there for the well being of the population, or the country, or any Living Natural Species is naive and complacent. The evidence of the brutality of the Nazi regime is all around. It's 2021 AD - the Australian government is now seen as the most radical brutal police state in the world - all in the name of those in pursuit of global domination, people with a criminal obsession for power over anything and everything at any cost whatsoever.
I have mentioned my February 1940 birth date on several occasions in this web site. Growing up the first 5 years of my life under the boots of the Nazi regime in Amsterdam, I remember things - I carry the pictures in a locked place in the top of my head - shall I call it my "brain" or my "mind"? I call it "the Attic". But that is another issue. My father was taken to Germany for forced labor in one of the Nazi war arsenal factories. But he came back after 2 years, unlike the fathers of some of my childhood friends. I didn't know of anything like "Peace", until 1945 when the war was over - apparently. I have maintained, at least since 2001, that the war people refer to as WWII, was none other but an ongoing war on humanity. Whether people have read my web site or anything on any page at all has remained unanswered.
I migrated to Australia in 1961 - on invitation of the Menzies government. I had no idea of the backstage politics then, nor did it register to take an interest in any of it, I was too busy tackling the hurdles of making a life. But it was inevitable that over the years my subconscious existence trickled over to the conscious existence which further generated through "my Life on Facebook". The futility of talking to thin air is a legacy of 11 years on Facebook until August 2020 when I deleted my account because I had enough of living inside the Nazi regime 24/7 naively thinking it would be the place to gather voices for change, peace, justice and sanity.
Now, at 81 years of age, deprived of exercising my life as a practicing multicultural guitarist by the deeds of the re-emerging Nazi regime implemented by its corporate affiliate posing as the Australian government, I question why I didn't know anything in 1961 before migrating to Australia. As it turned out however, I have learned a lot about the elite behind it all, the Dutch, the British, the Austrian, and many collaborating dictatorships. So it matters little where I live, or anyone for that matter, we're all caught up in a dysfunctional system on Planet Earth, operated by a ruthless slavery system - if you think you're not, then you need to learn about "infrastructure" - no matter what you do, you're part of it.
Covid-19 is none other than part of the agenda pursued to fulfill the pathetic, hideous illusions of a world dictated by weapons implemented force and applied violence. The world needs to be rid of the money spinners continuously plunging our world into wars, despair, death, destruction and suffering. An anti establishment revolution is not only inevitable, it is happening right now, and we all know it. Where it leads to is yet another unanswered question but the odds are............? Bob Oort, September 14, 2021
I migrated to Australia in 1961 - on invitation of the Menzies government. I had no idea of the backstage politics then, nor did it register to take an interest in any of it, I was too busy tackling the hurdles of making a life. But it was inevitable that over the years my subconscious existence trickled over to the conscious existence which further generated through "my Life on Facebook". The futility of talking to thin air is a legacy of 11 years on Facebook until August 2020 when I deleted my account because I had enough of living inside the Nazi regime 24/7 naively thinking it would be the place to gather voices for change, peace, justice and sanity.
Now, at 81 years of age, deprived of exercising my life as a practicing multicultural guitarist by the deeds of the re-emerging Nazi regime implemented by its corporate affiliate posing as the Australian government, I question why I didn't know anything in 1961 before migrating to Australia. As it turned out however, I have learned a lot about the elite behind it all, the Dutch, the British, the Austrian, and many collaborating dictatorships. So it matters little where I live, or anyone for that matter, we're all caught up in a dysfunctional system on Planet Earth, operated by a ruthless slavery system - if you think you're not, then you need to learn about "infrastructure" - no matter what you do, you're part of it.
Covid-19 is none other than part of the agenda pursued to fulfill the pathetic, hideous illusions of a world dictated by weapons implemented force and applied violence. The world needs to be rid of the money spinners continuously plunging our world into wars, despair, death, destruction and suffering. An anti establishment revolution is not only inevitable, it is happening right now, and we all know it. Where it leads to is yet another unanswered question but the odds are............? Bob Oort, September 14, 2021
The above videos were added September 14, 2021. Below are just 40 of the 149 videos made by Rebel News to this date, to give some idea of the tireless work by people like Avi Yemini who stand up for Justice for all. The word "rebel" stands for "standing up against a corrupt regime". We should all stand together to make this a safe (safe, not "safer") world for all to live, grow, and die of old age in, in Peace. Watch either video on Youtube and you'll find all Rebel News videos in the right hand AI column.
Trillions upon trillions of dollars are spent on the destruction of the entire world and its population. Australia is no longer the hidden test laboratory for the 3rd Reich - the Nazi regime never died in 1945, it has been alive and well, busy pursuing its agendas as usual.
⬇︎ Download the insane "Quarantine Hub" document described in the video on the left.
Wars, civil, global or otherwise are created by the
political machinery orchestrating division among the vulnerable, easily manipulated masses where most people live on the edge, stressed out by the ongoing tsunamis of relentless political activity dominating Life on Earth. Pitted against each other ignorant people vent their venom in the faces of those who stand for sanity in a world turned into a war zone asylum. The crime consortia are not the only institution prohibiting Peace and sanity. |
⬆︎⬇︎ Make No Mistake! Australia is a new fascist state implemented by Gestapo Police
| Avi Yemini | Sign the petition | Stand with Avi | Stand with Daniel | Fight the Fines Au |
| Avi Yemini | Sign the petition | Stand with Avi | Stand with Daniel | Fight the Fines Au |
⬇︎ Canada, another Nazi regime state on par with Australia. And it goes around the entire world, today, 2021, a disease called fascism, communism, imperialism, totalitarianism, the oppression of humanity on a world wide scale. The days are not far away when every police officer and their superiors guilty of subjecting men, women and children to the atrocities prescribed by the criminal institutions posing as their authorities, will not be able to sleep anymore without being haunted by guilt nightmares.
Video says it all. What else is there to be said. But yet, the global Maritime containers shipping industry provides a clear vision of the double edged sword that is Life on Earth for us all. We're in a Catch 22 situation of Life eating itself in order to live. Clearly, but sadly, a Maritime road to a dead end.
WORDS Words are the phenomenon of what the world is made of. Words in both the political world and the mainstream people world. Words are but words. Words come from the human vocal cords for the purpose of convincing listeners of an infinite, broad variety of issues confronting the business of living on a volatile Planet, in a volatile human world. Words can breathe Life into life, and breed war, violence, antagonism, hatred, suffering, death and destruction. So far the human race on the whole has been capable only of creating it's own death sentence - courtesy of mere words. The vocabulary has by now grown into a minefield, a trap that has no escape hatch, despite the shining words in the mid of political speeches churning over the same old, ancient, fallible, diplomatic rhetoric be it trade or war.
⬇︎ VIDEO: An amazing piece of work, summing up how the 1960-1970s rock'n roll revolution fused the ticking time bomb we're now experiencing as the culmination of Agenda 21/30. Back then it looked like there could be hope for humanity but only because the fog was too thick to see through. Now, August 24/2021 things look a great deal different - the fog is clearing but at a cost of millions of lives cut short, unprecedented corruption, fake pandemics, political propaganda, and a 360 degree turn back to 1939. But it all looks like a little too late, like 6,000 plus years too late. The world could have been a beautiful place for mankind. But alas, we screwed up, real good.
⬇︎ VIDEO: Posted March 2015 at LEARN THE TRUTH
CIA Hippie Mind Control: Inside Laurel Canyon with Dave McGowan
CIA Hippie Mind Control: Inside Laurel Canyon with Dave McGowan
FROM THE TIMES OF ISRAEL 24 August 2018, 6:35 am
Scott Morrison named new Australian prime minister Jewish cabinet member Josh Frydenberg named deputy leader of Liberal Party in shakeup as Turnbull ousted> SYDNEY, Australia — Scott Morrison was installed as Australia’s seventh prime minister in 11 years on Friday after a stunning Liberal party revolt instigated by hardline conservatives unseated moderate Malcolm Turnbull. Former home affairs minister Peter Dutton, an ex-police officer and right-winger, was the driving force behind the move to oust Turnbull after a party backlash against his more liberal policies. But after a torrid week of political intrigue in Canberra it was Morrison, a Turnbull ally who served as treasurer, who won a party vote 45-40. Read more FROM THE JEWISH NEWS August 24, 2018, 12:58pm
Australia’s new Deputy Liberal leader makes history – for being Jewish. Josh Frydenberg becomes Treasurer under the new government of Scott Morrison, Australia's fifth prime minister in six years. Josh Frydenberg made history on Friday after he became Australia’s first Jewish deputy Liberal leader, after yet another political coup which gave the country its fifth prime minister in six years. A former energy and environment minister, Frydenberg backs new PM Scott Morrison and was elected to become Australia’s Treasurer. Born to Hungarian and Polish parents, Frydenberg originally wanted to become a professional tennis player, but went on to gain a scholarship at the University of Oxford, where he studied international relations. While Jewish leaders in Australia said they would work with whoever held power, the head of the Executive Council of Australian Jewry (ECAJ) paid tribute to Morrison’s predecessor Malcolm Turnbull. ECAJ president Anton Black said he wanted “to express the Jewish community’s deep appreciation to him [Turnbull] for his service and his strong and consistent friendship to the AustralianJewish community and the State of Israel”. Turnbull, a wealthy ex-banker who was ousted on Friday, welcomed Benjamin Netanyahu to Australia as the first visiting Israeli prime minister in history, and returned the favour months later by visiting Israel. Mark Leibler, chair of the Australia-Israel and Jewish Affairs Council, also paid tribute to Turnbull for his “support for Israel and Middle East reconciliation, and genuine concern for the welfare of the Jewish community”. |
FROM The AUSTRALIAN JEWISH NEWS April 11, 2019, 9:44 am
MELBOURNE’S Jewish Holocaust Centre (JHC) has received a huge funding boost from the federal government. Treasurer Josh Frydenberg announced on Wednesday night that the JHC has been provided with $10 million to help it “reach even more Victorians and people from around Australia and the
world”. The money will be made immediately available to the JHC, not as a promise as part of the upcoming federal election. The JHC, which provides education programs to around 23,000 Victorian school students annually in addition to a variety of other groups, will be able to double capacity and cater for more education groups.
The centre also plans to redevelop, prioritising an enhanced and enlarged permanent exhibition on the Holocaust; a dedicated children’s museum; flexible learning spaces to allow for greater use of new technologies and to facilitate different learning styles; increased contemplation and memorial spaces; a dedicated special exhibitions gallery; and an expanded library and resource facility. “It’s incumbent on every Australian to learn about the Holocaust and say never again,” Frydenberg told The AJN.
“The Holocaust Museum plays a vital role in educating the community at large about this terrible episode in world history and the importance of ensuring tolerance and respect for our fellow citizens.” JHC director Jayne Josem welcomed the announcement, commenting, “With this transformational federal funding, we will be able to further grow the vision of our survivor founders with vastly improved resources and deliver on our promise to teach the vital lessons of the Holocaust to future generations.”
The grant is in addition to the $16 million the JHC is raising for the planned new building. “We are working hard to raise the full capital needed to build our new building and we are grateful to the wonderful donors who have already indicated they will support the redevelopment. This fundraising effort is ongoing,” added Josem. Labor’s candidate for Macnamara, Josh Burns, welcomed the announcement.
“This is an excellent announcement by Josh Frydenberg,” he said. “The Holocaust Centre’s work is more important than ever and I welcome the support.”
MELBOURNE’S Jewish Holocaust Centre (JHC) has received a huge funding boost from the federal government. Treasurer Josh Frydenberg announced on Wednesday night that the JHC has been provided with $10 million to help it “reach even more Victorians and people from around Australia and the
world”. The money will be made immediately available to the JHC, not as a promise as part of the upcoming federal election. The JHC, which provides education programs to around 23,000 Victorian school students annually in addition to a variety of other groups, will be able to double capacity and cater for more education groups.
The centre also plans to redevelop, prioritising an enhanced and enlarged permanent exhibition on the Holocaust; a dedicated children’s museum; flexible learning spaces to allow for greater use of new technologies and to facilitate different learning styles; increased contemplation and memorial spaces; a dedicated special exhibitions gallery; and an expanded library and resource facility. “It’s incumbent on every Australian to learn about the Holocaust and say never again,” Frydenberg told The AJN.
“The Holocaust Museum plays a vital role in educating the community at large about this terrible episode in world history and the importance of ensuring tolerance and respect for our fellow citizens.” JHC director Jayne Josem welcomed the announcement, commenting, “With this transformational federal funding, we will be able to further grow the vision of our survivor founders with vastly improved resources and deliver on our promise to teach the vital lessons of the Holocaust to future generations.”
The grant is in addition to the $16 million the JHC is raising for the planned new building. “We are working hard to raise the full capital needed to build our new building and we are grateful to the wonderful donors who have already indicated they will support the redevelopment. This fundraising effort is ongoing,” added Josem. Labor’s candidate for Macnamara, Josh Burns, welcomed the announcement.
“This is an excellent announcement by Josh Frydenberg,” he said. “The Holocaust Centre’s work is more important than ever and I welcome the support.”
that the political world is a totally separated, alienated entity from the mass population AND... every individual on this Planet. It consists of totally useless people whose only productivity is mass people enslavement, mass weapons manufacture, control over all aspects of technology and the corruption of the vulnerable, easily manipulated mindset of the general populace.
This society needs to rid itself of the perpetual political machine and all its branches, propagators and egocentric idealist, delusional, dead end control freak agendas. This world needs no more billion dollar war memorials only some people will ever see but the vast majority will not. This world needs no more trillion dollars war systems, no more truth side winding, no more band aid on band aid patches to cover up the infinite exponentially self perpetuating lies.
This world needs no more ruling elite class, royal, banker or industrialist. This world needs no more pyramids, no more pyramid systems of any kind, no more hierarchical governing with criminals at the top, subsistence struggling masses down the escalator and suffering everybody's rejects at the bottom and..... the consequent detrimental ecosystem destruction. This world needs Change, Sanity, Justice, Peace and true to Life Education. 2021 AD - the Homo Sapiens and Hybrid Sumerian Slave World has overstepped its limits on indoctrinated ignorance, crime, corruption, illusions, and toxic religious/political conditioning.
It doesn't take a zealously worshiped prophet to predict tomorrow, anyone with a functioning brain can see the long term consequences of the utter stupidity that underlies this world's society's behavior at any time of day past and present. Throw the mental crutches on the garbage dumps along with the billions of daily tonnes of non-recyclable, non biodegradable plastic, household commodities, useless tonnes of "literature", war arsenal and every other man made produce waste under the sun. You've been lied to all along and you're still being lied to, all the way to your grave. Get real, stop being a walking dead species, or send yourself off to another Planet, far, far away from here.
Bob Oort, August 28, 2021
that the political world is a totally separated, alienated entity from the mass population AND... every individual on this Planet. It consists of totally useless people whose only productivity is mass people enslavement, mass weapons manufacture, control over all aspects of technology and the corruption of the vulnerable, easily manipulated mindset of the general populace.
This society needs to rid itself of the perpetual political machine and all its branches, propagators and egocentric idealist, delusional, dead end control freak agendas. This world needs no more billion dollar war memorials only some people will ever see but the vast majority will not. This world needs no more trillion dollars war systems, no more truth side winding, no more band aid on band aid patches to cover up the infinite exponentially self perpetuating lies.
This world needs no more ruling elite class, royal, banker or industrialist. This world needs no more pyramids, no more pyramid systems of any kind, no more hierarchical governing with criminals at the top, subsistence struggling masses down the escalator and suffering everybody's rejects at the bottom and..... the consequent detrimental ecosystem destruction. This world needs Change, Sanity, Justice, Peace and true to Life Education. 2021 AD - the Homo Sapiens and Hybrid Sumerian Slave World has overstepped its limits on indoctrinated ignorance, crime, corruption, illusions, and toxic religious/political conditioning.
It doesn't take a zealously worshiped prophet to predict tomorrow, anyone with a functioning brain can see the long term consequences of the utter stupidity that underlies this world's society's behavior at any time of day past and present. Throw the mental crutches on the garbage dumps along with the billions of daily tonnes of non-recyclable, non biodegradable plastic, household commodities, useless tonnes of "literature", war arsenal and every other man made produce waste under the sun. You've been lied to all along and you're still being lied to, all the way to your grave. Get real, stop being a walking dead species, or send yourself off to another Planet, far, far away from here.
Bob Oort, August 28, 2021
October 1, 2021 - The Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) investigates NSW premier Gladys Berejiklian on grounds of suspected public trust breaches. She has resigned from the job and the parliament. No doubt there are other members of the Liberal/National coalition NWO crime agency keen on filling the empty seat.
Click Play ⬇︎ sit back and relax, good times are just around the corner
| Youtube Video | Cops for Covid Truth Site | The Cops for Covid Truth Project & Petition | Advocate Me |
| People for Safe Vaccines | CANADA Nazi Gestapo State on par with Australia |
| People for Safe Vaccines | CANADA Nazi Gestapo State on par with Australia |
So you're "on Facebook, Twitter, what else". And you don't see how these "free public media" devices are driving the long established deep wedge between people even further. You don't see how you are herded into a grid the same as livestock is herded into grids by the agriculturalist e.g. animal exploitation and abuse industry, to be sold and transported to the butchers markets.
You have never lived through a war first hand, but you follow, in your own words, "the sheeple", on Facebook, Twitter, Youtube etc by posting your ignorant comments, just as these criminal corporate conglomerates have directed you to - but you don't know that, because all you know is what you choose to see on your mobile gadget, unaware that what you "choose" has been injected into your head by these conglomerates since the day you were born. So in your conditioned ignorance you follow the masses to their dead end, and yours, while shouting your stereotyped anti truth abuse at the minorities trying to stand up to the evil that you so willingly bow to.
To see any change for the well being of all living species in this screwed up world will most likely proof to be mere wishful thinking on the part of those few who believe in or wish for a better world to emerge from the ashes that have been smouldering for untold millennia, re-igniting the flames of violence again and again and again and none more so than today, 2021 AD (my own parrot fashion repeated phrase throughout this web site).
Oppression will always lead to violence and those who suffer the unthinkable consequences are the masses, pro and con included, while those pulling the strings pile up the trillions in their digital bank accounts. Wake up, Covid-19 and all its Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta like HIV, Mad Cow Disease, Ebola, Swine Flu, Yellow Fever, Meningitis, Mers, Zika etc etc are manufactured steps in the agenda to coerce the world's population into submission to unconditional slavery and suicide.
Vaccines and so called sterilization programs and products may in many cases have primarily been developed to boost the human immune system, but time has shown the adverse effects, and the exponentially perpetuating exploit and abuse by unscrupulous companies, corporations, individuals and organizations directing the flow of currency into their bulging bank accounts while the rest of the population is choking to death on the pollution of the rivers, the oceans, the soil, the air, the mind, body and soul. Bob Oort, September 24, 2021
You have never lived through a war first hand, but you follow, in your own words, "the sheeple", on Facebook, Twitter, Youtube etc by posting your ignorant comments, just as these criminal corporate conglomerates have directed you to - but you don't know that, because all you know is what you choose to see on your mobile gadget, unaware that what you "choose" has been injected into your head by these conglomerates since the day you were born. So in your conditioned ignorance you follow the masses to their dead end, and yours, while shouting your stereotyped anti truth abuse at the minorities trying to stand up to the evil that you so willingly bow to.
To see any change for the well being of all living species in this screwed up world will most likely proof to be mere wishful thinking on the part of those few who believe in or wish for a better world to emerge from the ashes that have been smouldering for untold millennia, re-igniting the flames of violence again and again and again and none more so than today, 2021 AD (my own parrot fashion repeated phrase throughout this web site).
Oppression will always lead to violence and those who suffer the unthinkable consequences are the masses, pro and con included, while those pulling the strings pile up the trillions in their digital bank accounts. Wake up, Covid-19 and all its Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta like HIV, Mad Cow Disease, Ebola, Swine Flu, Yellow Fever, Meningitis, Mers, Zika etc etc are manufactured steps in the agenda to coerce the world's population into submission to unconditional slavery and suicide.
Vaccines and so called sterilization programs and products may in many cases have primarily been developed to boost the human immune system, but time has shown the adverse effects, and the exponentially perpetuating exploit and abuse by unscrupulous companies, corporations, individuals and organizations directing the flow of currency into their bulging bank accounts while the rest of the population is choking to death on the pollution of the rivers, the oceans, the soil, the air, the mind, body and soul. Bob Oort, September 24, 2021
Australia as many other countries, has been dictated by the greatest criminal regime on Planet Earth since the late 1800s. The videos above and below say more than enough about the US criminal machine.
Click Play ⬇︎
WE HUMANS, have lived inside an illusion since day one. We have trashed the Planet like everything else we trash including our own kind. We continually abide by the conditions placed upon ourselves by a myriad of religious/political institutions including the institution of ourselves as a whole. Our parrot fashion vocabulary follows the trends set on the streets of everyday life, then amplified through the media to become common steel and concrete ghetto nonsensical rhetorical language. As a ghetto on the whole society we have no idea, no idea whatsoever that is, what we are doing.
The "Save Our Planet" - "Save Our Oceans" - Save Our Forests" - "Save Our Children" rhetoric keeps on flowing from our vocal cords, our pens and keyboards, like there is no tomorrow but, that is as far as it goes. We are incapable of fixing our self created problems and we, and far worse, the new born generations, are going to pay the deadly interest on the price we are already paying now - the Covid-19 crime is only the beginning of what is to come. But, as far as the Planet goes, don't worry. Planet Earth is a self healing organism, just like all species living off its provisions including us. The difference is that the Planet and its Natural Ecosystem is governed by Universal Frequencies Laws whereas the human species is governed by an unbelievable array of stupidity - hence the love of words, especially politically driven parrot fashion words.
The time bomb is ticking towards the 12 mark on the digital timeline clock we've come to rely on as our guiding light from one day to another - the unprecedented ultimate stupidity in the entire human history. It has become impossible to see the light provided by a Planet we perpetually trample to death while returning its provisions with endless, infinite garbage produced by our 24/7 industrial insanity that serves nothing and no one, except unlimited behavioral stupidity.
But, carry on folks, with the shortsighted ignorance, hatred, antagonism, violence and destruction. After all said and done, your demise as a species, and a violent one at that, is of no significance in the scale of the Universe, nor of any consequence to this Planet. Unlike the human race, Earth will heal, regenerate survive and thrive after the last of us breathe our last breath. Anything rocketed off into space including craft and crews will inevitably disintegrate to mere dust in the vast nothingness of Space. And the Universe will simply carry on silently, going 'round and 'round, as usual.
The "Save Our Planet" - "Save Our Oceans" - Save Our Forests" - "Save Our Children" rhetoric keeps on flowing from our vocal cords, our pens and keyboards, like there is no tomorrow but, that is as far as it goes. We are incapable of fixing our self created problems and we, and far worse, the new born generations, are going to pay the deadly interest on the price we are already paying now - the Covid-19 crime is only the beginning of what is to come. But, as far as the Planet goes, don't worry. Planet Earth is a self healing organism, just like all species living off its provisions including us. The difference is that the Planet and its Natural Ecosystem is governed by Universal Frequencies Laws whereas the human species is governed by an unbelievable array of stupidity - hence the love of words, especially politically driven parrot fashion words.
The time bomb is ticking towards the 12 mark on the digital timeline clock we've come to rely on as our guiding light from one day to another - the unprecedented ultimate stupidity in the entire human history. It has become impossible to see the light provided by a Planet we perpetually trample to death while returning its provisions with endless, infinite garbage produced by our 24/7 industrial insanity that serves nothing and no one, except unlimited behavioral stupidity.
But, carry on folks, with the shortsighted ignorance, hatred, antagonism, violence and destruction. After all said and done, your demise as a species, and a violent one at that, is of no significance in the scale of the Universe, nor of any consequence to this Planet. Unlike the human race, Earth will heal, regenerate survive and thrive after the last of us breathe our last breath. Anything rocketed off into space including craft and crews will inevitably disintegrate to mere dust in the vast nothingness of Space. And the Universe will simply carry on silently, going 'round and 'round, as usual.
Bob Oort, October 24, 2021