for a Planet in dire need of Sanity
for a Planet in dire need of Sanity
You were born from Dust, to Dust you will return.
Your Life extends from birth to death, there is no before and there is no after.
The idea that your life extends beyond your current existence is a fable made up by the ruling class of whatever species, from where ever, at whatever time on Earth and in the infinity of Space.
Don't ever think that in the time of your life you are more than a coincidence - you are nothing more but an ephemeral flash, a split second in the grand scheme of things of no importance to anything on Earth or in the Universe. But while you exist, you don't have the rights to do whatever you please without questioning your Conscience - for a Conscience you have and it is the only thing you can allow yourself to listen to and no one but no one has the right nor the capability to remove your Conscience from your being, ephemeral as it is.
Allow your Consciousness to prevail over all else. If you want a good Life and a good World to live in, you cannot let yourself be dragged along by the unconscious masses that revolt against Life on Earth, even if that is done unwittingly e.g. "Thinking to be conscious while one is not".
You are part of a species that has been deceived since the day you were made a slave to some war lord playing God over Life. That war lord has long, long, been dead. You have to stop living the indoctrinated legacy of whatever made you slave to industry and its consequential traps. You have to stop bowing to those who continue to pose as false authority over your Life - YOU are the only authority over your Life and not until you accept the responsibility for your own being will you be a contributor to your own Life and a better World.
Your Life extends from birth to death, there is no before and there is no after.
The idea that your life extends beyond your current existence is a fable made up by the ruling class of whatever species, from where ever, at whatever time on Earth and in the infinity of Space.
Don't ever think that in the time of your life you are more than a coincidence - you are nothing more but an ephemeral flash, a split second in the grand scheme of things of no importance to anything on Earth or in the Universe. But while you exist, you don't have the rights to do whatever you please without questioning your Conscience - for a Conscience you have and it is the only thing you can allow yourself to listen to and no one but no one has the right nor the capability to remove your Conscience from your being, ephemeral as it is.
Allow your Consciousness to prevail over all else. If you want a good Life and a good World to live in, you cannot let yourself be dragged along by the unconscious masses that revolt against Life on Earth, even if that is done unwittingly e.g. "Thinking to be conscious while one is not".
You are part of a species that has been deceived since the day you were made a slave to some war lord playing God over Life. That war lord has long, long, been dead. You have to stop living the indoctrinated legacy of whatever made you slave to industry and its consequential traps. You have to stop bowing to those who continue to pose as false authority over your Life - YOU are the only authority over your Life and not until you accept the responsibility for your own being will you be a contributor to your own Life and a better World.
"MY STORY" - August 19, 2018 (AD)
The world is saturated with stories, more stories than there are people at any one given time in the life of the Planet e.g. Planet Earth. For much of my 78 year life so far I held the philosophy that there is no point in adding to the insurmountable stack of "literature" (?) choking the minds of this Planet's population - the term "information overload" comes to mind. I made an exception with music once and wrote down what cycled around in my head, until one day, as the music just kept on coming I decided to put a stop to it, still, for the same reason: "There's just too much of everything and nobody's waiting for me to add more to it". Yet, as I was encouraged to sell my soul to Facebook around 2010 AD, it didn't take much to get me started, it took some time however before it dawned on me what I was getting into - browse this site and you'll get a pretty good idea, bearing in mind that all pages have bits added at random times, things are scattered around the place instead of being neatly organized in due keeping of a daily diary - please consider the overall principle, everything is relevant irrespective of when it was written. As I developed an anti religion sentiment courtesy of the religious lobbyists on Youtube and Facebook, e.g. preachers, laymen, ignorance and new age utopia seekers alike, it became unavoidable that I began writing my peace, as this civilization has been plagued by religions far too long. I am tired of being polite towards people who are obsessed with forcing unwarranted institution onto those who do not believe in that which does not exist. There are a million excuses for the religious mindset - the Torah, the Bible, or the Qur'an says so, end of story as far as the religious nut is concerned. Science? There too are too many disagreements, although nowhere near as many as between the different religious institutions and their numerous divisions, sects, and misguided devotees. The world is inundated with wars, the suffering of humans, animals and the ecosystem alike thanks to none other but the legacy of the pursuit of power by one religious/imperial institution over another, power that has no meaning whatsoever, no one needs this absurd, senseless insanity. |
This slideshow sums up what I think of the asylum that religion has created.
Click Play top left on the slide to start slideshow
Click Play top left on the slide to start slideshow
If you're diehard religious, come back so now and then and read my realistic views instead of imposing your indoctrinated illusions views on me. PEACE ❤️
| Religion | Religion 2 | Religion 3 | The Promised Land | The Promised Land 2 | The Promised Land 3 |
| The Dying Satanic Culture |
| Religion | Religion 2 | Religion 3 | The Promised Land | The Promised Land 2 | The Promised Land 3 |
| The Dying Satanic Culture |
⬇︎ Notice to my friendly and unfriendly friends on Facebook January 1, 2020
Thanks to all who have supported the November 25 International Global Consciousness Day Project and the many thousands of posts I have shared on FB since 2010.
As a 2020 resolution I will no longer be posting on FB, but my timeline and groups will remain open to provide the link to my independent non commercial web site.
Please note that mobile phones don't display the site as designed. To fully grasp the essence of the 50 page web site it needs to be viewed on a desk or laptop computer.
Note that the web site covers all aspects of Life, the good, the bad, and in between, so please browse from the menu or site map. Wishing all people, animals and above all our essential ecosystem a better future than left by the legacy of deliberate enslavement to corrupted systems.
January 1st, 2020. Cheers, Peace ♥️
Thanks to all who have supported the November 25 International Global Consciousness Day Project and the many thousands of posts I have shared on FB since 2010.
As a 2020 resolution I will no longer be posting on FB, but my timeline and groups will remain open to provide the link to my independent non commercial web site.
Please note that mobile phones don't display the site as designed. To fully grasp the essence of the 50 page web site it needs to be viewed on a desk or laptop computer.
Note that the web site covers all aspects of Life, the good, the bad, and in between, so please browse from the menu or site map. Wishing all people, animals and above all our essential ecosystem a better future than left by the legacy of deliberate enslavement to corrupted systems.
January 1st, 2020. Cheers, Peace ♥️
Bob Oort, March 19, 2015 THANK YOU to all VFC members who have through all ups and downs stuck to the VFC profile picture. You would have noticed I have been working on broader options and changed the name NOVEMBER 25 SYMBOL to WORLD PEACE PROFILE PICTURE, in an effort to create a wider interest in the World Peace Project. * However, everything to do with VFC has been a 5 year long trial and error labyrinth walk, and it remains trial and error, hopefully with more experience and less mistakes though. Mistakes unfortunately are unavoidable as there are 7.2 billion opinions out there, from the sublime to the bizarre. While as an individual I have my opinions and much as they are based on principles, I find myself trying to deal with age old social conditions to which I am totally, and sometimes vigorously opposed. * What makes it hard for anyone mounting an initiative such as World Peace are those very social conditions placed on people throughout history which I believe lie at the heart of everything that causes the apathy and opposition to such a "mission impossible". The problem I have is that I believe World Peace IS possible - only, it can't be done by an individual, an organization, religious/political establishment, nor by the billions of sermons passing across Facebook every minute of the day by the eager to preach users of this suddenly available "free global tabloid" called Facebook - 12 years is but a snap of the fingers in terms of time, an ephemeral in a timeless Universe. * So let me be clear: I am dead set against religious, political, industrial, financial and commercial hype institutions which pose barriers in the processes towards a world in which every living being can live without fear. Those institutions are the creators of mayhem, havoc, division, antagonism, conflict, wars, fear and human and animal suffering. All these are hierarchical institutions where the top few live in unimaginable wealth, false as it is, while their indoctrinated subjects do all their dirty work, too conditioned out of their mind to realize what they are working for. * But, every individual of the human race works for something, and we may think we're doing something worthwhile, while we may unwittingly play our part in the schemes that are opposite to what we're hoping for. Get into the high profile religious/political/business world and you'd be horrified enough to lose hope for a better world. The irony is that these big games for supremacy at the top are reflected throughout the human ranks down to the little man on the street on smaller scales as you go down the elevator. (continue at column on the right) |
Conspiracy theory? Somewhere, any time past and present, someone, individual or group, is conspiring something, it's a world of intrigue, outsmart another, whatever it takes, more fantasy projects, more money, more lies, more social and environment destruction. All this incomprehensible behavior erects the barricades before the processes towards World Peace.
* I for one with 75 years of hindsight tend to think that I am not naive any longer, but from the perspective of someone who never has read a word I have written, I most likely am. But, I carry on, doing what I'm doing, on the net, off the net, while outside the perimeters of my abode others claiming to be the "authorities" are writing the laws for my existence, inside and outside my very own domain - this in reference to what applies to all of us. * I hope that at least the members of this group understand that my opposition to religious institutions does not imply opposition to what each individual chooses to believe. I have made it abundantly clear however, that I believe that Life was created somewhere in the Universe by an evolutionary phenomenon leading to an emerging "CONSCIOUSNESS" of which each and all of us are part, even though no one has yet provided anything other than fantasized speculation and subsequent make believe self security comfort on that insolvable mystery. But from the CONSCIOUSNESS perspective I believe EACH AND EVERY HUMAN HAS THE RESPONSIBILITY to do things with respect for that phenomenon, as beyond doubt, WE are creating our own human race evolution leading to a material, disposable computer controlled, recyclable star wars robotic slave race with NO COMPASSION FOR LIFE. Take it elsewhere, I DON'T WANT IT. * The words God, Allah, Yahweh, Krishna, etc. etc. are but words handed to us by the creators of the human slave civilization and the basis of indoctrination for the power and false wealth of a few "administrators". This is NOT my world, but I can write all I like, if people do not want to see my point, then we're at a stalemate, as I cannot change my convictions. * Wishing everyone well, take care and..... CHEERS To view the original 2015 Document at VOICES FOR CHANGE on Facebook click the VFC logo ⬇︎ |