The murder of wildlife is an act against all species including our own
The murder of wildlife is an act against all species including our own
POISONING WILDLIFE ECOSYSTEM & HUMANITY Local councils especially in countries like Australia and New Zealand have since long ago lost any respect for the environment and the life supposed to be under their governing jurisdiction for the better of all concerned.
In reality, these governments have via their international "diplomatic relations people" and federal to state to local government become messenger boys for the United Nations corporate NWO agendas. Given that this World is in dire need of a governing body, as is a daily confronted fact, at least for those who don't live with their eyes closed, the thought of having a World government comprised of the same bunch of criminals that have been running this world's destruction economy, then we'd all be better off dead, for such government will be more brutal than any government past and present. |
⬇︎ Click images for enlarged views
The onus of searching a corporation or corporation affiliated web site for its purpose and principles is up to the individual. Daily life in every country on Earth is dictated one way or other, by one establishment or other - in the final analysis, religion, politics, corporations, globalized economics, the consumer syndrome and the military, all walk hand in hand under the umbrella of but one institution - the self growth, self perpetuating business of slavery through indoctrination, conditioning, lies, deceit, and the mass fear factor psychology exercised through corporate institutions laws.
While denial takes common place in the society where "everyone has to make a living" we all know right from wrong. "Having to do" what one does is the obvious catch 22 dilemma all global citizens face in daily life, even if it seems as if there are people who live without having the slightest concern about the direction in which this close to 8 billion people society is heading - we, humans, are very good at living with our eyes closed to the suffering we, as a collective, impose on other living beings, ourselves included. Life on Earth in 2018 AD has accumulated a stockpile of poisons ranging from nuclear to chemical weapons to chemical aerial sprays on everything that lives on Earth, to chemical agriculture, chemicals saturated factory foods, packaging and packaging linings, etc etc. In short, we're poisoning the life out of Life by everything we as the 21st century "smart" society are doing. Blame whomever you like, but don't forget to look into a mirror now and then to remind yourself of who you really are and on which side of the fence you live. However, anything written from here on as much of what has been written in this site is but the repeat of the same story in the light of different words. Visual images in this site although but a pittance of the trillions on the net however, might help to see the truth from different perspectives, truth as far as distinguishing right from wrong is concerned. |
⬇︎ The BAYER Agricultural / Horticultural Cancer Crimes. Click either image for the full article
Bayer/Monsanto - Agricultural / Horticultural Cancer Crime
Valérie Murat dared to raise her voice against the almighty French Bordeaux wine industry. She and her organization disclosed the presence of dangerous pesticides in wine with a "high ecological value" label. The wine growers’ association accused her of libel and won. Valérie and her organisation Alert against Toxins have to pay €125,000 'damage’. They appealed. Recently, the court ruled that they cannot appeal before they have paid. Outrageous! |
⬇︎ The Network of Powerful Agribusiness Groups Lobbying to Water Down the EU’s Sustainable Farming Targets Agrochemical and pesticide giants like Bayer and BASF are pushing for weaker action on harmful chemicals and climate goals.
Shenzi was a rescue dog. He was rescued from death row in a country pound by a rescue group and he had suffered horrible injuries but on his long road to recovery he was adopted into a loving family that cherished him and he had a wonderful life full of adventures.
On the 15th of August 2018 Shenzi died from 1080 poisoning due to bait being vomited/ dropped on his family property possibly by his fur sister Skye as she was dying, also from 1080 poison that she had eaten from a property one lot over, 2 wire fences away, in a mine that has no stock only hundreds of kangaroos 400mtr from their home.
Skye had been playing with his fur brother Fred when they chased a mob of kangaroos onto the baiting property. Fred's Body hasn't been found, but Skye made it home. No notification was given to his family that baits were being laid. No warning signs could be seen from his home. So without warning Shenzi and Skye and Fred were all dead. Full story at 1080 TRUTH STORIES ------oooO0Oooo------ This heartbreaking story was taken from a Facebook post October 2018. You can share this page via the share button down the bottom of the page, or copy the picture and text and paste it in your media pages. Please remember: 1080 is a crime against all Life and all Living Organisms, it must be banned NOW! |
A chemical used to control pests in agricultural crops and termites in buildings has been blamed for the death of up to 10 million bees in southern New South Wales. In April 2019, five apiarists, from near Griffith, lost the bees from 340 hives after they were poisoned by the pesticide Fipronil. The mass bee death is estimated to have cost the apiarists up to $170,000 but the impact could stretch further to horticultural producers.
Ian Carter, a small-scale commercial apiarist providing pollination services to local farmers, said his business had been devastated by the loss of three quarters of his hives. "One drop of this poison from one bee that takes it back to the hive will then kill the whole hive. It's not only a loss for the bee keepers, it's also a loss for the farmers who rely on the pollination for the year. They will have to get other beekeepers from other areas to come into Griffith, which will cost them more money for the season. Every beekeeper who was involved had their hives in different areas but all in the same region, in the Yoogali and Hanwood areas near Griffith, they were all affected by the same chemical at the same time."
Source of the chemical unknown.... ???
An investigation by the NSW Environment Protection Authority (EPA) found the presence of Fipronil was likely to have contributed to the mass bee deaths. The EPA had not been able to identify the source of the chemical.
Mr Carter had moved his hives away from Broadacre farms and closer to town in preparation for winter to give the bees more opportunity to forage for food in local gardens. "Still today we have no idea what has caused it, where the bees foraged for this poison. Where do I put my bees next year - if I have any left?"
He wrote to local state MP Helen Dalton asking for Fipronil to be banned. "This poison has been banned in the United States, it's been banned in Europe in 45 different countries and the main reason for that is that it kills bees".
The Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA) has been reviewing the use of Fipronil and its risks to human health and the environment since 2011. In a statement, APVMA said it expected to publish its proposed regulatory decision next year but until then it said the current provisions did protect bees. "Fipronil products registered with the APVMA can be used safely if the label directions are followed. These directions include not spraying in areas where bees are known to forage and notifying beekeepers to move hives before spraying occurs."
Cotton Australia chief executive Adam Kay said Fipronil was used by cotton growers across the country, but they would rarely use it more than once a year. "We rely on integrated pest management but sometimes pests do get on top of you and in that case, there is a certain class of pests that this is the product of choice to control it. The cotton industry had complete faith in the APVMA and would follow any guidelines or restrictions it introduced and there was an onus on beekeepers to communicate with nearby growers and take advantage of BeeConnected, a smart phone app that connected beekeepers, farmers and spray contractors"
Ian Carter, a small-scale commercial apiarist providing pollination services to local farmers, said his business had been devastated by the loss of three quarters of his hives. "One drop of this poison from one bee that takes it back to the hive will then kill the whole hive. It's not only a loss for the bee keepers, it's also a loss for the farmers who rely on the pollination for the year. They will have to get other beekeepers from other areas to come into Griffith, which will cost them more money for the season. Every beekeeper who was involved had their hives in different areas but all in the same region, in the Yoogali and Hanwood areas near Griffith, they were all affected by the same chemical at the same time."
Source of the chemical unknown.... ???
An investigation by the NSW Environment Protection Authority (EPA) found the presence of Fipronil was likely to have contributed to the mass bee deaths. The EPA had not been able to identify the source of the chemical.
Mr Carter had moved his hives away from Broadacre farms and closer to town in preparation for winter to give the bees more opportunity to forage for food in local gardens. "Still today we have no idea what has caused it, where the bees foraged for this poison. Where do I put my bees next year - if I have any left?"
He wrote to local state MP Helen Dalton asking for Fipronil to be banned. "This poison has been banned in the United States, it's been banned in Europe in 45 different countries and the main reason for that is that it kills bees".
The Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA) has been reviewing the use of Fipronil and its risks to human health and the environment since 2011. In a statement, APVMA said it expected to publish its proposed regulatory decision next year but until then it said the current provisions did protect bees. "Fipronil products registered with the APVMA can be used safely if the label directions are followed. These directions include not spraying in areas where bees are known to forage and notifying beekeepers to move hives before spraying occurs."
Cotton Australia chief executive Adam Kay said Fipronil was used by cotton growers across the country, but they would rarely use it more than once a year. "We rely on integrated pest management but sometimes pests do get on top of you and in that case, there is a certain class of pests that this is the product of choice to control it. The cotton industry had complete faith in the APVMA and would follow any guidelines or restrictions it introduced and there was an onus on beekeepers to communicate with nearby growers and take advantage of BeeConnected, a smart phone app that connected beekeepers, farmers and spray contractors"
and anything wild must be eradicated according to Australia's government and its bogus revenue raising Anglo colonial bureaucracies
⬇︎ From the Australian LOCAL LAND "SERVICES" corporate scribes web site, people without a grain of ecological comprehension in their heads
and anything wild must be eradicated according to Australia's government and its bogus revenue raising Anglo colonial bureaucracies
⬇︎ From the Australian LOCAL LAND "SERVICES" corporate scribes web site, people without a grain of ecological comprehension in their heads
Wild dogs What is a wild dog? A wild dog means any dog, including a dingo, that is or has become wild but excludes any dog kept in accordance with Companion Animal legislation. Control options Wild dogs can operate individually, in small groups or as packs. They can be extremely cunning which can make control very difficult. Poisoning with 1080 baits, trapping with soft jaw leg hold traps and shooting are effective control tools particularly when they are part of an integrated control approach. Group control across several holdings will achieve the best results. Wild dog control A coordinated operational strategy by North Coast Local Land Services is undertaken throughout the year to address wild dog populations. North Coast Local Land Services partners with other NSW Government agencies, industry bodies and wild dog control groups using ground and aerial baits, trapping, GPS tracking using collars and monitoring with motion cameras. Wild dog policy Local Land Services Wild Dog Policy supports the NSW Government's Wild Dog Management Strategy. Wild dog management plans For more information on how to create a wild dog management plan in your area, speak to your Local Land Services biosecurity officer. Map wild dogs and other feral pests using your mobile phoneFeral Scan is a free mapping service that you can use to help with feral pest control in your local area. iphone, Android and IPad users can now access Wild Dog Scan and record wild dog data much more quickly while in the field. This is a valuable addition to Wild Dog Scan and can be used by farmers, NRM groups, wild dog control associations, community groups and local governments. ---o0o--- EDITORIAL: Given the above from the horse's mouth, the business of the LLS leaves nothing to the imagination. This corporate body within the corporate government structure serves only the poison industry, no one and nothing else. ---o0o--- ON THE RIGHT A post on Facebook September 2019 shows how the corporate system operates on blatant lies, omission of truth and on unscrupulous practices to keep the fraudulent government bureaucracies in stand over mode over the public. |
So I wrote to complain about aerial dumping of 1080 here’s the reply: "Dear Mr Oort, Thank you for taking the time to email our CEO with your concerns over 1080 poison. The vertebrate pest control product 1080 is a highly regulated and effective tool for the widespread control of pest animals. 1080 is an extremely important tool for farmers and conservation agencies and groups for pest animal control in NSW and across Australia. 1080 baiting is the preferred control method for managing foxes and wild dogs as it is the most cost effective means available to deliver a landscape scale outcome, particularly when undertaken in a coordinated program by both public and private land managers. 1080 use is subject to approvals from the Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority which undertakes comprehensive assessment process to consider risks to human safety and non-target species as well as the potential for environmental residues. 1080 does NOT bioaccumulate and breaks down rapidly in soil and water due to microbial action. 1080 will kill a pest animal by disruption to the central nervous system then leads to unconsciousness. While unconscious the animal cannot perceive pain. No research studies, that I am aware of, have proven (or disproven) the distress or pain of herbivores and omnivores poisoned by 1080. In NSW, the use of 1080 is highly regulated through the Pesticide Control (1080 Bait Products) Order 2017. It is an offence to use 1080 for a non-target species. The target species for 1080 listed in the Order are rabbits, foxes, wild dogs and feral pigs. It is also an offence to use 1080 not in accordance with the conditions stipulated in the Order. Aerial baiting with 1080 baits is only undertaken by Government agencies in remote locations where access for ground baiting is not feasible. This activity is also regulated under the Order. The NSW Government is committed to ensuring that 1080 use is highly regulated to ensure safety and that there is no risk to farms or the public. Local Land Services provides support, training and advice on the use of 1080 to help land managers to meet their General Biosecurity Duty under the NSW Biosecurity Act 2015. Please find an attached Primefact from the Department of Industry on 1080 in Australia and why it is used. Kind Regards, Andrew Mulligan" Andrew Mulligan | General Manager Local Land Services - Central West 6582 Mudgee Road [PO Box 227] WELLINGTON NSW 2820 T: 02 6840 6806 (Dubbo) | T: 02 6372 1866 (Mudgee) | M: 0428 721 861 E: [email protected] W: |
⬆︎ A man who shot to internet fame for saving a drowning joey from raging Queensland floodwaters has revealed how he wanted to end his life twice despite his hero status.
After photos of Ray Cole cradling the drenched roo made international headlines in January 2011, the father-of-two became a laughing stock at work. Not even 11,000 Facebook friend requests could bring him out of his misery, perpetuated daily by a boss who considered kangaroos to be the country’s biggest pests. The hate didn’t stop there. When the 48-year-old logged online, he was met with a barrage of death threats from roo shooters. Not only is he still suffering after losing his home when the floods hit Ipswich eight years ago, but the bombardment of hate amid the praises of the world continues to stand out vividly in his mind. The negative response Ray received took a serious toll on his mental health. And at work he was at the target of much ridicule. He said the widely shared photo was continuously put up on the lunchroom wall, where his coworkers would throw darts at it. Ray recalls his boss saying: “I suppose you’re going to go and rescue the emu from the coat of arms today”. ⬆︎ This link gets you to the Public Consultation form that lets you have your say on the Revised Kangaroo Commercial Code. The form is very comprehensive, it lets you tick buttons to a broad number of questions such as your age, your education, your school/uni status, marriage or other status, place of birth, your income, your source of income, where you live, how you live, what you eat, your living costs, number of family members, if you're farming, what kind of farming, employed? self employed? how many workers if any, etc. etc. You can fill out the form until you get stuck before you get to answer your views on the horrific animal farming industry, but you are offered an email option. |
The business of business as usual. You may disagree with the business of big time agriculture with all its chemicals and cruelty, but big business carries on regardless. After all "we're in the business of making money, not compassion nor worry where it all may lead to". But, visit a corporate agriculture business web site, read what they're selling and draw your own conclusions. Images below link to AgriFutures
Feral animals are a world wide problem. That problem however has been created and continues to be perpetuated by people of no conscience and those who take an animal into their home only to dump it when no longer wanted, for whatever reason. Insects, predators and animals for pest control and slave labor have been introduced from one country into another ever since people first migrated to unknown places and more so since colonizers occupied countries without having the slightest understanding of the environments that were, and still are to this day, foreign to the places from where they came. WE NEED TO ACKNOWLEDGE that we, humans are the most invasive, evil and destructive species on Earth, feral, pests, weeds and war mongers all in one, nothing of the kind can be said of animals, pets, or wildlife. Life in the wild is far removed from people's romantic renditions, but we, people, have no right to own another living being human or animal, leave alone subject either to the gruesome barbaric sadism that is the norm present in all aspects of our daily industrious conditioned way of life. Of all species, we should know better, but we don't, because everything revolves around us and our obsessed egocentric self. |
From whichever perspective life is viewed, the greatest mountains built of the billions of tonnes of the remnants of utter garbage production are those built by Man - and the consequences aren't just yet to come, they are here right now, in full view. Man works to kill everything he depends on and him/herself in the process. There are better ways to live than by killing everything. Wake up and change!
The false and sorry rhetoric of the corporate cowboys generation and the ignorant media presenters.....
The false and sorry rhetoric of the corporate cowboys generation and the ignorant media presenters.....
Cowboys.... the USA colonial
rendition of Anglo Saxon live stock farmers. A savage breed of people raising animals to be slaughtered by many different gruesome methods, some labelled as "humane". Where on Earth does that term stem from, humans who consider themselves God over all other LIfe?...... a corporation, corporate government, small livestock farmers and consumer society excuse for mass murder. |
Dingoes are NOT dogs! Learn the truth about Dingoes and their vital role as eco balance keepers
BUSINESS BEFORE LIFE Chemical industries and governments don't work on conscience principles. Care about Life does not enter the equation where there is money to be made for both, not to exempt the livestock "farmer" who as a rule of thumb eradicates anything that grows other than cows, sheep and grass. To get some idea of why long overdue changes to the "system" run the gauntlet in a die hard criminal chemicals industrial environment, just browse this web site: Animal Control Technologies (Australia) Pty Ltd |
Atrocities are not limited to wildlife alone.
The cruelty in the animal agriculture and dairy consumer industries leaves nothing to the imagination:
The cruelty in the animal agriculture and dairy consumer industries leaves nothing to the imagination:
March 5, 2021
December 9, 2021
This senseless killing provides men and industries with money one way or other. It serves poachers, suppliers to the pet food industry and the farmers running cattle for the barbaric human consumption industry, an industry that prevails on borrowed stock loans and is both environmentally and economically unviable and unsustainable. Man kills without second thought - to most people the suffering of any living species matters little.
do your research, go through every web site page to learn the obvious truth. Get started at a few Local "Landcare Services" pages to thoroughly think about. Are you paying fees to any such company while you are a land custodian in every sense of the word, you are a vegetarian, an organic produce grower, you have no bar of the poison industry, the livestock and slaughter industry, the chemical mono-crops and plantations industry, you don't patronize MacDonalds, KFC or any other such obesity and cancer distributing joint, but you are paying this corporation "customer fees"?
Don't forget in any web site, search for the board of directors, partners, sponsors, who they do business with, etc. Once you get the idea, do this with every other web site you may be visiting.
do your research, go through every web site page to learn the obvious truth. Get started at a few Local "Landcare Services" pages to thoroughly think about. Are you paying fees to any such company while you are a land custodian in every sense of the word, you are a vegetarian, an organic produce grower, you have no bar of the poison industry, the livestock and slaughter industry, the chemical mono-crops and plantations industry, you don't patronize MacDonalds, KFC or any other such obesity and cancer distributing joint, but you are paying this corporation "customer fees"?
Don't forget in any web site, search for the board of directors, partners, sponsors, who they do business with, etc. Once you get the idea, do this with every other web site you may be visiting.
Animal Justice Party Australia - Learn More